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[MISC] PAXers losing weight for PAX



  • sum10fishysum10fishy Registered User regular
    edited 2009 27
    MeeOk wrote: »
    Been walking around a lot, as per usual, and also got a whey protein powder, so that I'm at least ingesting -something- in the mornings. And drinking a lot of vegetable juice. Trying to eat some whole grains, and more protein, and stop drinking pop/soda. *sigh*

    I go through tons of protein powder! Every morning I have a shake. Love the stuff.

    Also if you like candy bars there is a protein bar called Pure Protein bars. Tons of different flavors, cookie dough, chocolate, strawberry shortcake, blueberry, peanut butter, smores, taste great, 20 g protein, only 180 calories if you get the little ones not the mega ones from GNC, and if you look you can catch them 10 for $10. HOWEVER!! Do NOT eat more than one a day. They use sugar alcohols and they make beans look like the silent fruit.

    sum10fishy on
  • MaoChanMaoChan Registered User regular
    edited 2009 27
    Since protein products can cost a lot, I recommend for the starters to just eat more eggs in your diet.

    Egg ..... Protein ......Calories
    Raw ...6g... 75 calories
    Boiled average... 6g ...80 calories

    If you can find them:
    Duck egg ...15g ....170 calories
    Quail egg.... 2g ...20 calories

    MaoChan on
  • eye-shuheye-shuh Walla Walla, WARegistered User regular
    edited 2009 27
    I'm jumping back on the bandwagon starting today. Gunna take a lap around the lake after work and then go grab some books to read when I go to the gym. I already took a walk during my hour lunch break. It's on! (I just noticed it's sunny out and I remembered I want to wear a bikini this year, damnit!)

    Also, going to throw away all the junk food in the house. Even my roommate's junk food. She'll thank me later.

    eye-shuh on
  • Evil Chris PriestlyEvil Chris Priestly Registered User regular
    edited 2009 27
    Man I need to lose weight before PAX. Especially since we plan on visiting Serious Pie and the Kingfish Cafe.

    Sigh, you'd think being on your feet all day at a Con would promote weight loss.


    Evil Chris Priestly on
  • The DIMDThe DIMD Registered User regular
    edited 2009 27
    A cocktail of supplements from a Naturopath, excercising, and drinking pretty much drinking only water and tea dropped me from 290 to 200.

    If you get into the biology of it and do some research, there's lots of stuff out there that can accelerate the process... just don't do energy drinks or diet pills... those mess up your system something fierce if used regularly.

    I find that:
    -Drinking Green Tea

    Seem to work pretty well in elevating my energy levels and the such. Velvet Antler also seems to work pretty well, but it slightly increases testosterone, so it can make some people irritable. If it doesn't, that's also a really good supplement to help as it also increases IGF.

    The DIMD on
    <+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
  • sociald1077sociald1077 Registered User regular
    edited 2009 27
    Inspired by this thread and from a few other outside sources, I decided today was the day to make a change. Started jogging today, cutting back on the pop and beer. No fast food.

    I do have a question: how do you control the cravings? Its easy to say "I'm changing my diet," but having tried this before, I must say, I find myelf hungery more often then not, even though I'm eating far more than I need.

    sociald1077 on
    What did the 0 say to the 8? Nice belt!
  • Frightfully EnglishFrightfully English Registered User regular
    edited 2009 27
    I survived the first gym session, but my arms currently feel like wet noodles. I hope that they will have recovered by morning.

    Frightfully English on
  • The DIMDThe DIMD Registered User regular
    edited 2009 27
    Inspired by this thread and from a few other outside sources, I decided today was the day to make a change. Started jogging today, cutting back on the pop and beer. No fast food.

    I do have a question: how do you control the cravings? Its easy to say "I'm changing my diet," but having tried this before, I must say, I find myelf hungery more often then not, even though I'm eating far more than I need.

    Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I've found that my aforementioned list tends to work fairly well for that as well... not that I'm an expert in that avenue, due to the fact that I didn't really diet too much to lose the weight I did. But I did find they made me less hungry.

    The DIMD on
    <+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
  • eye-shuheye-shuh Walla Walla, WARegistered User regular
    edited 2009 27
    Inspired by this thread and from a few other outside sources, I decided today was the day to make a change. Started jogging today, cutting back on the pop and beer. No fast food.

