For tube, here. Screenshots of all the dialogue in the new villain sf. Which, for the record, is pretty goddamn lame.
Actual spoilers ahead.
So, the first two missions are actually pretty great. Barracuda has been approached by a Mr. Mueller to break something out of the time capsule in City Hall in Paragon. The next mission reveals that they are computer codes for Reichsman's tomb underneath Boomtown. There's a really nifty comic-booky cutscene wherein Reichsman whoops the shit out of you, and you have to beat your way out of a Fifth Column base, it's actually fun.
After these two missions, just quit the team. It's all downhill from there.
Next is "Go beat up reichsman" only he's impossible to beat up. Literally, everything you do to him leaves him Unaffected. So you end up hightailing it out of the level. Thanks to this game hating to spawn certain things, this map is laggy as shit.
Then you go off to find out how he got so holyshit overpowered, and you raid another fifth column base on Axis World. You learn that Reichsman has a machine that lets him drain the power of alternate dimension Reichsmen (Reichsmans?) and channel into himself. So you lie to Recluse in order to lure his Lieutenants into the machine so you can swipe some power from each of them so you'll be strong enough to take out Reichsman. This involves one map, where you find each Patron, drag their asses to the machine, then they realize what you're doing and they fight back, so you have to beat each up, then go hunting down the next one. This is dull.
Then comes Reichsman. I'll even extra spoiler this.
So. He's got 226k HP. For reference, Hamidon has just over 65k (though stronger resists). As you're fighting him, he keeps calling on ambushes that quickly flood the room. There's around 50 of them. No joke.
You've all got 4 passives, one from each Patron, that up your damage and such, and each AT gets a special temp power. Doms get an AoE hold that doesn't have a target cap, Corrs get a tornado-esque power that kills everything that is held that it hits, Stalkers get a power that lets them sneak into these laser-guarded back rooms and hit special killall switches which kill everything in the room but Reichsman (up to four times), Crabs get a +res(end drain) power to deal with Reichsman's aura, and in the stupidest kicker ever, only Masterminds get the power that can break through his Unstoppable. An Unstoppable during which he likes to heal himself for 22k HP. We had a team of four crabs, two brutes, a /kin and a /sonic, so that we didn't bring a stalker or dom for dealing with the ambushes worked out. Any other pug will be made to suffer.
Even WITH all that, it took around half an hour to whittle down his hp. We talked about Pax and movies and how annoyed we were.
Oh also the "break his unstoppable" power is broken and doesn't actually work right now.
Then we got 20 merits. And the Arbiter badge. So.
I didn't mind the mission with the invincible Reichsman, nothing wrong with having an enemy you can't beat on your first try every once in a while.
But yeah that last fight was fucking ridiculous. You should be able to fuck up his machine so it backfires and does massive damage to him when he tries to use it, or gives him like -10,000% damage resistance or... something. The devs said that they wanted the fight to be special and not just a big slugfest, too bad the tricks are worthless and it's a big slugfest anyways. I had fun but I'm not in a rush to do it again. That was absurd.
He's not even an interesting character. He just turns up, is bad, imprisons you with all your weapons, has a stupid plot device machine and then gets beaten. I think it's actually the worst fight in the game, he does s/l damage so he's not especially dangerous, has no really interesting attacks and is just a damage sponge. With say, Ghost Widow, the challenge is getting around her 100 mag hold. With Positron it's his crazy debuffs that make him interesting. For Recluse it's how you deal with all his pets. With Reichsman it's "he has a fucking ton of HP. He can't kill you. You can't kill him. Have a fun half hour of pressing the same keys over and over"
Finished most of i15 in one night, the SF was pretty much a bust after the first two missions. My account will be inactive after the 14th, so I'll probably take a break till' Going Rogue comes out.
He's not even an interesting character. He just turns up, is bad, imprisons you with all your weapons, has a stupid plot device machine and then gets beaten. I think it's actually the worst fight in the game, he does s/l damage so he's not especially dangerous, has no really interesting attacks and is just a damage sponge. With say, Ghost Widow, the challenge is getting around her 100 mag hold. With Positron it's his crazy debuffs that make him interesting. For Recluse it's how you deal with all his pets. With Reichsman it's "he has a fucking ton of HP. He can't kill you. You can't kill him. Have a fun half hour of pressing the same keys over and over"
Sounds like why I quit World of Warcraft.
Actually, there it was more about having to move 25 people in perfect synchronization or wipe, but still....
Us heroic heroes did the TF in about 90 minutes. What was this about groups taking 90 minutes to fight Reichsman?
Why do people think you need to fight Reichsman in Boomtown? It says in his description 'Invincible Reichsman?' Also, why do people keep their temp power and not use it on Reichsman? They are essential to winning the fight.
Shame the villain SF has the MM temp power being busted right now.
