So me and my wife are gonna have our first child. I don't really have much more to add, I just needed to tell people and figured SE++ was the place to go.
I guess I need a little more than that for a thread, huh?
ITT: Help me not to start freaking the fuck out. Right now I'm still in the super excited stage, but I can feel my emotional state slowly turning.
Don't make me angry.
Edit: Also congrats, that's great
Does anybody have contact information for HaemonZero? I used to have his email address but I have lost it and I need to send him something.
I actually lol'd. Thanks.
On the other hand, after the first three months (ie once they start smiling) it's so worth it.
And everyone goes through that "holy shit how am I responsible for another person" stage, no one is ever really emotionally ready for that. It gets easier.
Have you seen your doctor yet or is it just a home pregnancy test?
Try not to tell anyone until she is 12 weeks along without any problems. I don't mean to freak you out or anything, but chances for a miscarriage are dramatically higher before 12 weeks..
Other than that, Congrats!
Don't give it a stupid name ok
spell the name like it's supposed to be spelled. No pointless Ks or Ys
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
just dont be a dumbass when it comes to raising him/her
probably because you'll be a horrible fuck-up of a father
or just because thats what kids do, they sponge up all your money and hate you for it
good job
My wife has twin half-brothers (same mother). I've kinda lost my faith over the years, but I've never prayed so hard for anything in my entire life that that was on their father's side.
I have seen a kid called Kristapha
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
Real post: Damn, that is a Hell of a thing. Congrats.
I don't know if I should be offended by this
-Don't use 'baby talk' if you can avoid it; a child's development is hampered by the use of 'goo-goo-ga-ga' and it reduces their ability to learn from observation.
-Potty training, much like many other aspects of child development, requires patience and positive reinforcement.
-Spankings and corporal punishment are not child abuse; they are teaching tools that are a last resort when that little bastard just won't fucking listen.
-Make a punishment stick; don't weasel out of it.
-If you can't teach your kid not to talk during a movie, you don't deserve the child and I will steal it from you and turn it into a ninja that will fucking cut you into pieces.
SE++ Map Steam
Stale's right. You may as well start drinking now, because you're not going to stop for 20 years.
Who am I kidding, you're never going to stop, because only quitters stop, and you're not a loser quitter, are you?
She's coming up on 5 weeks. Multiple home tests plus symptoms.
And don't worry, nothing infuriates me more that stupidly spelled names. I think my wife wants to use a not-so-common name, but it for damn sure will be spelled correctly.
are you saying you want sextuplets?
He's saying that he is stupid.
It's okay to freak out, just think of all the times in the coming months when your wife will send you out to the grocery store or drive you nuts because she has a craving for dirt, pickles or bleach.
No, I'm praying that the whole mulitples thing came from her brothers' father (whom she doesn't share any blood relation to).
Actually, as much as I hate to say it, it's healthier to use that when the baby is really young (I'm not clear on exactly what age, but I think for the first 6 to 8 months). I've always thought baby talk was silly and harmful, and I learned some things about child development in a psychology class that changed my view. It's healthier because of something along the lines of, before babies have the part of their brain that understands speech, they're able to identify with babbling more than real speech, so it makes them feel happier and more comfortable.
Though after the kid is 1 or definitely 2, start using real speech, for sure.
if i ever have a kid
See, Druhim knows everything.
I've had to fight against a speech impediment my entire life (it's not too bad, I just have difficulty with the 'r' sound in words like 'girl' and 'work'. I get mistaken for being from Boston all the time.), and my mom's fairly sure it's because they thought it was cute when I'd mispronounce stuff as a child. I will not make the same mistake.
again, the evidence suggests that baby talk with actual infants (not older children duh) is helpful in learning the basics of language
it's about using the appropriate speech at the right time
About 40 cousins on my mom's side, three of which were raised by my Aunt Theresa, an elementary school teacher and principal. It's one of her staples and all three kids are ridiculously intelligent, despite being raised Southern Baptist.
Oh, yeah, I went there.
Seriously though, from personal experience I've noticed that almost all of the kids in my family who get the baby treatment are slower to express themselves in full words.
edit: Yeah, I was meaning to drop it in there that by one year of age, full words are preferable. My roommate still uses the phrase 'cuddle-snuggle-times' to her ten year old daughter and it drives me absolutely batshit to hear a fifth grader talk like a toddler.