In case you don't know what this is, it's the sequel to the tragically overlooked
Red Dead Revolver published by Rockstar in 2004. It was originally developed by Capcom, but when they dropped it, Rockstar picked it up, polished it off, and put it out. It was a really fun, if flawed, 3rd person Spaghetti Western flavored action shooter.
Well if you enjoyed that, or the more ambitious and also more flawed
Gun feast your eyes on this.
Yippee-Ki-Yay Mother Fucker!
I'm incredibly excited, personally. But then again I'm a huge Western nerd. What do you guys want to see in the game? Personally I'm most interested in seeing who they get to do the voices. Rockstar is known for their stunt casting, so there are some interesting possibilities. Maybe some Deadwood vets?
I will be in heaven in they get
considering he's still working and getting him into a sound booth for a couple hours might not be too hard.