So my girlfriend has recently expressed interest in co-op multiplayer games. Stuff we can play at the same time and not be fighting each other (on the couch type stuff) I've tried to get her into Animal Crossing, but she really doesn't like the idea of playing something by herself.
My first thought was Baldur's Gate 2 Dark Alliance for the PS2 or FF: Crystal Chronciles. It seems that the former is now quite hard to get ahold of minus Ebay and the latter still requires more hardware than I like to play. Fantasy games (and not super twitch based) are preferred, but I suppose party type games would be acceptable. Consoles are wide open as I have a backwards compatible PS3, 360 and a Wii.
Thanks in advance!
Oh, and it is competitive, but Scene It is a good party game, too.
There's also light gun shooters like Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles and Ghost Squad.
The Dynasty Warriors games might be okay? They're fantasy-ish, anyway.
Fable 2? One player would be the sidekick and the sidekick can't get items and is generally gimped compared to the main, but maybe she doesn't care. also suggests the following possibilities on the 360, but I don't know much about them:
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Spiderwick Chronicles
Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel
Samurai Warriors 1 & 2
Tales of Vesperia
Kameo: Elements of Power
Kung Fu Panda (which I hear was actually pretty good)
Hellboy: The Science of Evil
Eternal Sonata
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
Avatar: The Last Air Bender The Burning Earth
I know even less about the other platforms, but Co-Optimus has lists for them, too.
starwars battle front 1 and 2 are kind of fun and cool, but can be a bit aggrivating using the joypad
and as jclast said the lego star wars games are cool
and if you happen to access to a game called jediknight power battles, that has amazingly good co op, i played it on the dreamcast but im sure they made a PS2 version.
wow i had no idea i liked starwars that much
Thank you, Rubacava!
Other games I've played with my fiance:
PixelJunk Monsters
PixelJunk Eden
Gears of War 1+2
Resident Evil 5
Halo series
For fantasy though, definitely check out Champions of Norrath. I've been unable to find its sequel though.
(lode runner)
GT: Tanky the Tank
Black: 1377 6749 7425
Really, I'd try to eBay the first BG2: Dark Alliance, though. It's the best of breed for that kind of game.
Someone also said Castle Crashers, which is a good choice.
Resident Evil 5's a new entry into the same-screen co-op, but they really did an amazing job integrating it from the ground up.
If you don't mind buying the peripherals, Rock Band (2), and the Guitar Hero titles offer hours and hours of replayable co-op fun (and are good party games too).
Mario Kart - racing is fun online and you can do team races.
Trauma Center is a ton of fun, i think this is one of our new favourites
Smash Bros. co-op story is fun
- Mario galaxy is not, in my opinion, not great co-op. basically a second person can have a "pointer" on screen and collect more gems.
Sega Megadrive Ultimate Collection: Has a ton of awsome games on there, lots of co-op including streets of rage and golden axe and BONANZA BROS!!! (that's our fave on there)
As previously stated, the legos are a lot of fun. Indy is the best, then star wars and I think batman is probably not quite as good as either.
Some of the older PS2 games are good! The PS3 doesn't like to do mp on the same console so much! bit of a shame cos some of these games are awsome.
You have a 360 - I don't but I know left4dead is on there. Can you do split screen? Or does it need two consoles?
Thems is my thoughts.
That wouldn't really work for the OP, since he's looking for single-screen co-op games.
Be wary though. The minute you try to move slightly too far out of the field of view, drag the camera with you and accidentally knock your friend off of a bottomless ledge, it is so ON! Eventually you'll be knocking each other to pieces because when one of you died, the other decided to pick up all the dropped studs, and even though they're all thrown into the pot at the end of the level, they still want them back.
With that said, I can't stress how much fun I had playing through the lego games with friends.
Sorry for the necropost, but which Metal Slug games on Anthology are considered "the good ones"? I seem to remember the gaming community at large thinking that some of them are great while others are not.
I believe 3's considered the best, while 5 is also enjoyable.
Wii- Smash Bros as said above. Either GC or Wii version. Beatin up on the computer is fun!
Mariokart DoubleDash Driver and gunner action! You can also just have unwritten codes of conduct wherein you don't attack each other during races and just keep the comps out of 1st and 2nd place. That's how I always played with my friends.
Seriously its a fun light gun game with co-op and you shoot zombies. Just beware it drops f-bombs to the point where it stops being funny and just stupid. But its fun co-op and the music is awesome.
I doubt the OP literally meant that, unless his GF is amazingly picky, as just about everyone else took it as no system link or online play, just one console and one TV.
This generation has been severely lacking in this department due to online gaming, but I have to second Viva Pinata: Trouble In Paradise. Allows for two people to work on a garden together and the game is severely under appreciated due to the cartoon tie-in, but the game play and requirements for certain pinatas get very deep.
Edit: totally missed that they were both mentioned in the 1st reply. Consider this a 2nd vote for those games.
Mario Party 8 is really fun on the Wii, and there is a co-op 2v2 mode.
I found that the camera in co-op mode for this game was obnoxious and prevented the game from being seriously played. However, the idea is a good one, and in its place I would recommend either Tales of Vesperia (360) or Tales of the Abyss (PS2) (if both are an option, I recommend starting with Vesperia). The combat system can get fast and frantic, but each character has a different way of controlling. Some characters are speedy and intense, but other magic or long-range characters can fight at a more leisurely pace, so simply finding one that works for either of you shouldn't be terribly hard.
The largest problem I can see with either of these games is the long cutscenes and dungeons, which may not be terribly stimulating from a co-op perspective. As a redeeming factor for this, the games have a decent sense of humor, which could help the cutscenes go down a bit easier. Still, the only time you will both be able to play is in the battles, and because both games take a while to really get the plot moving, you won't have all of the characters for the first few hours of gameplay.
tl;dr Tales of Vesperia (360) or Tales of the Abyss (PS2)
Let's Plays of Japanese Games
You can do split screen co-op on left4dead on the 360. Only 2 players per console, though it still works with xbox live which is nice (one time I did the campaign with me and flatmate splitscreen on one console, friend and his gf splitscreen on another).
added: castle crashers is hilarious and cute and available over XBLA
The following are good solutions:
Phantasy Star Online (Gamecube Version) - up to 4 player split screen, co-op
Baldures Gate 2, Dark Alliance - Mentioned already
Gauntlet Games - Mentioned already
Champions of Norrath and CoN, Return to Arms - Almost exactly the same as Baldure's Gate, only different story, characters, skills etc. Made on the same basic engine.
Mario Strikers - Hard soccer game... Lotsa fun using co-op.
Any of the Tales games - Mentioned already, although they're not my cup of tea.
Dynasty Warriors - Mentioned already. Good old fashioned Carnage.
Secret of Mana - On Wii virtual Console. Great RPG, simple and fun. Will take ~ 2 hours of playing before you get the second party member though, so keep that in mind.
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 - Old pc game with hot seat action. High fantasy, lots of fun. Lots of maps and content to play.