I'm driving a hand-me-down 1997 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme. It's seen its fair share of driving, but it's been pretty well taken care of in its life. I've been getting this weird issue with it starting. Basically, I just put the key in an turn, and nothing happens. I get a single kind of click where I can tell that it's recognized that it SHOULD be starting, but I'm not getting the kind of constant clicks that says it's actually trying to turn over.
The reason I haven't really done much with it is because this problem is so rare and random. Over the past...9 months or so, I'd guess, it's happened maybe 3 times. And if I just wait 10 minutes or so, it usually goes away and works fine. However, it happened to me yesterday and again today, so I think it might be getting worse, and I should go ahead and look into it.
If I need to, I'll take it to a shop and get it repaired, that's no problem, but I don't want to just roll in with 'sometimes it doesn't start', and have them ream me for whatever thing they think they can get away with. Or, if it's something I can work on myself, that's cool too. I have a Haynes repair manual for my car, so I can probably do it myself if it's something fairly simple, I just need a starting place to work from.
So, any ideas what it could be?
My car was having trouble starting recently and I couldn't figure it out for the life of me.
All signs pointed to the battery but the battery was new.
Took it in after getting frustrated and turns out it was the battery.
Tested it and everything. Thing was dead.