ack wrote: » what do you think the button on the side is for
Legacy wrote: » Damn. That was good. Though, the lower-bodies in panel 1 seem very mis-proportioned and oddly skewed.
Kazhiim wrote: » Legacy wrote: » Damn. That was good. Though, the lower-bodies in panel 1 seem very mis-proportioned and oddly skewed. I noticed that too. And it looks like tycho's head would connect to his body in a weird way. The art in panel 1 is just weird
T0 BoDD@H 5P34K1ng FRom tHe tOngu3 Of An ExP3rI3nCed 5IMpletON WHo 0Bv1OU5lY wOuld r@+Her 83 4N eM@5cUla+ed, inPhAN+ILE c0mpL41n-33. +HI5 NotE Sh0uLd BE Pr3++Y 3@$Y +O UNDeR$+@nD. 4lL Th3 w4rnin9$ fR0M +3H PUnk r0X0r 101 COUr53$ 0V3r +HE yE@R$, $1nC3 MY Ph1rst 1n+RODucT10N T0 +he, 5H@ll WE 5@Y, 3+hic$ 1nvoLVEd W1+H InD3p3ndeNce 4Nd t3h 3mbR@cEmen+ 0f YOuR cOMMun1ty h45 PrOv3N T0 bE V3Ry tru3. 1 h4v3n't Ph3LT T3h 3Xc1+3m3n+ 0F LI5tEn1n9 to 4$ wELl @5 CRe4+IN9 MU$IC @lOng wi+h RE4dinG aNd WrI+iN9 FOR t00 m@ny ye@R$ n0W. 1 pHE3L 9u1l+Y 83Y0Nd W0Rd$ 48OU+ Th3$3 +h1Ng$. FOr 3XAmPlE wHEn W3'r3 84Ck $+@93 4ND +He l19h+s 90 ouT And +He M4N1c R04r Of the Cr0wd5 8E9in5., it d0E5n'+ @fphEC+ mE +H3 wAy 1N which 1T dId F0r freDdiE mERCURy, wh0 5E3m3d +0 loV3, r3L1$H 1N t3H +He L0v3 4nd ad0r@+1ON fROm +h3 cROWd wh1Ch I5 50M3TH1n9 I +0t@LlY @dMIr3 4nd ENvY. +hE f@c+ I$, 1 c4n'T PhOOl Y0U, 4NY onE OF y0u. 1T $imPlY I5n'T F41R +0 J00 0r m3. +hE Wor$t CR1M3 1 c4N thiNk OPh W0UlD 83 +0 R1P People Ophf 8Y F4k1n9 iT 4Nd prET3nd1N9 45 if 1'M h4V1n9 100% FUn. $0m3t1m3$ i f3El @5 1ph i 5HOuLd HAve @ pUnCh-1n +1mE cLOCk BEpHOr3 1 W4lK 0UT oN $+493. I'vE +r1ed 3VERy+h1NG w1Th1N mY P0W3R tO 4PpR3CI@+3 1+ (And I D0,90d, b3L1evE m3 I D0, bUt it'$ NO+ 3N0UGh). i 4PpR3c14tE +hE F4c+ +H4T i 4Nd W3 HaV3 4FF3CT3d @nd EN+3rt4INeD a L0t 0f PeOPL3. 1t Mu5+ 83 OnE of ThOse NArCis515T$ who oNlY @pPR3c14te TH1n95 When ThEy'R3 goNE. I'M to0 5EN$1T1Ve. I NE3d +0 be 5l1gH+lY NumB 1n OrDEr +o r3G41N +3H 3nThU$i45M$ 1 OnC3 h@d A5 @ cH1Ld. 0N 0uR L45+ 3 T0Ur5, I'V3 h4d 4 MUcH 8e+T3r 4PPR3C14tI0N FOr 4LL +hE p30PLe 1'vE KnoWN P3R50N4LlY, @ND 4$ Ph@n5 of 0ur MU$IC, Bu+ 1 ST1LL C@N'T Get OVeR +3H frU$+r4TiOn, t3H 9U1l+ @Nd 3Mp4+hY i h4v3 PHOR 3v3Ryon3. +HEre'5 GO0D 1n 4ll OF u$ @Nd 1 tH1nk 1 51MpLy l0ve p30pL3 +0O mUcH, 50 MUCH +h@+ 1+ M@KEs Me F33l t00 FuCK1nG 5AD. +3H 5@D liT+L3, SeN5I+1v3, un4pPr3C14t1ve, p15C35, j35U5 m@N. wHy d0n'+ J00 jU$+ 3nJOY i+? I d0n't kn0w! 1 H4vE 4 GoDDess 0PH 4 w1f3 wh0 5W34T5 4mBi+10n @nD Emp@+hY 4nD A d4UGhTEr who reMiNd5 m3 +00 muCh oph wH@+ i U$Ed +0 83, FuLL of L0V3 4ND J0y, K155IN9 3verY per5ON SHE m33T$ 83C4u5E EV3rY0n3 0WNZ0Rz @nD w1ll do h3R No hARM. @nD th4T +Err1PHIES mE T0 th3 p0in+ tO wheRE 1 c4n B@ReLY FuNC+ioN. 1 C4n'T 5+4nD +3H thoU9ht 0ph phr4NC35 83C0M1N9 +He MI5Er@Bl3, 53lpH-DE5tRuCtIV3, d34Th RockEr That i'Ve beCOm3. 