This is the old Steam thread. Go check out the new Steam thread.THIS THREAD IS FOR VALVE'S CONTENT DELIVERY SYSTEM, NOT A WAY TO PREPARE VEGETABLESWHAT IS STEAM?[img] Stuff/steam_logo.png[/img]
Except that this has all been resolved now, and pretty much every major publisher has many or most of their games up on Steam, the fast, free digital distribution platform that lets you download the best PC games in your underpants, while serving you demos, trailers, slightly-delayed patches, and the like.
Men of War!
The Killing Floor!
All of Novalogic's shit!
Freedom Force and Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich!
Plants v Zombies
Zeno Clash!
Armed Assault II!
Empire: Total War!
Download TCPview:
Then, use TCPview (run as admin if you're on Vista) to close all Steam TCP servers (this is important, NOT the UDP ones, just the TCP ones). Steam will then reconnect to a different server, which will hopefully get you a better speed. If you don't go faster in a couple of seconds, retry until you get a speed you like.
This shit totally needs to go into the OP, I've tipped this to so many people already.
WHAT ELSEHere is the Penny Arcade Steam Group! Someone reading this thread ought to be able to invite you, as long as you can provide your SteamID.
With such a cool service, someone must have done some extra things to build on it.
The forums have one such man, who made some super cool Steam signatures. They automatically use backgrounds for the games and the correct icon. Pretty neat, and they're 100% free! HE SAID HE WOULD KILL ME IF I DID NOT WRITE THIS OH GOD SAVE-You can also use a script on his page to see how much your Steam account would be worth if you were to buy every game individually.
Also there are some Penny Arcade Steam Groups you may enjoy (this is only a sampling!):
Plain old Penny ArcadePAX ForumersPenny Arcade League
Cool stuff on the Steam website:
Grand list of all price reductionsSteam skins to make it look less like army boot campAwesome statsYOUR IDEAS INTRIGUE ME AND I WOULD LIKE TO SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR NEWSLETTER
Should I one day become incapacitated, the
Steam News Feed is where it's at. Miss nothing! Otherwise you may never learn that the -pidfile command line option now works for Windows dedicated servers.
IF I BUY A GAME FOUR TIMES BECAUSE I'M STUPID CAN I GIFT THE EXTRA COPIES? WHAT IF I BUY A 2-PACK BUT I ALREADY OWN ONE OF THE GAMES?You can't really do that. In almost every case, if you buy a Steam game, it's for you and you alone, even if you already own a copy somehow. If you want to give the game to someone else, buy it as a gift, not for you.
Good idea! Unfortunately Valve games are just about the only games that let you do it. If you want to see if you're lucky though,
here's a list of games you can register on Steam. You can always add a non-Steam game to your Steam games list, so that people can see you playing it.
Kinda sad about the weekend deal, my own fault I guess, just not a fan of the series.
I do not think this is the case.
Then you should get Colonization. I highly recommend it.
X3 has a learning CLIFF. No mere curve could describe the difficulty.
I still haven't mustered the will to scale that cliff. It sits in my games list, staring at me. Not to say that it's a bad game, it's jsut really really hard.
I figure if anyone's gonna manage that sort of divine feat, it'd probably be GOG.
Speaking of which, GOG has a Broken Sword bundle, specifically 2 and 3, for just 9.98$
EDIT: It looks like it's playtime isn't tracked for individuals, but it is for this group. The fact that it's on the group for Hidden Path Entertainment (devs of Defense Grid) leads me to believe it's a new game they're making, but three digit Steam appIDs are usually reserved for Valve games, with most (if not all) third party games having a five digit appID.
I fired up IL-2 just last night so I could shoot at ( and miss ) some AA, and then promptly crash into the ground.
And X3 has different "starts" depending on what kind of game you'd like to play. So if you want pew pew you can get there faster than the standard "you start with shit and work your ass off to get just a few degrees above shit." Still, I love it.
Ah, that'd make sense if that was what happened. I haven't played it in a couple weeks, but had noticed that it's been 'updating' for like the last 6 days or so.
Dude, every Steam CoH patch makes you redownload the entire game. My friend patched his Steam version manually and he seems to not have had any trouble with it.
I may just turn the auto update off on it. It is pretty obnoxious to download 2+GB for a 300MB patch.
Long rambling aside, this is a remake of the first game, nyet? Did they change it up ala REmake for the GC, or is it a straight port with more pretties.
I'll probably grab Anniversary - it seems like a game I can set my mind on finishing unlike Assassin's Creed
Sword of the Stars
Fantasy Wars
Just replace € with $ and you'll have the US price.
That's very sad.
Also, Far Cry is still speeding up every time I start the game.
Also, my saves are not ... err... saving. I have to start from the beginning each time if I want to play.
This is so odd.