    I do have a question: how do you control the cravings? Its easy to say "I'm changing my diet," but having tried this before, I must say, I find myself hungry more often then not, even though I'm eating far more than I need.

    Instead of "changing" your diet, just replace things. I started drinking non-fat milk instead of 2%. Baked chips instead of regular ones. Started snacking on almonds and carrots all day, which made me less hungry. Started getting those Lean Cuisine pizzas and paninis instead of the higher fat ones.

    Don't give up good food, just tweak it. Eventually you form healthier habits without even thinking about it.

    eye-shuh on
  • AsiinaAsiina ... WaterlooRegistered User regular
    edited 2009 27
    Inspired by this thread and from a few other outside sources, I decided today was the day to make a change. Started jogging today, cutting back on the pop and beer. No fast food.

    I do have a question: how do you control the cravings? Its easy to say "I'm changing my diet," but having tried this before, I must say, I find myelf hungery more often then not, even though I'm eating far more than I need.

    I'm of the opinion that if you're ever really hungry and stopping yourself from eating because of some sense of diet, you're doing it wrong. That's not really sustainable, which any good diet should be. You need to be able to think that you can eat like this forever if you wanted to. Just replace your old snacks and meals with healthier alternatives. If you know you'll sit and eat a whole bag of chips, just don't buy them.

    I stopped drinking pop and juice entirely. Sticking to water and milk once in a while, and honestly it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it'd be.

    That said, if you are ever really, really craving something. Like for days and you really want it, just have it. It's better to have what you want every once in a while in a controlled way then to just say "FUCK IT!" and blow the whole thing off.

    Asiina on
  • SecComSecCom Registered User regular
    edited 2009 27
    sum10fishy wrote: »
    SecCom wrote: »
    sum10fishy wrote: »
    geekgrrl wrote: »
    i, too, am trying to lose weight. not necessarily for PAX, but it certainly isn't a bad goal ... give it enough time, you'll lose those cravings too.

    You sound exactly like me ... paying for a gym membership I won't do again.

    Its really a lifestyle change, and it sounds like you didn't really get to this point. The only way to truly lose weight for good on exercise is to go through the day and feel like you MUST exercise, you NEED to get to the gym, much like how you need to eat or go to work. The idea isn't to go to the gym to lose all that weight, its to go to the gym as a daily activity, and a lot of people don't get that. All I'm saying is don't have the mentality "I'm going to the gym to lose this amount of calories so I'll lose this amount of weight" - just go because you wanna go. Believe me, it takes time to get that mentality, but once you get there its a different story.

    Changing your diet might work to a certain point, but it'll get harder and harder to reach a goal if that is all you are doing. Plus once you eat anything else it ruins your hard work with the dieting. A hungry metabolism doesn't really care what you are eating.

    Three months solid 3 times a week. I got there. I enjoyed working out and looked forward to it. What was stupid to me was the paying for a gym. Exercise, to me, is about being physically fit not trying to burn calories so I can eat too much food.

    I feel, as in just my opinion, that way too many people go to the gym to adjust the amount of calories they typically burn so it matches their intake, which I felt was silly, instead of reducing the intake to match the amount of calories burnt from their lifestyle, which is what I did to lose nearly 80 lbs, 100 if you count my heaviest till now and it's been a good year and a half and I'm not gaining and not going to the gym. I am starting to run a bit but that's for my health not weight loss.

    The bottoms line is it is all a numbers game. You intake less than you burn you will lose weight, slowly it's fat, quickly it's muscle which of course is bad, or you burn more than you intake, through exercise, and you will also lose weight, again too fast and it's muscle, but slowly it's fat. The best, of course, is both. Get into good physical shape for health reasons and better metabolism and eat less as long as your net balance isn't more than a 500 calorie loss or so per day.

    But as you said it's a lifestyle change and, I am not going to change my lifestyle so that it requires a monthly fee for the rest of my life. I'll find natural ways to get my exercise in. That's all I'm saying.

    Do they have a running of the bulls in Virginia? Being chased by wild animals that want to gore you to death is always a good natural way to get fit.