1 Have it G0od, v3rY goOD, 4nd i'M GR4TephUL, 8UT 51Nce th3 @93 0Ph 53ven, 1'VE 83c0M3 h4T3fUl T0W@rD5 4lL HuM@n5 In GEnER@L. onLy 8ec@use i+ 53eM5 50 E45Y FoR pE0PLe to Get 4L0ng +H4+ HaVE 3mP4thy. 0NLY 8ec4u5e i L0V3 4nd f33L $oRry PHor p30pl3 t00 mucH i 9ue55. +HANK j00 4Ll FroM +H3 pI+ Of my 8UrN1NG, N4U5E0u$ 5+Om4Ch pHoR YOUR l3+TEr5 @nD CoNc3RN dur1nG Th3 P45+ Y3@R$. i'm +00 much opH 4n 3rr4+1c, MO0Dy 848y! 1 don't H@vE +h3 p4S510N 4Nym0rE, 4Nd 5O r3MEMbEr, It'5 B3t+3r T0 BurN ouT +h4n +o PH4d3 4w4Y. pe4c3, loV3, 3mp4tHY. KUr+ C0B41n FR4nc35 4nD couR+N3Y, I'LL 8e 4+ Y0UR Al+4r. pLE453 Ke3p GOIng CoURTn3Y, pHOr fR@nCE5. For HER l1F3, WHiCH w1ll 8e $O mUcH H@pPier w1Th0U+ M3. 1 L0v3 YOu, 1 lOVe J00
Tommy2Hands wrote: » Kazhiim wrote: » Legacy wrote: » Damn. That was good. Though, the lower-bodies in panel 1 seem very mis-proportioned and oddly skewed. I noticed that too. And it looks like tycho's head would connect to his body in a weird way. The art in panel 1 is just weird In panel 2 look at how long Gabe's left arm is. He could probably drag it along the floor.
Tasteticle wrote: » Blaket wrote: » TILT SHOTGUN UP TO ENGAGE SUICIDE POWER! well played
it took me a second to get but this is amazing
it's the safety
Also, cosine again!
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
Satans..... hints.....
Steam: Feriluce Feriluce#1995
Wii: 5024 6786 2934 2806 | Steam/XBL: Arcibi | FFXI: Arcibi / Bahamut
well played
Uh-oh I accidentally deleted my signature. Uh-oh!!
@Bryceforvice on Twitter Facebook
also I just want to take a moment to say that courtney love is still as much a waste of everything as ever
Uh-oh I accidentally deleted my signature. Uh-oh!!
then turned it back on and changed the name of my band
Though, the lower-bodies in panel 1 seem very mis-proportioned and oddly skewed.
I noticed that too. And it looks like tycho's head would connect to his body in a weird way. The art in panel 1 is just weird
In panel 2 look at how long Gabe's left arm is. He could probably drag it along the floor.
Uh-oh I accidentally deleted my signature. Uh-oh!!
Man this is some atrocious shit
and the writing is basically nonexistant so don't think you get a free pass jerry
I was pretty happy with that post.
Satans..... hints.....