It's shooty and fun and everyone wants to play--so let's get shooting!
This campaign (standing name: The New Order Sucks!) begins shortly after the execution of Order 66 and the end of the Clone Wars, in what will come to be known as the Dark Times. The old Republic is dead, and the Galactic Empire has taken its place. The Clone Wars may finally be over, but nearly every inhabited planet in the galaxy has been touched by the struggle in some way .
The campaign will be against the newly established Empire, so I wouldn't suggest anything too drastic, but player characters may be of any background or race (except Ewoks)--former Separatist, deserted clone, Jedi padawan without a master, mercenary, whatever. If you really want to play an Imperial sympathizer, this probably isn't the game for you. If you want to
help me, somebody's being sympathetic to the Jedi or the Separatists or just wanting to toss a big ol' bird at the New Order would be cool.
So toss up those character sheets and backgrounds, people--good background is always a plus when you're getting chosen. Your characters can know each other or be strangers, life will find a way.
Starting level is
5, and starting credits are whatever is appropriate for your class + 1500. Ability gen is standard point buy with 2
8 points. You can probably use whatever books you like, but try not to get overly crazy.
If anyone wants to link backgrounds (:winky:) let me know. I have no idea what I'm going to make right now, but I do always love them Jedi.
Bit of a fan of Jedi as well, although I like the Noble class. I will make some mans after work today.
jim you touch me in all the right places
what i mean is
vwoom vwoom ksht
i too loves the jedi
i say we hook up and link our characters up into a leet jedi trifecta
Hmm. There are possibilities. I will roll up a nub Jedi and maybe a Noble who thinks Ian McDiarmid is a douche.
edit: vwom vwom vwom vwommmmmmmm
make it 28 jim
tears five inches deep on the floor
Possibly posting a timid Republic office drone turned dangerous man-on-the-run in a bit.
except mine will be twice as cool as yours!
His father sent him offworld "You must learn about them, you must travel among the stars, find the rebellious people of other worlds, fuel their anger, find the corrupt and the twisted and empower them, feed the cancer inside and let the beast fester and die."
His father was a wise man. Gwis Tava left his homeworld, to learn the ways of the people from the stars. He had once been as the wind among the trees, now he was the shadow in the alleys, the echo in the starships. He took various work, with various people, mainly hunting and killing, but courier jobs, some starfighting, escort duties, tour guide in the wild, spying... And wherever he went, he would find the weak spots in the republic's armor. For Gwis Tava, was a hunter, he knew there was no glory in fighting, there was only the result. Death. It was much better if the other party never knew you existed, then you could be sure of the result. His death.
Now the Republic has "fallen" and been replaced by this "empire". Gwis Tava is not fooled. He knows it is the same beast, disguised. The same beast who slaughtered his people and forced them to be subservient to the invaders of his world. Why even the leader stayed the same. A new era. Ha. Those people were fools. "They shall tempt you with sweet words and fallacies" his father had said. How right he had been. How wise. Truly Gwis Tava's father was a great Dug. A great hunter.
Ohb'ama CL 5
Medium Rodian scout 2 / soldier 3
Force 7
Init +11; Senses Low-light vision, Perception +8
Languages Basic
Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 17), Fort 18, Will 16
hp 57; Threshold 18
Speed 6 squares
Melee vibrobayonet +5 (2d6+4) with both hands
Ranged blaster rifle +8 (3d8+2) or
Ranged blaster rifle +3 (3d8+2) with Autofire
Base Atk +4; Grp +8
Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Special Actions Evasion, Indomitable, Shake it Off
Abilities Str 13, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Special Qualities Heightened Awareness, Low-Light Vision
Talents Evasion, Indomitable (x1), Tough as Nails
Feats Armor Proficiency (Light), Extra Second Wind (x1), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Shake it Off, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, pistols, rifles, simple)
Skills Climb +8, Endurance +8, Initiative +11, Perception +8 (may reroll but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse), Survival +13
Possessions blaster rifle, vibrobayonet, utility belt (3 day food supply, medpac, tool kit, power pack, energy cell, glow rod, comlink, liquid cable dispenser), enhanced low-light targeting scope
During the Clone Wars, Ohb'ama signed on as a separatist merc. It was a natural fit for a Rodian: a chance to prove his merit against well-trained military in a fight against the corrupt Republic, who were always trying to keep the green man down. Ohb'ama don't play that. But now that the war is over and the Empire is formed (seems he joined the lesser evil after all) he's got to find other ways to stick it to the man.
Let's see if me striking you down does or does not in fact make you more powerful than I can possibly imagine.
Actually I am definitely going to post two possibilities. Having a few characters who are not used to being outside the law could be a fun angle. I was thinking potential Noble class as businessman, possibly in line with what Mike is thinking above.
Let's say by next Monday.
Mostly because of Arcanis and his Space Racism against Rodians.
every character was a Rodian
I believe the first one's name was "Beedo"
And I want to play a droid.
Can we work something out.
My droid will be better than jdarksun's, too.
for extra background points when Casso judges us!
I might have to go out and get them.
Maybe a rogue Battle Droid reprogrammed as a Protocol droid. Wanders around barking orders at people, but can't use a gun!
What kind of droid did you want to put together?
Also, should I go with the Battle Droid turned Protocol Droid, or just a Battle Droid with an honest processor?
3d4=7, 4d6=15
Background: Later.
... With that being said, will this particular game be doing much with fighters/spaceships, or is that going to be up to the players? That's kind of the part of the game that will make or break my shelling out $120 for it.
this is a very rough outline of what i am getting at (custom droid that will just be said to have a battle droid chassis, since battle droids can't be used for PCs generally.)
still need to do all of the droid traits stuff and buy parts, etc.
also need to know how much points a droid should get to spend on abilities in Jim's Game.
Did I miss sign ups?
I mean, it's not like they're even considered people.
Unlike Rodians, arc, who are most certainly people, you sick son of a bitch.
and I want to take all of them but I can't
Final list is:
Finalized characters are due by next Monday, 4/13, when I think this show will get on the road.
To any other enterprising GM out there:
Mike Danger
Dr. Phibbs McAthey
are the other people who've expressed interest so far. Be a hero, some other GM!
Getting in a game is hard.
I even went out and got the book. I was so essited.
Well, when you do, I'll post my background. And revised character sheet.
Smile, this is TV.
you're makin' me feel bad
I wish I had the time to run two games
It's a good thing jdarksun is an awesome guy!
for serious
i'm in two 4e games and running clone wars at the moment, so i got lots going on
i'll be following your game though
I grabbed the Clone Wars book (and delicious Ships of the Galaxy) last night, but I am debating whether to convert these characters to the Clone War era or just step aside for other players and try to set up another game to run.