I have a dilemma. Way back when, I got myself a SharkPort 2. This was due to the retarded practice of certain games eating half a meg to make a gigantic "block" of empty save slots because whoever programmed that portion of the software
was dropped on their fucking head as a baby.
I've got all of my saves up through a few months ago archived on my PC, leaving only my favorite games' data still on the cards. Problem is that since then, my fat PS2's laser has all but died and the SharkPort 2 does not work on my new slim (or any slim, from what I've read).
I need a new device capable of getting saves back and forth between my PC and slim PS2, and preferably in a format that I can convert Sharkport / X-Port saves to so that my archive isn't a waste. Max Drive for Playstation 2 fits the bill, except the places I would think to go to aren't selling them any longer, so:
1) Where can I buy a Playstation 2 MaxDrive at a reasonable price from a reputable seller?
2) What else would do the job and is still available?
3DS: 3024-6114-2886
| NNID: Rabites
| Steam:
IceBurnerPSN: theIceBurner, IceBurnerEU, IceBurner-JP
| X-Link Kai: TheIceBurner
Dragon's Dogma:
192 Warrior Linty | 80 Strider Alicia | 32 Mage Terra
Alternatively, they sell memory cards with usb ports built in now. Memor32 being one such example.
And they have tools to convert one save type to another online.
PSN: theIceBurner, IceBurnerEU, IceBurner-JP | X-Link Kai: TheIceBurner
Dragon's Dogma: 192 Warrior Linty | 80 Strider Alicia | 32 Mage Terra