Or is that crystal reports?
Anyways, I just picked up crystal reports at work the other day (Version 9).
I grasped it fairly quick, except for one thing...
Field linking between databases.
Maybe my trial and error is failing me but I can't seem to get it to do what I want.
Here is the setup.
I have one database (HD), it is fairly new. It contains information on helpdesk tickets. So inside it has username,ticket number,dates, etc...
Now, we have another, much older database(CHG) that also contains tickets and much more than the newer one. More importantly the database contains a different type of ticket that is not created through the other database. We will call them tasks.
They have all of the same information, and also contain tickets from the first database as well.
Here is my conundrum.
I currently have tickets from the (HD) database that list all of a users tickets, and shows the dates, times, and other relevant information for a specified time range (Last7Days).
I also want to find tickets for the same users, and time range from the (CHG) database and put them in the same report.
The thing is, the two databases don't have identical field names. Now I can link up ticket number fields from both databases which are completely unique and are the same format, as well as time stamps. I linked them up, but if I drag them both out, no data shows. I'm sure that's not how database linking works so help me understand how it works and a practical application for it. Because pulling 2 fields and expecting results just really isn't working out.
I do understand the join options, like inner, outer Left/right. But I just can't figure out how to get data from both databases to display.
If something isn't clear, just ask and I'll do my best to clarify.
At the end of the day, all you are doing is using a fancy interface to generate SQL statements for you.
You're tying the two tables in via a value that's the same between the two, so you need a field that does that. Then you link the two by doing what you're doing now. If you don't have fields in each tables that are the same (and have the same info), then you have to do something about that. If there is a third table that has a field that all three tables share, you can link both table back to that and then it will work. There's got to be something that these guys share. Whatever it is, it's probably a 1:1 relationship, so there's your join. Since it's a helpdesk thing, it'll probably be 'Users' or something.
Remember, you don't need to link the actual field you want to pull in, you're just tying the tables together. Once you've done that, you can drag and drop and field you want from either table. You'll have to put whatever field you linked on into your report, but you don't have to display it.
DB1 has a unique ChangeID, DB2 has the same ChangeID (Possibly listed multiple times per ID, instead of just ONE).
I want to be able to List all of the changeID's from table 1 as a group, with some data from table two that has the same changeID, but not the same data. See the main ID from DB1 has the general information, then DB2 has more specific tasks and information on who worked on the change. I want to list DB1 as a group, then list some of the corresponding fields from DB2 that have the same ChangeID associated with them.
So, a line would look like...
DB1.ChangeID DB1.Summary
DB2.ChangeID DB2.Summary DB2.Data
Remember that DB1.ChangeID and DB2.ChangeID would have the exact same unique identifier.
It seems that no matter how I link it, it just always shows up blank when I put fields from each database in the report.