Well Holy Shit Alrighty.
Well sir we got us some motherfuckin' nerdrage. Exhibit A:
Welcome to Left 4 Dead 2, the surprisingly cynical-looking sequel to the game that spawned a thousand ragequits.
Here is a preview.
Here is a podcast. There are lots of new additions, such as:
- 4
completely new survivors (Uncle Phil, John Cusack, Jada Pinkett-Smith and Shia LaBeouf)
- New firearms
- Smarter Director
- Airstrikes
- Fire-immune zombies
- Incendiary ammo
- At least two new infected including one 'miniboss' style chap called the Charger
- Adaptive mapping (paths change depending how well you play)
- New weather system
Chainsaws and other melee weapons
- Wandering witches
- Retooled 'gauntlet' panic events that oppose camping
- 5 campaigns
with versus, out of the box
- 1 new, as-yet undisclosed gameplay mode
- 'Forwards compatability' with user-created content (custom maps will work in both games)
- Sun! Though not all maps are set during daytime
- Release date: November (Valve time)
PC Gamer article summary.
Tonne of fan-gathered information.
I'll post more info after the initial storm has quietened down and we know a bit more. The game is set in the south, quite evidently in New Orleans. The Government presumably doesn't care about black zombies as they are shelling the bejesus out of it.
The nerdy battle-lines are clear.
On the one side, you have what we might call
Valve Loyalists. Citing Valve's impressive track record and pointing out that we really have precious little information on the game, the predominant message is 'have some faith'. This includes such things as gameplay remaining fresh, and the characters being as likeable as the original four. They certainly have a point, and it's important to remember that Valve are (notoriously) always changing things right up until release. And we have only seen a tiny bit of footage thus far.
Then you have the cynics, who are a little more disparate. Some are saying that this is too soon and that they feel L4D is being abandoned. Similarly, some feel like they didn't get their money's worth on the original. Others simply think that it won't be possible to make a whole other standalone game using recycled concepts and assets whilst having it still be worth the money.
Others can't help feeling they paid for what was ultimately the beta version of the game.
We know very little. It seems, as I said, cynical. Rushing out a game was never Valve's style. But we'll see.
"We're in a weird position. Schizophrenic as we are, we'll continue working on L4D1 as we work on L4D2."
Due to the kerfuffle over the new game, I am going to elide some of the old stuff, mainly the 'best times' section (which can still be found
here). Most people are friends with the people whose score they care about, I would venture. The rest of the salient information about the original game can be found behind this attractive spoiler:
System Requirements for PC:
Supported OS: Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / Vista64
Processor: Pentium 4 3.0GHz
Memory: 1 GB
Graphics: 128 MB, Shader model 2.0, ATI 9600, NVidia 6600 or better
Hard Drive: At least 7.5 GB of free space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Supported OS: Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / Vista64
Processor: Intel core 2 duo 2.4GHz
Memory: 1 GB
Graphics: Shader model 3.0, NVidia 7600, ATI X1600 or better
Steam GroupsArmadeaddonAussie/NZ PA + FriendsConsole Commandshttp://www.left4dead411.com/l4d_cvar_list.pdfServersPA L4D - Job's Server #1 â€
PA L4D - Job's Versus Server â€
Penny-Arcade L4D Brains4Lyfe
PA L4D - SSMans Server â€
PA L4D - Raoul Duke's Server â€
Password for all is
Basic Survival Suggestions
* Friendly fire is ON at all times. Please try to remember this when moving around other survivors. Accidents are bound to happen but most can be avoided by hugging walls and crouching if you decide to take the lead.
* Team members cannot take friendly fire damage when pinned or constricted.
* Melee is your friend. This can give you some much needed breathing room and also separates nearby Infected from you so fellow survivors can shoot them easier. You can also melee in the middle of reloading, so when in doubt, melee.
* Boomers splash vomit upon death. Melee a Boomer before shooting to avoid being caught in the splash radius.
* Melee will free a pounced or Smoker-constricted team member.
* You can heal other survivors with med kits. Simply stand next to them with the med kit equipped and use your secondary function key, whatever that may be. This also applies to pain pills, which you hand to them. Be aware that doing so will switch whatever that survivor is holding for the pills. So try to hand them over when the survivor isn't in a combat situation.
* To stop an AI-controlled survivor from healing you, take out your own med kit.
* Hunters should use their right click attack unless they want to distract or pin, as it does more damage, hits multiple targets, and you stay completely silent when standing.
Information Compendium by Sol Invictus
The Left 4 Dictionary @ Hellforge
XBL |Steam | PSN | last.fm
-They made it clear that L4D1 was getting new campaigns as free DLC. (I still hope that we will, though it doesn't seem to be the case)
-L4D2 was instead "L4D: Episodes" or something, billed as an expansion pack.
