So this right here is the new tabletop gaming thread. D&D, M&M, Snickers, WH40k, whatever your little heart desires.
D&D StuffD&D Official site. If you haven't tried out the character builder, you really should. It's in free trial right now, so you can use it up to level 3. Takes all the work out of character creation and is much easier than flipping pages and comparing books. As of right now, they do NOT have all the PHB2 content in there, because it's WOTC and they suck at computers.
Speaking of PHB2.
Players Handbook 2 just came out. It features new classes (avenger, barbarian, bard, druid, invoker, shaman, sorcerer, and warden) new races (deva, gnome, goliath, half-orc, and shifter) and new feats, destinies and items. Pretty swanky stuff.
Other games stuff
I got nothin'. Feel free to put up some links to your favorites, I'll add them to the OP.
ITT : Nerds, dice, being jealous of Rank, Mori has a talking door in his pocket but he's still happy to see you.
We've only had about three sessions so far and I am usually too drunk by the end of it to acquire my XP.
They are good times.
You've won me over, sir.
Struggled for a bit trying to find a the best one. In the end, the awesome face on unicorn/pony boy sold it for me.
so goddamn powerful
Kinda wish I had waited to roll a Goliath though
WAAAAAAAAAAGH!! AINT NOTHIN' 'ARDER THAN A ORK! Especially Ein's orks. Jeeze ein is rad.
Seriously though, Ein, who posts mostly in Critical Failures, is a god-king.
So whenever the fuck WoTC gets their shit together and comes out with a working Virtual Tabletop, anybody wanna play?
thread does not deliver
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More like Imbaladins amirite
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
And we don't even get nerfed at patch!
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wait, this isn't the guilty pleasures thread.
World of RogueCraft turned to World of WarlockCraft, and now it's World of PaladinCraft.
That was always my biggest pet peeve with WoW. It was impossible to balance all 9 (now 10) classes, simply because it was so complex and there was so much to do. Depending on when you caught it, there were always a few way OP classes, a few middle of the road, and a few WTF classes that were basically gimped. Randomely, Blizzard would shake up which class was in which category based on some random number generator. Rince and repeat every few patches.
Then watch the nerd rage fly.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Also, I was looking through PHB II and the Versatile Master Feat seems real nice for Half-Elves
Versatile Master
Prerequisite: 11th level, half-elf
Benefit: You can use the power you chose
through your Dilettante racial trait as an at-will
If you choose the paragon multiclassing option
(see the Player’s Handbook, page 209), you can
choose powers at 11th level, 12th level, and 20th
level from any class, instead of only from your
second class. You can also spend an action point to
regain the use of an encounter attack power that you
have already used during this encounter, instead of
taking an extra action.
Trouble is, I can't think of a class that Half-Elves would be excel in that could benefit from having an at-will like twin-strike
The dilettante racial trait lets you take an encounter power from another class, and this new feat lets you have an at-will instead.
Just sayin'
My group never gets a chance to meet, and when we do we're switching between a Hunter campaign and an Aberrant d20 campaign. Also one of the dudes doesn't want to cough up monies for 4e since he sunk so much into all the 3.5 errata.
nothing worse then a cheap nerd
They're built pretty well for the class. I was just surprised that half-orcs got a dex bonus.
Is Shaft half-orcish?
You can pick any powers you want, it's just that some confer more benefits than others.
There's a power that lets you throw sand in your enemy's eyes!
He's like 21. He is a perfect mix of inept and invincible.
edit: HA. Artful Dodger. Classy.