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SonarSonar Registered User regular
edited July 2009 in Games and Technology

There is a FANTASTIC ARMA II guide HERE. We suggest you read it.

ARMA II is a BIG game. It is very system intensive and very persnickity. IF YOU GET THE GAME UNDERSTAND YOU HAVE A GOOD CHANCE OF HAVING TO MESS WITH CONFIG FILES TO GET IT STABLE. You have been warned. (It's totally worth it.)
We have a Steam Group:

PM Sonar in Steam to join or an existing member.

We have an official server!

PA Joe

acidlacedpenguin wrote:
Well, first things first. We need a list of all the people that are:

1: For sure getting the game on/around release.
2: Who will get the game, but some time later.

Continue quoting this.

*People who are getting the game at/around release*
XOCentric - Down Range
Basil - Friendly Fire
Taranis - Vanguard
Rend - Painboy
jdarksun - Lead Farmer
dietarysupplement - Dirty Stick
Sladvan - Stovepipe
meepzero - Spearhead
krylon666 -
Axen - Big Boom
The Count of Midget Fisto - Law
Ethugs4life - Affirmative Action
Dashui - Dr. Feel Good
acidlacedpenguin - Body Massage
Voro - Face Plate
Yall - Road Kill
PolishElvis- Fire Control
Snake101st - Snake
kaliyama - White Collar
lookfreegrenade - Rook
Pyromaniac221 - Long Shot
Digito -
AngryPuppy -
Littleboots - Router-Mouth
Veevee -
PolloDiablo- Sandbag
Docken - Dragon
Doctor Deimos -
Icy -
Kendrik -
Ryke - High Caliber
GalagaGalaxian - Wizard

*People who will get the game later*
magicprime (July 4th) - Fireside
ChildeRoland (Mid July, with a box) - BackStop
Daemonion (July 2nd boxed retail) -
ARMA II now has a release date:

July 7th for American Retailers and world wide release

Optimization Needed? Look here:

"ArmA 2 Optimization"

"Optimisation/FPS with ArmA II"

ARMA II is a combined arms tactical simulator.

Think of it like Battlefield 2: Modern Combat.

Except the battlefield encompasses hundreds of square miles of accurately recreated real world terrain:


The names are fictional but the place is real. This is taken from an area near the Black Sea.

And the players conform to real world physics. You fight your body weight, you have inertia, bullets drop and are affected by wind (rumor) the whole shebang of physics are there.

ARMA II can accurately be described as a soldier simulator. In fact it's taken from an actual soldier simulator available for sale for a measly few thousand dollars.

Bohemian Interactive, the creators, have packed in as much realism as they could into the game. Soldiers have a full range of real world military doctrine hand gestures for example. Sim enthusiasts can employ their 'Track IR' and move their head independently from their bodies. (I do this in ARMA I and it's more useful than you may think)

There are more commands than you can shake a stick at. The only think they've dumbed down is vehicles, to allow for players to actually be able to use them without a full HOTAS set up and a few years training.

Oh and yes it's multiplayer. Hundreds can jump onto a server to battle it out for control of the land, or simple death match.

Hundreds of pieces of equipment have been recreated here for the six factions in game. Russian, US Marines, Chernarussian Defence Forces, Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star, National Party, and Citizens of Chernarus aka civilians. You may be tempted to think of them as targets but that would be a mistake. In the single player campaign how you treat citizens effects how they treat you. Be cool and they'll give you valuable info. Be a shit and they'll fire bomb your jeep. Have fun walking back those ten miles to base because distances isn't compressed here. Ten miles is ten miles.

It's gonna be a blast for the hard core.


If you want to Admin you'll need this link:

Oh and this has caused quite a stir:

For those who want to compare ARMA 1 with ARMA 2 I recommend this guy:

And to see if this game is for you watch this video:

Did you:

A)Shit your pants imagining it was you playing that.
B)Thought how immersive and over arcing the game play was.
C)Immediatly wrote an Email to Bohemian Interactive bitching about how unfair it is to die to something you can't see in a war sim.
D) A combination of A and B.

If you picked D. Welcome to 90% of this threads posters. Have a beer and proceed to have your socks blown off.

I'm building a real pirate ship. Really. Wanna help? Click here!
caffron said: "and cat pee is not a laughing matter"
Sonar on


  • KingMoleKingMole Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    I really can't see ARMA as being close at all to Battlefield.

    KingMole on
  • Delta AssaultDelta Assault Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    I just want a worthy successor to Operation Flashpoint.

    Whether it's this, or OFP 2, remains to be seen.

    Delta Assault on
  • SonarSonar Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    KingMole wrote: »
    I really can't see ARMA as being close at all to Battlefield.

