I'm in the neighborhood for losing some weight. I only have a little bit of extra weight on me, but I don't want it there at all :P so this would then mean that I wanna start an exercise routine and make it something that's going to remain a staple for any given week.
I've attempted losing weight before without much success and I found out why. I *need* to create a set in stone "list" of things I need to do at specific times or I just won't do it.
love to include weight lifting (since I love actually lifting weights anyways) but I don't own any. So that's out of the equation for the time being.
so here is what I'm asking in terms of advice: I want to make a set in stone schedule for this. I wanna know that at "9:30am" I am going to exercise for X amount of time every single day (or every other day) for example. What I would like you from you guys is to help me make this schedule.
like, what should I be eating for breakfast every single day? What *exact* exercises should I be looking to do and at what points during the day? and should it be 3 days a week? should it be more? It's kinda like I'm a little clueless as to what things to do and therefore I haven't been able to iron this out in the past.
As far as food goes, cut out anything refined and eat balanced smaller portion meals. 5 small meals/day > 3 large ones.
They're not very expensive.
They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
I would suggest an easy routine unless you are already an advanced lifter.
2ndly - dont buy your own weights, its cheaper and more motivational to go to the gym. Its easy to sit around and say you'll go work out, but when you know people at the gym - it feels like you're more responsible for being there.
I would suggest the triangle of losing weight - cardio, weightlifting, diet.
Cardio - Run, swim, bike, jog, elliptical, whatever for 30-60 minutes every other day or 3 times a week. Best done AFTER you lift.
Lifting - Go grab a 3 day per week plan from one of the 2 above mentioned threads and STICK TO IT.
Diet - Lots of protein, GOOD carbs (whole grains), and good fats. Aim for a gram of protein per pound of lean weight you want to be at.
Honestly, anything Tube or Wook or Jyranda (I know I spelled this wrong) say you can pretty much trust. They know their stuff and are extremely good at it.
Good luck and realize that for long-term benefits this will be a lifestyle change - not a 2 month stint.
The thing is, all my life I've been slightly heavy. Never fat and never skinny. the middleground. I've never had trouble with girls so it's not about that. this is just something I've always wanted to change about myself and I know that if I can aquire the change through hard work, I'll feel better about myself and feel really good about having worked to get it.