I think we get it
You can stop anytime
EDIT: You know what intrigues me? How the zombies look so fresh compared to how they were in L4D 1, like Valve just borrowed that one texture pack that makes the infected more human-toned. I know New Orleans is more likely to give you a tan than Pennsylvania, but dang.
The announcement (and backlash) was more than two hours ago. I am of the mind that this should be some sort of tie-in product to the first L4D instead of a standalone game, even with the new survivors.
Also, please god don't be $50 again.
You should
addicted to the shindig
So, people saying IT'S VALVE, TRUST THEM are ignoring the arguments of why people are upset, but a lot of what I'm seeing is people complaining because they thought this game was going to be supported akin to Team Fortress 2. I mean, I get the whole $50 thing, but I think basing a video game purchase on content and not utility is asinine. Does Left 4 Dead, even now have $50 of content? I think so.
Have the hours I've sunk into Left 4 Dead been worth $50? In a world where it costs me about 8 bucks to see a movie or 20 bucks to buy a DVD, hell yeah it has been.
If they want to continue releasing stuff for it, cool. I'll download the updates and play it.
If they want to release this, frankly, I'll buy it. Even if it's just the next stop until Left 4 Dead 3 coming 2010, I'll still buy it.
Frankly, there's enough new content for my tastes. I'm not particularly taken right now by the new survivors, but we don't know much about them. I do like the idea of the 5 campaigns being told in a linear fashion that allow a story to be told without ruining a drop in and play aspect. I like all of the new things they are suggesting with the director. I like the melee and the new infected.
Basically, reading this link
makes me not feel bad at all about moving on to a new game. I got my $50 out of Left 4 Dead. Even after shiny and new Left 4 Dead, I'll still probably drop in from time to time on my old favorites.
But I think for this kind of game, what they are releasing is worthy of a distinction as a sequel, especially because of the quality of Valve's work. I will definitely take 5 campaigns that, from the sounds of it, will definitely be based on real world locations. Even if they look questionable right now, I'm sure the characters are going to be awesome, especially the mechanic and the gambler. New boss infected will affect how verus is played out. Specific design choices are being implemented to basically reinvent the game from a player's perspective in the sense that hiding in corners during triggered events and trying to gun it down familiar paths won't necessarily do much good for you anymore. And supposedly a new game mode to boot.
Frankly, I'll stick to my guns. Based on the 10 minutes or so of video we have right now and all of the information we have, this is definitely a purchase.
They are all very unappealing to me.
they better have charm
To be honest, when I first heard about the expansion for L4D when they included all the new junk, the way they were publicizing it made me think they were going to charge for it at first. Did anybody else feel that way? Maybe it's a similar deal here and it won't cost as much, if anything. Who knows?
It's idle guessing, but given what they're doing, I'd be SHOCKED if they're not going to charge at least $30 for this game.
That's the rumor. If so, I would see no reason to complain.
So, what, is Valve suddenly taking the Madden approach now?
When they complete a project, they ask their team what they want to do next. Not just the heads of the studio. INot just the publisher. They actually ask the team itself, and they all wanted to do another Left 4 Dead.
On top of that, I would argue that it's a gross oversimplification of a game we don't know much about to even try to compare the content to something like a Madden model.
Why did we not make two separate threads?
Yeah, and even though it's early we do have some nice details about new features. I like how they want to make it more difficult, how you can't just camp a spot in a corner and live through everything. It makes you constantly move. I also like the Director changes the layout of the maps each time you play. You won't be able to memorize the exact route. And five campaigns instead of four? That sounds pretty fun to me.
If we do get a discount for owning the first one, I'm all over this.
But I also don't run out and get rehashes on day two, so I'm waiting to hear on real features being added or a price that justifies the lack of said features. Otherwise, I'll be patient and wait for the inevitable weekend sale.
This said, I am still frothing at the mouth.
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PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
Anyone with over 20 hours shouldnt feel hosed in my opinion
Quality of content always trumps quantity of content, and what was contained within l4d was quality
THe only legitimate beef is the vs maps, which ill grant
Like, before L4D came out I was like "who cares about survivors, let me just shoot zombie mans." I'm sure the new characters will have as much, well, character as the old ones
The guy in the suit appeals to me
He looks like the smartass of the group
EDIT: Coach is the new Bill.
But I have paid for less hours of entertainment, so I will not whine. But I will say that Left 4 Dead didn't give me a ton of mileage. Yours may vary.
Thank you.
When people buy the game after reading a quote like that, and then they turn around and announce a sequel, those people might rightly feel gypped.
I know I'll play L4D and get my money's worth, but I don't think you can call anyone naive for expecting Valve to support the game for at least a year before moving ahead with a sequel, especially when you consider that Steam purchases cannot be traded or resold.
Some people will buy it, some wont