The Numbered Men, part 1 of a yet unnamed campaign.
A chance meeting brings a group of travellers together on their way to the city of Drachengard. Some are fleeing from the political conflicts of the Southlands, others are just seeking their fortune in a strange new land. Problems are brewing in the north however, and they may all soon find out that more trouble is awaiting them than they could have ever expected.
Game details:
This will be a maptools game played on Saturdays or Sundays, starting at 5 PM GMT/ 1 PM EST next week. When making applications please state which day(s) you can play on, or if some other times would be better. I do not expect to get enough applications for a session this week, but if I do we might start early. I am looking for five players.
This campaign will initially only be about five sessions long. If we are working well as a group and you players want to keep going it is highly likely that the campaign will continue, but I only guarantee the first part of the campaign.
World info:
The world is a homebrew setting that is pretty close to point of light. I will flesh it out as the campaign progresses. The story starts in the Northlands, a huge continent with a climate similar to Russia. Politically it is an area of independent city states in uneasy alliance. Chief of these are Drachenburg, home to the dragon kings, Spire, the city of steam and Adrolen, the free city. The wildness of the land and limited resources have made large-scale war rare in the north, though large scale conflicts do happen.
Character creation:
I have access to Martial power, Adventurers vault and PHB2. I could probably borrow the Forgotten realms book from a friend.
Starting level 1
22 point buy
All races allowed, though there are some background limitations. The great majority of the Dragonborn and Goliaths live in Northland communities that are closely linked to the plot, and thus if you want to play one of these you will probably come from a small emigrant community in the southlands. To as much of an extent as is practical I will integrate your descriptions of your homelands into the world.
Optional: Background ties to the Northlands are welcome, and I will gladly provide details as needed to help you write them. Similarly, background ties and characters in the Southlands will help me make the campaign more personal for you.
Basic questions I would like answered in your background:
Where do you come from?
Who are your parents?
How did you become a [class]?
Why are you heading up north?
Do you have any important friends/enemies?
Oh, and please use Mythweavers to make character sheets. Remember to make them public!
The initial party will be:
Tariq Wahdi - Human Ranger (nefffffffffff)
Growl - Longtooth shifter Cleric (Bandorr)
Rose - Human Paladin of Pelor (Rainfall) GONE
Mathas Fin - Deva Invoker (Anarchy)
Squee - Goblin Sorcerer (Arasaki)
First session tomorrow at 5 PM GMT!
Place holder for a Deva Invoker app.
I'm on a bit of an elf kick lately, but I really want to get some use out of that Tiefling Paladin I have lying around. I'll do something up.
For sundays, I can do.
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
Tariq Wahdi - Human Ranger
I made this character for a different campaign on these forums, but he didn't get picked due to strong competition. I fell in love with the character concept, however, and decided to resubmit him here.
Many of these can be inferred from my background, but I'll throw them out in bullet-point form just for the hell of it.
- Tariq comes from "a far-off desert." I don't know they layout of this homebrew world so I can't provide more details, but I'm sure there is a desert somewhere.
- All the adults of his tribe help to raise the young, including Tariq.
- Natural ability and cultural upbringing. Being in exile for the last few years has also had a large effect on his class/personality.
- To find a new home.
- Tariq considers the leader of his tribe to be an enemy.
I love maptools, and while i don't mind hearing your voices.. i don't like speaking and don't even have a microphone or any way to do that. I've had a lot of experience with maptools, and i really enjoy just a 4 hour season once a week as opposed to "posting" my action once a day on a thread. It flows better.
Growl Longtooth shifter - Cleric
- Deep in the forest far removed from cities, towns, and other races.
- Dead. The mother literally worked herself to death. A disease was spreading around the camp, and even though she was one of the first to catch the disease she worked night and day to cure what was ravaging her people. With her last gasp she finished the cure and instead of trying to save herself with it - injected her young child to cure him of the disease before it claimed him. She died laying next to him, but he was cured. The father around away, like a coward afraid of the disease.
- It's in his blood, and that's not a figure of speech. He can feel his mothers live coursing through his blood and it's up to him to carry on the burden of keeping everyone healthy.
- To find ingredients for healing, to cure those in danger, to find that rat bastard father that ran out
- Hates his father very much, his father is the only person he would not heal.
Where do you come from?