    I think I just personally like me its like going to work, its at this certain place and I need to go there everyday for a certain amount of time. That said I do lots of other stuff to keep it fresh otherwise work gets boring. Gyms aren't for everybody, so just go do some runs and whatnot outside, I like to take bikerides whenever its nice.

    Gyms do provide a place to workout when its super cold or rainy out, and they have weights, which would cost me a bundle to put together at home, so here-in-lies the advantage of paying these membership fees. If you're just going to the gym to use the treadmill though, I say cut your loses early and just buy one.

    SecCom on
    Lead Editor of We like to write about video games.
  • SaziraSazira Registered User regular
    edited 2009 27
    I'd say get a job chasing kids around for 8 hours a day but, then the parents start being psychotic on you for one kid teachin the other kid how to hit and yadi yadi yada, then you drink 5 times the caffeine just to deal with the stress because its readily available.


    I was doin very well, then my boyfriend and I broke up.. then I did REALLY well, but not healthily.. stopped eating, all that fun stuff.. then we got back together and bam, back to where I started. But I always get into a rut when the weather isbad, now that the sun is out I can ride my bike and skate. I'm so excited.:winky:

    Sazira on
  • YamaraYamara Registered User regular
    edited 2009 27
    I do have a question: how do you control the cravings? Its easy to say "I'm changing my diet," but having tried this before, I must say, I find myelf hungery more often then not, even though I'm eating far more than I need.

    I know you're talking about cravings, however, dehydration can show itself as hunger. Make sure you drink enough water.

    Yamara on
    We want strategy board game testers! Check out Paiko's Indie Game thread.
  • AstayonixAstayonix Registered User regular
    edited 2009 28
    I could certainly stand to lose about 20 lbs before PAX. :) Anyone with me? I think I can get there if I can summon up enough discipline. Will definately be easier after this semester is over. I need to go running more.

    Astayonix on
    Awesome Ideas With No Inititive
    IRC - #n37 key=topic
  • sum10fishysum10fishy Registered User regular
    edited 2009 28
    Griffon and Luke have the best ideas!!

    sum10fishy on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited 2009 28
    I believe that was Dr. Floxx's idea on Enterprise

    Moe Fwacky on

  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited 2009 28
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    I believe that was Dr. Floxx's idea on Enterprise

    Thats been an ongoing joke for awhile now. I'd rather have a symbotic parasite that adds strength while keeping me fit.

    Viscountalpha on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited 2009 28
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    I believe that was Dr. Floxx's idea on Enterprise

    Thats been an ongoing joke for awhile now. I'd rather have a symbotic parasite that adds strength while keeping me fit.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited 2009 28
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    I believe that was Dr. Floxx's idea on Enterprise

    Thats been an ongoing joke for awhile now. I'd rather have a symbotic parasite that adds strength while keeping me fit.

    ok, ok. Well maybe one that isn't pure evil.

    Viscountalpha on
  • sum10fishysum10fishy Registered User regular
    edited 2009 28
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    I believe that was Dr. Floxx's idea on Enterprise

    Thats been an ongoing joke for awhile now. I'd rather have a symbotic parasite that adds strength while keeping me fit.

    ok, ok. Well maybe one that isn't pure evil.

    Eat an old egg sandwich and get worms.


    sum10fishy on
  • MaoChanMaoChan Registered User regular
    edited 2009 28
    sum10fishy wrote: »
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    I believe that was Dr. Floxx's idea on Enterprise

    Thats been an ongoing joke for awhile now. I'd rather have a symbotic parasite that adds strength while keeping me fit.

    ok, ok. Well maybe one that isn't pure evil.

    Eat an old egg sandwich and get worms.


    Or travel back in time for the Industry sponsored solution to all your problems!

    MaoChan on
  • MarzGurlMarzGurl Registered User regular
    edited 2009 28
    Been doing Wii Fit for a few days, for 30 mins a day, making my workouts progressively more difficult. I can feel a strength difference already (of course not by much just yet) and I've already lost some weight. I got nervous when I saw that I was just barely under the "Overweight" section. I always thought I was doing so well. Looks like my youthful metabolism ran out. I play DDR regularly on the heaviest difficulties, so I never get tired, but I have a mid-section starting to show, and no upper body strength to speak of. That's where Wii Fit comes in. So long as you're doing something like that regularly and you're trying to do the workouts correctly, it WILL work.

