Car insurance - new state

wallabeeXwallabeeX Registered User regular
edited April 2009 in Help / Advice Forum
So, about six months ago I moved to California from Massachusetts. Two months ago I went and retrieved the vehicle I'd left in New England - until this point, I was using a room-mate's vehicle (who had since moved to the Congo). I've been lax about registering my vehicle in California - technically, by California state law, you're supposed to register after the first 10 days of employment in California. I've been employed for those full two months.

Tonight I was pulling out of work and really did some major damage to my car bumping into a parking garage concrete support. I'm now looking at the amount of damage and wondering if I can even file a claim, given that my insurance company insures my vehicle for Massachusetts, and my principal garaging has undeniably changed to California. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? What's my best plan of attack? The car is drivable, but the damage isn't pretty.

wallabeeX on
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