-Barratus was born to the nomadic Bloodstone Tribe, a relatively small but successful tribe of Goliaths in the southlands. The Bloodstone are known for one thing: Mercenary work. Having emigrated into the Southlands nearly 100 years ago, the Goliaths of the Bloodstone Tribe took with them the endurance and skill at arms engendered by the harsh climate of the Northlands and used it to their advantage. They move from settlement to settlement, fending off the odd Goblinoid threat and bandits alike...for a price. They try to avoid the political conflicts of the south, but that's not always possible.
Who are your parents?
-Corax, right hand of the Bloodstone Chieftain, and Shau-la.
How did you become a Fighter?
-He was raised in a tribe of Goliaths that brings home the bacon with mercenary work. You figure it out.
Why are you heading up north?
-Barratus has proven himself swiftly to be an especially able-bodied warrior, to the point where many suspect him to be the inevitable successor to the current Chieftain. However, to prove his aptitude for leading the Bloodstone he must journey northwards, to prove his worth and make a name for himself. Only when he can meet the kin of his father in the north and be known without introducing himself can he return south. The Chieftain must be mighty indeed.
Do you have any important friends/enemies?
-Barratus is supposed to meet his father's cousin, Kau-lath when he has garnered sufficient acclaim for his deeds. As for enemies...well it's always possible some other young Goliath might try to take the test of chieftains and see fit to dispose of the competition.
Barratus is something of an offensive Defender. I plan for him to drop the shield and start swinging around a two hander at some point. Battle Rager go.
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
Child of a ruined city, champion of a God.
"I am the Chosen of Pelor, madman! Your evil shall be purged from this place, even if it takes the last breath of my life!" The ground shook as a building collapsed, rocks showering around the brave young paladin.
"Don't make me laugh, child." Red robes whipped around the thin frame of the elderly man, his black hair wild in the storm as he called down the heavens, unleashing a torrent of lightning upon the girl's defiant form, an assault which promised her utter destruction.
"NO!" The old priest of Pelor shone with the radiance of the sun, throwing himself in the path of the deadly strike. "Rose... forgive me... We should have trained you better. Return... when you are stronger." He raised a trembling hand, fingertips smoking as the wizard prepared for the finishing stroke.
"Father!" A gold light surrounded her, blinding in its intensity. When the paladin regained her senses, she was no longer near her now-ruined home. She sheathed her blade, and began to walk northwards, pausing only to whisper a pledge that would fill her heart for the rest of her days.
"I will return, father."
Where do you come from?
A small city on a southern coastland called Jylis' Stair, carved into a spiral around a mountain, with the twin temples devoted to Pelor and Melora at the top. It was a peaceful city, and benefited greatly from the flows of Primal magic that ran through the mountain's surface, creating giant crops in the fields around the mountain, and turning every tree or flower grown within the city itself into a thing of wonder.
A powerful wizard coveted the power of Mount Jylis, and used his spells to tear down the city piece by piece, annihilating every single citizen of the Stair aside from Rose, and leaving nothing of the city on the mountain except for the twin temples on the peak.
Who are your parents?
One of the priests of Pelor and his loving wife, both upstanding citizens of the Stair. Both now dead.
How did you become a paladin?
She was originally taught to become a priestess of Pelor, but when the day came for her initiation, Pelor's blessing was accompanied by a message from the god himself, appointing her the champion of the temple. Since then, she's trained herself in the arts of war, although she had little help from those around her.
Why are you heading up north?
To flee the destruction of her home city, to build her strength enough to defeat the wizard who destroyed her home and killed her parents, and to find allies to help her in her quest.
Do you have any important friends/enemies?
The powerful mage who destroyed the Stair
Sundays only, I'm afraid.
That's D&D for ya.
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
Where do you come from?
Mathas had been reborn so many times, he didn’t know where he came from. As the fog lifts from his reincarnation, all he remembers are flashes of some distant reality many decades ago. His most recent memories are those of the forest where he was ‘born’ this time but the memory fades every time he tries to recall it and he is powerless to do anything about it.
Who are your parents?
He is believed to be crafted by the deity, Avandra, herself. At least, that’s how Mathas remembers it.
How did you become an Invoker?
He was sent down to this realm by Avendra to do her biding, but his true calling has been lost in the course of his many lives. All he knows is that his Goddess' has granted him some power over this world and that he will use this power to smite his enemies in Her name.