    And, no, Wii Fit doesn't call you FAT. It tells you what a doctor will tell you. You're encroaching on having health problems.

    MarzGurl on - Your Convention Video is On the Way!
    Also find me at !
  • HounHoun Registered User regular
    edited 2009 28
    Wii Fit made fun of me and asked me if I trip a lot when I walk. Also, it made me look like a refrigerator, a giant cubic shape with a cutesy head and arms clipping through my massive stomach.

    In truth, I only have a bit of a potbelly (I hide the weight well) and fantastic balance. So, while it did not come right out and insult me directly, it wasn't exactly subtle in conveying the game's creator's negative opinions of me (or people of my weight).

    Houn on
  • MarzGurlMarzGurl Registered User regular
    edited 2009 28
    Houn wrote: »
    Wii Fit made fun of me and asked me if I trip a lot when I walk. Also, it made me look like a refrigerator, a giant cubic shape with a cutesy head and arms clipping through my massive stomach.

    In truth, I only have a bit of a potbelly (I hide the weight well) and fantastic balance. So, while it did not come right out and insult me directly, it wasn't exactly subtle in conveying the game's creator's negative opinions of me (or people of my weight).

    I don't think that's the game making fun of you. It asked me the same thing because I failed a balance game. I mean, it stands to reason that if you don't have good balance you probably trip. It asked you a question for you to think about because it doesn't know you and it can't answer that question for you.

    Also, it would probably make you look more like you if it wasn't using your Mii. I mean, lol, c'mon, Mii's are just about the most cartooney thing you can use. I have a slight belly, I still show up in the "Normal" range, and my Mii looks bulky. The game doesn't try to insult anybody, and if anybody is insulted by how a cartooney Mii appears then... well... please buck up and laugh at the cartoon. :|

    MarzGurl on - Your Convention Video is On the Way!
    Also find me at !
  • HounHoun Registered User regular
    edited 2009 28
    Actually, knowing what I do of Japanese culture, I assumed that the "fat" Miis were probably an intentional dig at US body types.

    Houn on
  • MarzGurlMarzGurl Registered User regular
    edited 2009 28
    Houn wrote: »
    Actually, knowing what I do of Japanese culture, I assumed that the "fat" Miis were probably an intentional dig at US body types.

    Actually, considering the fact that the majority of Japanese people are in shape and in a healthy weight range, I don't think it's a dig at US audiences, but rather anyone who isn't part of that healthy weight range. I think we're all quite aware that the US is the fattest country in the world, so of COURSE we're gonna take it to heart right away. But, again, these are Mii's, and they certainly look NOTHING like the trainer models they use in the exercises. If somehow your Mii was actually underweight, it wouldn't even have natural curves. It would be as straight and ugly as a twig. You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't with a Mii. It's really nothing you can judge by, and I don't think it speaks anything about Japan's image of America. Mii's came out along with the Wii right in the beginning, so it's not like these chubby little cartoon models were created specifically for Wii Fit.

    MarzGurl on - Your Convention Video is On the Way!
    Also find me at !
  • HounHoun Registered User regular
    edited 2009 28
    None of that counters the point that the Mii body scaling is way off. I'll admit, I assume malice where ignorance will suffice, But I've never met anyone that weighed 200lb and looked like a balloon. The scaling shouldn't show the Mii that fat until around 300 or so.

    Which was my point. Someone got the idea that 200lbs should look morbidly obese, and programed the game as such. Thus, the insult.

    Houn on
  • MarzGurlMarzGurl Registered User regular
    edited 2009 28
    Houn wrote: »
    None of that counters the point that the Mii body scaling is way off. I'll admit, I assume malice where ignorance will suffice, But I've never met anyone that weighed 200lb and looked like a balloon. The scaling shouldn't show the Mii that fat until around 300 or so.

    Which was my point. Someone got the idea that 200lbs should look morbidly obese, and programed the game as such. Thus, the insult.