    It's about as close as saying the moon is like the sun. Their both heavenly bodies but that's about it. However for people who have no idea what a hard core sim like ARMA is like it's a good starting off point.

    Feel free to add stuff in, I'll drop it in the OP as the release date gets closer.

    Sonar on
    I'm building a real pirate ship. Really. Wanna help? Click here!
    caffron said: "and cat pee is not a laughing matter"
  • KingMoleKingMole Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    I just want a worthy successor to Operation Flashpoint.

    Whether it's this, or OFP 2, remains to be seen.

    I thought ARMA (the first one) was a worthy successor to OFP.

    OFP 2 looks to be going more action-y Call of Duty-esque, while ARMA is staying true to OFP's sim gameplay.

    KingMole on
  • Delta AssaultDelta Assault Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    KingMole wrote: »
    I just want a worthy successor to Operation Flashpoint.

    Whether it's this, or OFP 2, remains to be seen.

    I thought ARMA (the first one) was a worthy successor to OFP.

    OFP 2 looks to be going more action-y Call of Duty-esque, while ARMA is staying true to OFP's sim gameplay.

    Hmmmm. I dunno, just remember ArmA getting some unenthusiastic middling reviews when it came out.

    Kinda like the post right below me.

    Delta Assault on
  • TodesbartTodesbart Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    I thought the first one sucked with it's endless supply of bugs and glichtes. I hope they make up for it with ARMA II. They better do.

    Todesbart on
  • GrimReaperGrimReaper Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    ArmA 2 has already been released in Germany to a cacophony of complaints of game breaking bugs.

    Also, ArmA is nothing like Battlefield.

    BIS have so far done a couple of things consistently with all their games. The first is that their games are horribly buggy and the second is that their AI is horrible. Being shot from a mile away through a forrest, bushes and small huts by an enemy with an AK-47 isn't very good AI.

    Knowing me i'll probably end up buying this though.

    GrimReaper on
    PSN | Steam
    I've got a spare copy of Portal, if anyone wants it message me.
  • FandyienFandyien But Otto, what about us? Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    ARMA was a decent game. It was also incredibly pretty and I'm a sucker for environments.

    I'll probably buy the hell outta this.

    Fandyien on
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu PIGEON Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    Whatever else you say about it, it's a pretty game.


    TychoCelchuuu on
  • Uncle_BalsamicUncle_Balsamic Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    I just want a shinier OPF that works. Then I will be happy.

    edit: New and old cathedrals in the middle of the map, eh?

    Uncle_Balsamic on
  • SanguineAngelSanguineAngel Lord Centre of the UniverseRegistered User regular
    edited June 2009
    Read a review for this in a PC mag (cant rememeber which one I bought now!) over here in the UK - 83% They previously gave ArmA I 70% if that's a decent watermark for you.

    With regards to it having been buggy as hell in Germany, I rather get the impression that they've patched it a few times since release already (3 i think) and it has been greatly improved for general release.

    I gotta say, the review i read did admit there were a few bugs (mainly AI doing immersion breaking things like poor driving) but overall, gushed rainbows. The Map editor is supposedly very easy to use and MP wise, you can set up a custom game with your own objectives et al. pretty quick.

    Lastly, the review mentioned that on his second play through on mission one, the mission dynamically changed from his first play through. He patrol was interrupted by an emergency rescue for a downed helicopter crew. That didn't happen the first time he did it. That is all kinds of awsome right?

    I'll let you know the mag later, cos I haven't seen any reviews online yet.

    UPDATE: The Magazing is PC Gamer, issue 202. :D

    SanguineAngel on
  • Tim JamesTim James Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    More details on how this is based off a multi-thousand dollar soldier sim. Haven't heard that before.

    Reminds me how badly I want Steel Beasts 2 but the dev seems to be content working on his $100+ edition for soldiers.

    Tim James on
  • BasticleBasticle Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    Tim James wrote: »
    More details on how this is based off a multi-thousand dollar soldier sim. Haven't heard that before.

    Reminds me how badly I want Steel Beasts 2 but the dev seems to be content working on his $100+ edition for soldiers.

    Basticle on
  • vhzodvhzod Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    I've been reading about this. Apparently the AI is a bit smarter than it was in Arma. It uses cover and better tactics. Once they get into a vehicle the intelligence goes away though. My impression is that its supposed to be more character focused like opf rather than being a random faceless dude like in Arma. I like feeling some connection to my character.

    vhzod on
  • Tim JamesTim James Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    Thanks for the VBS link. I'd also like to read an article on how prevalent these training simulators are in today's military/police/whateva. My last look into it was the Army's Doom map.

    Tim James on
  • Ed321Ed321 Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    I like to see a proper cover system in later OFP/AA games. I like how it looks like you (and hopefully the AI) can pick up and carry wounded soldiers in AA2 though.