Why are you heading up north?
Scattered memories lurk in the back of Mathas’s mind indicating his true purpose for being here. It seems as though Avandra’s tasks were both varied and plentiful over the course of his lifetime and wherever he is reborn, there is a service he can provide to his benefactor. This time he was brought into existence a few hours travel south of the great city of Drachengard and it was no coincidence that a passing pilgrimage following Avandra told him of the troubles in the land and that he should head north to the city.
Do you have any important friends/enemies?
He has a made a few friends over the course of his existence, but he tends to leave most of them behind as he is reborn. However, recently, he has begun to remember the face of a warlock. The being stuck in this human’s head seems to be very familiar with Mathas’s past, even more so than Mathas himself and every time they meet, it hints of their past relationship.
Regarding the game itself, I can do both/either Saturday or Sunday, however I prefer Sunday.
hey, Tariq's parents are probably still alive somewhere, they were just completely inconsequential.
My parents are dead abloo abloo
Good characters so far, if I see some more by tonight we may even make this Sunday! It should be noted that as is customary on the forum I will not strictly pick on a first-come-first-served basis. Nor will the ones I pick necessarily be the best characters, I'll try to make an interesting and balanced party. Posting a character early could help though, I do not have the longest attention span!
At least you guys have parents. Been reborn in the middle of nowhere every time can really hurt someone's pysche :P
Also it's Avandra, Anarchy. The Goddess' name is Avandra. :P
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
Myth-weavers looks like it's adding Int to me. It could be due to the v4 upgrade work thats still being done.
To not clutter up the threat, could you all PM me to say if you can play the first session this Sunday?
Edit: Sunday is good for me. Also, sheet:
Edit2: Background is done.
Where do you come from?
Squee was taken as a slave in raid upon his home settlement and sold as a house slave to a farmer in the southern regions.
Who are your parents?
Squee barely remembers his parents, and does not know what happened to them after he was captured.
How did you become a [class]?
When he was 16, Squee began to manifest his sorcerous powers. He had little control over them, and managed to hide them from his master for a while but after incinerating his master's prize bull he fled into the woods, where he was found by a man named Horace. Horace recognised the magic potential of Squee and he was brought into an organisation known as the Conclave who trained him in controlling his magic gifts as well as educating him so he could serve as an agent.
Why are you heading up north?
The Conclaves agent in Drachenburg has fallen silent and his whereabouts are unknown. Squee has been sent to locate him as a test of his abilities.
Do you have any important friends/enemies?
Squee has no personal enemies, but he is aware of rival organisations as well as potential allies both within the Conclave and those who exist outside of it but are under the Conclave's control or influence.
So shields (or a good two hander) are perfectly open to you. Assuming this is the source of your decision.
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
Where do you come from?
Trained in a gruelling regime within the fortress-monastery of Emal Gardens ensconced within the living rock overlooking an ancient, holy battleground, Ralmaii is among the most promising and zealous of his Order - the Scions of the Sword.
Who are your parents?
Also servants of the Scions, cloistered within the monastery's walls. His father is a scribe under oath of eternal recording of deeds of battle, whilst his mother tends to the immaculate grounds.
How did you become an Avenger?/Why are you heading up north?
Indoctrinated simply through upbringing within his home, Ralmaii appears to possess a particularly driven need to bring the teachings of his Lord to the heretics who dare to despoil the name of honourable warfare. Drawn inexorably through conflict to conflict, his habits lead him to remain in observation of conflicts, unless dishonourable tacticians draw his ire - whereupon his judgment is visited upon them in swift, exacting strikes, before withdrawing, task complete. A trail of such occurences has led him thus far, piquing his interest as to just where the source of this metaphorical river lays.
Do you have any important friends/enemies?
Only those within the Scions themselves.
You may already have decided the party, but figured I'd put this sheet in here anyway. I'm available any time. :winky:
OP updated!
A note for tomorrow, I would like for you to either make your own tokens or to pick out a picture that is available for easy download so that I can make one for you. If you are too lazy I will pick one out for you that will serve as a placeholder.
What version of maptools?
What will the server and the password?
Server name "Numbered Men", password "wang"
Edit i found it, it's T:
One hour left until game time!
Quick Question: If I drag n drop my token into the application will it sync with the others on the server?