    But... it's a Mii. :|

    MarzGurl on - Your Convention Video is On the Way!
    Also find me at !
  • BrokenAngelBrokenAngel Registered User regular
    edited 2009 28
    I want a chubby little Mii.... I have this image of them looking kinda like bologna Zim and Dib that makes me happy XD

    BrokenAngel on
    k9mk2carn.pngeleventhdoc2carn.png *Proud Head Girl of Slytherin & Team Red*
  • The DIMDThe DIMD Registered User regular
    edited 2009 28
    I don't see why anyone would be insulted by any Avatar model, regardless if there was malicious intent in the programming or not. If you do, I'd say it's more an insecurity thing than anything else. They're supposed to be comic and silly and they should be perceived as such in my opinion.

    The DIMD on
    <+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
  • sum10fishysum10fishy Registered User regular
    edited 2009 28
    The DIMD wrote: »
    I don't see why anyone would be insulted by any Avatar model, regardless if there was malicious intent in the programming or not. If you do, I'd say it's more an insecurity thing than anything else. They're supposed to be comic and silly and they should be perceived as such in my opinion.

    NO damnit! They are REAL!!! My Mii is my FRIEND :x

    sum10fishy on
  • The DIMDThe DIMD Registered User regular
    edited 2009 28
    sum10fishy wrote: »
    The DIMD wrote: »
    I don't see why anyone would be insulted by any Avatar model, regardless if there was malicious intent in the programming or not. If you do, I'd say it's more an insecurity thing than anything else. They're supposed to be comic and silly and they should be perceived as such in my opinion.

    NO damnit! They are REAL!!! My Mii is my FRIEND :x

    This response FTW... I resisted the temptation to post a LOLcat.

    The DIMD on
    <+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
  • CuZZaCuZZa Khoo's Epic Mount Perth, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited 2009 29
    As someone who has done the weight loss thing (and continues to do so, more for getting up fitness than losing the weight as I'm close to my ideal) I am all for this! Since the start of 2007 I lost almost 50kg (i think thats about 100lb) and have had a great time doing it, just the freedom I have had walking around and going for runs and getting out to places has been immense.

    Anyway, some tips I've gotten from my time and training -

    - you don't need to drastically change the food you eat or starve yourself. That is not good for you in the long term. Best way as eye shuh said is to just go with a healthy alternative. Low fat instead of whole milk, brown/wheat bread instead of white, water instead of soda, tea instead of coffee. Get the salad with your meal instead of the fries. All simple things that will chip away at the grand total

    - drink water FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DRINK WATER. This is by far the easiest way to keep your eating in check. It helps reduce snacking (usually dehydration can be mistaken for hunger) and drinking a glass of water before a meal can trigger the signals that tell your brain your stomach is full sooner and will take the edge off your appetite so you don't feel as hungry before.

    - eat regularly, don't put off meals or eat too late as that will just make you feel hungrier, make you eat more and throw off everything. even on shift work I was able to eat regularly by adjusting my eating pattern to match my sleeping pattern. I get up at 8pm, have breakfast as if it was a normal day, half way into my work shift I would eat my lunch, same type of food and portion as my normal lunch, then after getting home in the morning I would eat a dinner meal, stay up for a few more hours like a normal evening at home, then go to bed. No eating right before bed as that just gets digested and goes unused, which results in fat being produced. Also eating regularly makes for less hunger and snacking

    - exercise without knowing it. instead of catching a bus to go 2 or 3 blocks, walk it. or get off the bus a stop or two early and walk the rest of the way. play in the park with friends, even if its simple as throwing a frisbee around or kicking a football (of any type) to eachother. Even if you're crap at it, chasing the ball after fumbling it or missed a catch is still exercise. It all adds up.

    Once you get into it, don't stop, don't do anything that has an end date like a diet. make the change for life. Sustainable stuff becomes second nature eventually and you'll never really remember when you weren't doing it. I personally have issues with shakes or protein bars and stuff, you should be getting all you need in your regular eating habits, the only reason to turn to those is fast muscle building, not health. And even then, it is just a temporary thing and as soon as you're off it, you lose all benefits.

    Anyway, enough from me. I've been doing this for almost 3 years now so I just wanted to share some of the knowledge I gained doing it.