    Ed321 on
  • Tim JamesTim James Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    What would you design into a "proper cover system," Ed? (Please don't say some console third person shooter.) Don't they already implement leaning around walls? Depressions in the ground are all you're going to get there. Seems like all they're missing is knee high walls.

    Tim James on
  • randombattlerandombattle Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    Despite it's realism Arma2 is pretty fun.

    ArmA 2 is the most realistic game ever!

    It also has a mode where you control a chicken around an obstacle course.

    randombattle on
    I never asked for this!
  • ThirithThirith Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    Just in case people are interested: the Total Conversion of the original Operation Flashpoint for Armed Assaultis out now. It's called Cold War Rearmed and it includes the Resistance campaign. It's rough around the edges, but it makes up for the lack of a compelling storyline in ArmA

    Thirith on
    "Nothing is gonna save us forever but a lot of things can save us today." - Night in the Woods
  • Tim JamesTim James Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    Jeez, all that work and now Arma II is out.

    I'm playing through OFP now. Never tackled the game, maybe because it was so ugly and buggy and cumbersome, but a realistic soldier sim shooter is exactly something I could really get into. (Other than the multiplayer, because I avoid that stuff generally to save time.)

    Tim James on
  • Ed321Ed321 Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    Tim James wrote: »
    What would you design into a "proper cover system," Ed? (Please don't say some console third person shooter.) Don't they already implement leaning around walls? Depressions in the ground are all you're going to get there. Seems like all they're missing is knee high walls.

    So you can take cover behind a low wall, and pop your head up to observe the enemy and fire rather than just crouch/ go prone and merely hope that the object in front of happens to be the right height or you're screwed? Can you direct your team to do the same? Do the enemy use cover in this manner? I havn't played the game but from what I've heard so far this isn't the case. A game doesn't have to be Gears of War to strive for a reliable cover system for christsakes. The next Red Orchestra game is meant to try and simulate this.

    Ed321 on
  • Tim JamesTim James Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    I don't really know either. How's Red Orchestra planning to do it?

    Tim James on
  • Delta AssaultDelta Assault Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    Tim James wrote: »
    More details on how this is based off a multi-thousand dollar soldier sim. Haven't heard that before.

    Reminds me how badly I want Steel Beasts 2 but the dev seems to be content working on his $100+ edition for soldiers.

    I used to know a guy who's on that dev team.

    He was into gay dragon fucking. It was really really weird.

    Delta Assault on
  • Tim JamesTim James Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    Ah, someone reminded me that with TrackIR you can control your head position pretty well to peek around corners. And it's not like you're going to get nailed the second you look like in most shooters. Everyone is 200 yards away.

    I don't know how you'd do this with keyboard/mouse or gamepad. Still curious what RO is going to do because I too would love to see something both realistic and useful.

    Tim James on
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu PIGEON Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    To do it with KB/M you just hold down a button (say alt) and move your mouse. This would move your torso. Rainbow 6 did this. Works fine, although nobody really needs that level of fidelity, which is what the dude pretty much admitted in the TrackIR video. I like how RO does it; if you go into iron sights, you poke your head above cover. Otherwise, you stay down. That's as much detail as I need.

    TychoCelchuuu on
  • subediisubedii Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    So pretty impressive videos. In a few minutes in the editor you can easily create something like a mass, 1000 unit AI firefight, and jump right into it.

    Click the links and watch in hi-def.

    There's plenty of other videos on youtube.

    subedii on
  • DaemonionDaemonion Mountain Man USARegistered User regular
    edited June 2009
    This looks great.

    Daemonion on
  • CmdPromptCmdPrompt Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    That night video was incredible.

    I'm interested as to how the multiplayer will pan out, because it looks like it could either be mindblowingly awesome or boring as hell.

    CmdPrompt on
  • The Black HunterThe Black Hunter The key is a minimum of compromise, and a simple, unimpeachable reason to existRegistered User regular
    edited June 2009
    This has got my interest

    wanna see how she goes

    The Black Hunter on
  • The Black HunterThe Black Hunter The key is a minimum of compromise, and a simple, unimpeachable reason to existRegistered User regular
    edited June 2009
    It doesn't matter what the multiploayer is like to me if I can have 999 AI and myself gunning it out

    The Black Hunter on
  • RobmanRobman Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    I'm so happy that I got a Saitek X52 flight system for games like this. Oh ho ho Mr Keyboard and Mouse, how's that Helicopter treating you? I believe I just flew in a circle around you.

    Robman on
  • RobmanRobman Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    CmdPrompt wrote: »
    That night video was incredible.

    I'm interested as to how the multiplayer will pan out, because it looks like it could either be mindblowingly awesome or boring as hell.

