Precious little hard info in the article and no official statement from either EA or Starbreeze yet, But are a relatively decent source, I'd say.
Chances are it's not going to be the same genre, but that's okay. There aren't many companies alive today that I can see doing something really interesting with the old formula.
The people at Starbreeze are great developers, and I'm sure they could do something wonderful with the license within a different genre. Hopefully, this is the way of the new Epoch.
Cherrn on
All creature will die and all the things will be broken. That's the law of samurai.
The thread on Eurogamer suggests this was mentioned a few weeks ago, so probably not April 1st .
I imagine GoW with trenchcoats, but I live in hope for a 3D Isometric with the Halo Wars style control scheme and the same atmosphere the first game had.
As fruitless as these hopes may be, I can't shake the deeply seated desire to control operatives from a 3/4 overhead perspective (as I recall the original being, at least), mind controlling dozens of hapless bystanders and using them as a roving armed mob / human shields while disposing of my target using the aforementioned (and heavily cybernetically improved) operatives.
God, this, a truly outstanding X-Com update, a top notch Mechwarrior, some X-Wing/TIE Fighter, and another Crusader game would probably make my pants explode with the combined awesomeness.
Forar on
First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
The people at Starbreeze are great developers, and I'm sure they could do something wonderful with the license within a different genre. Hopefully, this is the way of the new Epoch.
I imagine GoW with trenchcoats, but I live in hope for a 3D Isometric with the Halo Wars style control scheme and the same atmosphere the first game had.
Thats the key, the atmosphere.
I'm sorry, but as someone who used to work in journalism, I find this one of the worst trends to ever seep onto both forums and gaming "news" sites.
God, this, a truly outstanding X-Com update, a top notch Mechwarrior, some X-Wing/TIE Fighter, and another Crusader game would probably make my pants explode with the combined awesomeness.