    CuZZa on
  • leafleaf Registered User regular
    edited 2009 29
    A couple things I would suggest:

    100% whole wheat breads, not brown. Big difference.
    Cut out milk altogether. Yogurt and cheese in smaller amounts. Rice/Soy drinks to replace your milk (soy has higher estrogen, but it shouldn't be an issue unless you're just chugging it, rather than the odd bowl of granola or soy latte). I wasn't sold at first, but you have to try multiple brands to see which is your favourite, and think of it not as "milk-like", but as a different sort of beverage that replaces milk. I used to think it was gross. Now it is milk which has become gross, while my "So-Good, Fat Free" has become my favourite drink.

    Besides, milk is something only babies are supposed to have. You're not a baby, are you?

    It's also a huge thing to cut down on anything deep fried or high in salt/sugar. Cutting out all soda is another huge must.

    And no more fast food. Ever. No shoestring fries, no burgers, no chicken strips (which are worse for you than either of the other options). So no 'cheating' with fast food chicken salad. Last burger I had was a few months ago and the mere thought of how ill it made me feel still makes my stomach do flip flops even now. You might crave it for a month or two, but I would put money down that you would feel sick if you had one after quitting for just 6 months.

    I used to be the fat kid in elementary school, but I stopped growing once I hit 6'2" at 16, but was nearly 200lbs which was too much for my frame. I didn't really exercise much, but at 17 I decided this was too much for too long. I was sick of having no energy, not being able to run or be active like I wanted without huffing and wheezing. Slowly I came to how I do things now which is largely just follow those simple points. For me it was mostly just changing my diet. I also got into longboarding and skateboarding as my means of transportation for a couple years, which is another easy way of including activity with daily routine.

    I'm about 155 to 160lbs now at age 24, and been so after a year or so of struggling initially from the age of 17/18 or so. There's always room for improvement, my main goal now is to cut out as much red meat as I can, and focus on eating more salad with nuts/berries and raw veg. The main mistake I notice people make is that it's not a diet, it's how you've got to think and go about your life on a permanent basis.

    My only goal now is to skate much more this summer as I simply couldn't afford snowboarding this season. :c

    leaf on
  • neurosliceneuroslice Registered User regular
    edited 2009 29
    If you are in a hurry to get places, ride a bicycle.
    Where I live, my roommate rides about six miles to work in twenty minutes.

    Sure, if you work up a big hill, that could be problematic, though you could ride the bus with your bike (at least here, we have bike racks on all the buses), and then ride it home.

    And if you are not in a hurry, and are going somewhere, just walk.

    I walk between two and four miles almost every day because, as long as I have nothing important to do, I walk to town. (And yes, I need a job. Or something more to do. lol) Hell, today, I ended up with someone giving me free jewelry he made right there. Wouldn't have happened, had I not walked. Also, if you live in a pretty area, it's kind of a meditative experience. Just stop a bit and look at the view. When I walk home at night, I tend to even have a self dialogue that gets me over everything I may have been angry about that day.

    Though I haven't weighed myself lately, and I still don't eat the healthiest, I have probably lost somewhere between twenty and thirty-five pounds in the last few months, mostly walking.

    neuroslice on
    Hotel bound on PAX Saturday,
    I exclaimed "Khoo is my Sensei!"
    So if memes make great shirts,
    And Pod Six is Jerks,
    Then Moe, Khoo and I had our day.
  • sum10fishysum10fishy Registered User regular
    edited 2009 29
    leaf wrote: »
    A couple things I would suggest:

    100% whole wheat breads, not brown. Big difference.
    Cut out milk altogether ...

    ... It's also a huge thing to cut down on anything deep fried or high in salt/sugar. Cutting out all soda is another huge must.

    And no more fast food. Ever. No shoestring fries, no burgers, no chicken strips (which are worse for you than either of the other options). So no 'cheating' with fast food chicken salad. Last burger I had was a few months ago and the mere thought of how ill it made me feel still makes my stomach do flip flops even now. You might crave it for a month or two, but I would put money down that you would feel sick if you had one after quitting for just 6 months.

    My take is whole foods are always better than processed.

