I hate it when you ask them to leave the tomato off, and they put it on there anyway.
For some reason, I don't like raw tomatoes, but cooked tomatoes are tasty.
So what is it? A fruit or a vegetable? Because people say it's a fruit but I'm saying if you try and make ice cream with it then you and me are gonna have issues, capiche?
I need someone to compare my life to. I have to know if I'm winning.
Depends on how broad you want to make the field. By having the resources, the ability, and the leisure time to post on an internet forum, you're kicking the shit out of most of humanity.
I'm a mentally ill brain-damaged high school drop-out who lives of off government hand-outs and can't hold a job! I'm not allowed to have a driver's license, because I present a hazard to other motorists! I'm in a financial state of ruin and contemplating bankruptcy! Despite living with my girlfriend for almost a year now, our relationship has almost entirely died and we haven't had sex in 7 months! Right now she's across the ocean, in France, for the rest of the month by herself! For the first time in my entire life, I'm living truly alone, with no room-mates, girlfriend, or family! I have no dreams, aspirations, or hope for the future, and I have nothing on the horizon to look forward to!
Hi, my name is Pony, but you might remember me better as Debbie Downer.
I'm a mentally ill brain-damaged high school drop-out who lives of off government hand-outs and can't hold a job! I'm not allowed to have a driver's license, because I present a hazard to other motorists! I'm in a financial state of ruin and contemplating bankruptcy! Despite living with my girlfriend for almost a year now, our relationship has almost entirely died and we haven't had sex in 7 months! Right now she's across the ocean, in France, for the rest of the month by herself! For the first time in my entire life, I'm living truly alone, with no room-mates, girlfriend, or family! I have no dreams, aspirations, or hope for the future, and I have nothing on the horizon to look forward to!
Hi, my name is Pony, but you might remember me better as Debbie Downer.
I hate it when you ask them to leave the tomato off, and they put it on there anyway.
For some reason, I don't like raw tomatoes, but cooked tomatoes are tasty.
I'm pretty much the opposite. Roma tomatoes are so delicious to me raw that I can eat them almost whole. Once they've been cooked, though, I'm not so much a fan. MLIA?
I caught some flak from my friends because I removed one of our buddies off one of the social networking sites. The douche was making posts every 10 or 20 minutes or so updating us on what he was eating or what song he thought was totally rad.
a tomato is biologically a fruit but the supreme court ruled it a vegetable in the 1970s, if I am recalling correctly
edit: whoa, 1893. I was way off.
peanuts are legumes, closer in relation to beans
they are not nuts
Also, for context, the reason the Supreme Court had fuckall to say about the tomato is due to produce tax laws. They had to decide, officially, which one it was because taxes on fruits and vegetables are not always identical.
For some reason, I don't like raw tomatoes, but cooked tomatoes are tasty.
I wish ascot would like me.
edit: oh
I have no concept of how twitter works
Maybe I do!
(I don't)
I'll bet you are jealous of this candy.
So what is it? A fruit or a vegetable? Because people say it's a fruit but I'm saying if you try and make ice cream with it then you and me are gonna have issues, capiche?
more like
opal fruits
Depends on how broad you want to make the field. By having the resources, the ability, and the leisure time to post on an internet forum, you're kicking the shit out of most of humanity.
So, you know. High fives all around.
also I was only kidding about earlier.
I'm a mentally ill brain-damaged high school drop-out who lives of off government hand-outs and can't hold a job! I'm not allowed to have a driver's license, because I present a hazard to other motorists! I'm in a financial state of ruin and contemplating bankruptcy! Despite living with my girlfriend for almost a year now, our relationship has almost entirely died and we haven't had sex in 7 months! Right now she's across the ocean, in France, for the rest of the month by herself! For the first time in my entire life, I'm living truly alone, with no room-mates, girlfriend, or family! I have no dreams, aspirations, or hope for the future, and I have nothing on the horizon to look forward to!
Hi, my name is Pony, but you might remember me better as Debbie Downer.
Because I see the 18 year old guy across the street pulling weeds in just a pair of board-shorts.
Is he hot?
this thread is not for talking about your stupid life
this thread is for talking about other peoples'ses stupid lives
damn pony
shit sucks
fuck you, you're not my dad
edit: whoa, 1893. I was way off.
it's true!
I'm pretty much the opposite. Roma tomatoes are so delicious to me raw that I can eat them almost whole. Once they've been cooked, though, I'm not so much a fan. MLIA?
it's called a "TV"
peanuts are legumes, closer in relation to beans
they are not nuts
Also, for context, the reason the Supreme Court had fuckall to say about the tomato is due to produce tax laws. They had to decide, officially, which one it was because taxes on fruits and vegetables are not always identical.
Homer Simpson will "go nuts" for "dough-nuts"
swine flu still has the potential to turn into a devastating global pandemic
it's still a very serious thing that people in the relevant organizations are quite concerned about and doing stuff to deal with
it's taking so long
it wasn't getting serious fast enough for the ADHD cable news cycle, so they moved on to Miss California being against gay marriage
we'll probably be treated to a whole new round of panic and fearmongering the next big flu season