ChicoBlue wrote: » Oh lordie am I in a VIDEO GAME?
Loomdun wrote: » I voted for chico because you didn't allow me to use arrows to move and I kept hitting q which made me quit the game. :<
Ten wrote: » Neville, I am going to duck out of work early so I can go home and play your game But that will still be 2 hours away
NotACrook wrote: » Oh hey, he's gay. I get it. It's funny because he's gay, right?
edit: omg chico
Votin for Chico since I can't use a .exe file
hey satan...: thinkgeek amazon My post |
now to play this game
Quite so.
also chico's is pretty good
Indeed you are! And with quite a cute little bow.
I enjoyed the video. I see you too included FAQ in yours.
Who has a Mac these days that can't dual boot? Sheesh.
Also yes, please play the game with sound.
It loses a lot without it! The musical selections alone...
Win or lose, I am happy with the result!
But I want to win.
But that will still be 2 hours away
Also Chico's was delightful so he gets my vote.
but dang nevs
Uh, that's because the arrows move the camera... but okay.
I get it.
It's funny because he's gay, right?
let me try my other computer
but chico's is excellent!
Chico's was a little lackluster for me.
No worries, I think the polls are up for what, 2 days?
Also, I know it sucks the multiplayer is local only.
The next round, you know ... if I get there..., will be playable ONLINE over the INTERTUBES.
And I'll try to make it so linux/mac babies can play it too, blah blah blah.
But it was fun
I'm having trouble with this one
It's an obvious gay joke...
And nobody's noticed the background in it? Hm
The next one I'll try to do without windows.h (bleh) so the Mac/Linux kids can play.
Seriously though... dual boot? No? Bueller?
I think theres a reason why it isnt set in present days
Yeah, it is funny
(I was never able to make my way over the steep learning curve that is DirectX programming)