    However, saying never ever of anything is unrealistic for many if not most people.

    Fast food is quick and easy but you MUST realize what you're eating. Kids meals at most fast food places are a big meal calorie wise and usually way too much fat. One regular or small sized item is usually the calories of a whole meal. Look around the nutrition guides are usually right there in the resturant.

    Any food is ok in moderation but some foods are better than others. Think of it as high octane fuel or cheap gas that's been sitting in your garage for a year. Which is gonna make your car run better?

    Also, cravings are sometimes how your body tells you what you need. If you take up a life style that "does not allow" certain foods you better study hard what you are eating because your hair falling out from lack of vitamins or frail bones because of lack of calcuim will suck.

    sum10fishy on
  • CuZZaCuZZa Khoo's Epic Mount Perth, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited 2009 29
    I agree with the philosophy if it being for life and not a temporary fix diet, but I'm with sum10fishy, don't cut out things that your body still needs some of. Milk for example is a basic part of any persons daily diet, no matter their age. It doesn't just contain calcium for bones and fat, but a bunch of other nutrients that are good for you. I would never cut out dairy completely. Same with red meat, although our definition of red meat is slightly different to the fatty, marbled-to-shit excuse for steak Americans seem to have. Lean red meat = very good for you. A tonne of iron and protein right there.

    Also your body does still need some sugars, salt and fats, but you need natural sources of them rather than processed. Fish is an excellent source of good fats, eat plenty of that, steamed is best but grilled is acceptable, or better yet, raw as sashimi. Your body needs salt to balance your body chemistry, best sign is when you suddenly start having cravings for chips/crisps/fries. You body is saying GIMME SALT OR YOU GO CRAZY NOW.

    In the end it is all a case of moderation. I'll still go out drinking, I'll still have fries sometimes, and god fucking damnit I am going to fucking Red Mill Burger or In N Out when I get back to Seattle/SFO. It's not like I'm gonna have it every meal of every day. But once in a while is fine as long as I keep up my fitness. Moderation!

    CuZZa on
  • nemaihnenemaihne Registered User regular
    edited 2009 29
    neuroslice wrote: »
    If you are in a hurry to get places, ride a bicycle.
    Where I live, my roommate rides about six miles to work in twenty minutes.

    Bwah ha ha. I live in the bay area. There's a 14% grade to my house. Although I do agree, I can get somewhere from my house in a real hurry on a bicycle. :P
    Sigh. I used to love riding before I became Anasazi-woman. Now I go to the gym.

    nemaihne on
    I *think* that's what I meant to say...
  • SumiSumi Abbotsford, BCRegistered User regular
    edited 2009 30
    Houn wrote: »
    None of that counters the point that the Mii body scaling is way off. I'll admit, I assume malice where ignorance will suffice, But I've never met anyone that weighed 200lb and looked like a balloon. The scaling shouldn't show the Mii that fat until around 300 or so.

    Which was my point. Someone got the idea that 200lbs should look morbidly obese, and programed the game as such. Thus, the insult.

    The Wii does not take muscle mass into account whatsoever. The other profile on my wii fit is a 200lb guy with a fair amount of muscle mass and his mii looks like a porked out little thing and was rated as overweight. He is definitely not. Also, when the miis are underweight, they still have little pot bellies.

    Anyways, I am delightfully sore after about 4 days, and my muscles are getting stronger and my balance is getting better. I would recommend it to anyone, as long as it ends up surviving the nearly impossible test of my impatience and boredom. So we'll see if it stays interesting enough for me to stick with it.

    Sumi on
    Standard Action, it's a webseries.
  • SumiSumi Abbotsford, BCRegistered User regular
    edited 2009 30
    MaoChan wrote: »
    sum10fishy wrote: »
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    I believe that was Dr. Floxx's idea on Enterprise

    Thats been an ongoing joke for awhile now. I'd rather have a symbotic parasite that adds strength while keeping me fit.

    ok, ok. Well maybe one that isn't pure evil.

    Eat an old egg sandwich and get worms.


    Or travel back in time for the Industry sponsored solution to all your problems!

    ... does that sign say no... baths?

    Sumi on
    Standard Action, it's a webseries.
This discussion has been closed.