    Replace mindblowingly awesome with pants-shittingly terrifying and that's war

    Robman on
  • MindstormMindstorm Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    I'm definitely looking forward to this game's release. Having played OFP & ArmA I really want to give ArmA 2 a shot. ArmA is awesome now due to its fanbase, which has led to a lot of amazing missions and mods being released (like the ACE mod, which brings ArmA to a whole new level of simulation without making it excessively difficult to adjust to). It's also unique for having a relatively mature group of players who weren't impressed with the playerbase/multiplayer in Call of Duty 4 and similar arcade-style battlefield simulation games.

    If you enjoyed OFP and haven't played ArmA, consider getting ArmA 2. The campaign in ArmA was hardly compelling and (IMO) was quite a bit suckier than it needed to be, but it looks like ArmA 2 has taken steps to remedy this and to allow for a whole new level of immersion.

    Of course, if it is glitchy and runs like crap on my machine I'll change my tune, but from what I've heard it is able to utilize dual-core processors now and, as a result, is able to provide much better graphics with the same hardware you're using to play ArmA (1) now.

    I'd also like to see how multiplayer games handle those massive AI firefights. I imagine that aspect of ArmA has not been improved upon, though it's honestly quite good right now. If they improved the netcode in ArmA 2 from ArmA 1 I can't wait to see how battles scale up from what they have been in ArmA.

    Mindstorm on
  • OlivawOlivaw good name, isn't it? the foot of mt fujiRegistered User regular
    edited June 2009
    Seriously all you need to do is watch videos of this game to be excited for it

    jesus christ

    holy fuck

    oh my god

    Will be buying this. Hoping it runs as smooth as it looks and is not Stalker levels of buggy

    Olivaw on
    PSN ID : DetectiveOlivaw | TWITTER | STEAM ID | NEVER FORGET
  • acidlacedpenguinacidlacedpenguin Institutionalized Safe in jail.Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    a friend of mine has been trying to get me into ACE mod for ARMA 1 for a while now, he's since moved out west so I hardly ever talk to him. Once my exams are over on thursday I think I'll finally get around to it if only just to get me used to playing all tacticool to prep me for Arma2.

    Word on the street is that arma2 is looking really promising and SWIM is really confident that it will be great.

    acidlacedpenguin on
    GT: Acidboogie PSNid: AcidLacedPenguiN
  • TaranisTaranis Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    If they create a demo of this game that has enough realism that the denizens of PA purport that it has and it gives me PTSD type flashbacks accompanied by cold sweats I will definitely buy this game. Otherwise I can't stand an FPS that claims to be realistic but is clearly not.

    Taranis on
  • subediisubedii Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    Taranis wrote: »
    If they create a demo of this game that has enough realism that the denizens of PA purport that it has and it gives me PTSD type flashbacks accompanied by cold sweats I will definitely buy this game. Otherwise I can't stand an FPS that claims to be realistic but is clearly not.

    It's not simulation level, this isn't the version that the military uses for training, but it's still going heavy on the realism.

    subedii on
  • OlivawOlivaw good name, isn't it? the foot of mt fujiRegistered User regular
    edited June 2009
    subedii wrote: »
    Taranis wrote: »
    If they create a demo of this game that has enough realism that the denizens of PA purport that it has and it gives me PTSD type flashbacks accompanied by cold sweats I will definitely buy this game. Otherwise I can't stand an FPS that claims to be realistic but is clearly not.

    It's not simulation level, this isn't the version that the military uses for training, but it's still going heavy on the realism.

    Yeah, the version they made for the military costs several thousand dollars I guess

    Olivaw on
    PSN ID : DetectiveOlivaw | TWITTER | STEAM ID | NEVER FORGET
  • DashuiDashui Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    Those videos are amazing, but 1000 AI battles would probably destroy my Core 2 Duo E6600 and 8800 GTX system. I'm betting I'd probably need a quad core and maybe a 280 GTX for that. :(

    Dashui on
    Xbox Live, PSN & Origin: Vacorsis 3DS: 2638-0037-166
  • subediisubedii Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    Dashui wrote: »
    Those videos are amazing, but 1000 AI battles would probably destroy my Core 2 Duo E6600 and 8800 GTX system. I'm betting I'd probably need a quad core and maybe a 280 GTX for that. :(

    The specs of the guy who did the 1500 AI video:

    Windows xp 32 bit/Windows 7 64 bit (Dual boot)
    ATI Radeon 4870 512mb
    4GB DDR2 RAM (2x 2GB sticks)
    Intel Dual Core E8500 @ 3.7ghz
    And a crap sound card :P

    I think you'd probably be able to manage quite a large number of units, if not maybe the full 1000.

    subedii on
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