Why is this man even allowed near the movie adaptation of one of the greatest science fiction trilogies‽Columbia Pictures (Sony) successfully bid for the screen rights of the Foundation trilogy on January 15, 2009, and have contracted Roland Emmerich for direction. Emmerich and Michael Wimer will produce the screen adaptation.
How the fuck do you even get from A to B. It is really difficult for me to understand. The movie had zero relevance to the book. It was really astounding.
god yes
I am Legend hardly followed the book and it was pretty good.
I enjoyed the film version of I, Robot as a movie but it had almost nothing to do with the novel, except that it included robots, the three laws and Dr. Calvin
if it had been called anything else I wouldn't be all nerdrage about it, to me it the title was more about marketing
If anybody, Will Smith would be that guy who got Hari to build the Foudnation in the first place.
What spring does with the cherry trees.
I haven't seen or read I, Robot but I did both for I am Legend and I can pretty much say the same with regards to "it had almost nothing to do with the novel". It had the setting but that's pretty much it. The movie's basis in the novel is loose at best.
Yeah I was looking at his films on wikipedia and thought the same thing.
Eight Legged Freaks was really fun.
Look, as long as I get a top 40 rap song about psychohistory, I'll be happy.
the day after tomorrow was directed well, but it had such a crappy plot
ehh, for me its because 10,000 BC was one of the worst movies i've ever sat through, ever. and this is coming from a guy with the lowest expectations in the world. i mean, i find wayans bros. movies entertaining.
I was determined not to see the film because I felt it bastardized the work of a fine author
then I realized it's just a movie and that his work is still just as good as it ever was, whether you're talking about the collection or the titular short story
I enjoyed the film
went through a similar reaction with Constantine
I was all pissed off that they cast Reeves as Constantine and refused to see the abomination because I was sure they'd fuck everything up
then a friend talked me into watching it and just appreciating it for what it was, and yeah I had fun watching it even if they butchered the character
I just don't see the point of getting all up in arms about this shit anymore
I'll stop whining
I am Legend with the alternate ending followed it pretty well though.
good god
antimatter, if it helps, Ridley Scott is making The Forever War.
respect knuckles, dig?
killer ostriches
its like they saw that part of dude, where's my car and decided to make a 15 minute action sequence based on it.
also, the plot and acting of 10,000 BC was basically a stinky poop
knuckles it is my homie
the upside is now I have the urge to read Foundation again
I remember a few years back I was talking to this dude that claimed he really enjoyed reading sci-fi and I mentioned Asimov and dude was all, "who?"
what the motherfuck?
Oh shit, he made 10,000BC too? That movie ranks up there as one of the most terrible ever. Wolly Mammoths in the desert building the pyramids? I mean COME ON!!
it was the worst movie ive seen in a theater
how does that happen?
I always though Asimov was sort of the gateway drug of sci-fi authors
Had you read the book?
also now I want to reread Caves of Steel, Naked Sun, and Robots of Dawn
relive Olivaw's antics
and it was like
sit around and do nothing all night
or go see a shitty but hopefully mildly entertaining movie
it wasnt even mildly entertaining