In the fight right after you break out of jail, you go to boomtown on Recluse's orders to put him down. It's that map that was all laggy, and it was the one where he was The Invincible Reichsman. Note that this isn't a bad idea, having an unbeatable enemy, they just handled it oddly. They could have had you drag someone (an arbiter, kalinda, etc) along who aggro'd Reichsman hard. As your ally went down, the text clues "He...he's invunerable to my attacks!" "I am an Arbiter of Arachnos, how can I not even scratch him?!" etc would have tipped you off to what was happening. Then when you ally died, his dying words would be "Go! Warn Recluse of the Reichsman's Power!" But just having you punch him for a while then run is a bit off.
Narbus on
edited June 2009
can we seriously make them hire PL already, i'd like someone working there that knows their head from their ass
Oh, also just in case AE farms aren't quite fast enough for you,
Save The Date - Next Double XP Weekend July 31st- August 2nd!
We know you've been waiting to hear so that you can meticulously craft your plan of attack! So go ahead - take off work, ignore all of your other responsibilities and stock up on easily grab-able snacks and beverages - we won't tell anyone! Just make sure to save the date because the next City of Heroes® Double XP weekend will begin Friday, July 31st 2009, at 8:59am PST (11:59am EST) and concludes Sunday, August 2nd 2009, 8:59pm PST (11:59pm EST). Don't miss out!
In the fight right after you break out of jail, you go to boomtown on Recluse's orders to put him down. It's that map that was all laggy, and it was the one where he was The Invincible Reichsman. Note that this isn't a bad idea, having an unbeatable enemy, they just handled it oddly. They could have had you drag someone (an arbiter, kalinda, etc) along who aggro'd Reichsman hard. As your ally went down, the text clues "He...he's invunerable to my attacks!" "I am an Arbiter of Arachnos, how can I not even scratch him?!" etc would have tipped you off to what was happening. Then when you ally died, his dying words would be "Go! Warn Recluse of the Reichsman's Power!" But just having you punch him for a while then run is a bit off.
What annoys me is that something very much along those lines was suggested, except it involved luring a hero in to fight him, specifically Ms. Liberty. How much cooler would that have been?
Robziel on
Do I look like the sort of man who'd go and find unsuspecting Japanese schoolgirls in short skirts and white panties and ask them if they want to see my "Cthulu Special"?
Ok, perfect world, here's how I would have done it:
Reichsman's return should have been a bigger deal. He actually managed to kill one of the Phalanx (Queen Comet) and was Statesman's superior. If not for the rest of the Phalanx showing up, Statesman would be dead and we'd all be playing City of Alternate Dimension Nazis. I know they wanted to rush this out, but then they decided to try and tell the whole story all at once, and yeah no not really. They should have tied it more closely as an extension of the Coming Storm that you encounter in the ITF, basically another chapter in that story that I really wish they'd continue already, the last we heard any of it was with Crimeora launched back in issue 12 which hit over a year ago.
SO. The villain SF. Missions one and two are the same. You still go to rob the time capsule, and you still set Reichsman free.
Mission Three. Recluse, instead of being an amazing dipshit, realizes that you were in the old Freedom Phalanx base, and that now the entire hero population of Paragon City is about to have their hands full. So he sends you back into Boomtown under cover of all-out WAR to retrieve something "special" from the base, as a way to appease him for setting loose another world dominating supervillain. During this mission, you wander a very ruined version of the base you were just in (think of the ruined bases in Faultline) fighing Longbow and Fifth Column. Once you retrieve Recluse's item and trounce Luminary and Mynx who were leading a patrol of Longbow, you see Reichsman fighting two more Vindicators, who are desperately trying to hold him off while their mentors arrive. It'd be a nice callback to the Queen Comet thing. He trounces them handily, only to be shocked as an arrow teleports into his arm and explodes, giving them time to medicom to safety. Manticore and Synapse, being the fastest of the Phalanx, show up and activate the base's failsafe, blowing it up. You manage to get out.
Mission Four: Recluse, having heard of Reichsman being all badass, wants to know how, naturally. He sends you to Axis world to investigate, this is mostly the same, yeah.
Mission Five: Recluse wants this machine, as "I'll finally have something to do with this Prae...My whims are not for you to know, go, claim this machine for the glory of Arachnos! My lieutenants are on their way there, they will aid you, in whatever way you require!" You raid the base, and off the main machine room are four side rooms. In each, you find one of the Lieutants already beaten by Reichsman and strapped into the machine. You break them free, and part of the explosion gives you the temp powers, same as before, just like those Crey Labmachine Buffs. Two of the machines are even guarded by Requiem and Maestro, who mention the coming fruition of all their plans, and say something about how that fool Mueller did better than was expected. Once all four are free and have escaped back to Grandville, Reichsman shows up, all cranky and such. Queue the beatdown. Once he hits 75% healthish, he leaps into his machine to "Confront Arachnos dogs with their own Patron's Powers!" and the machine explodes, leaving him at a normal HP cap, as he didn't realize you had managed to break all the Patrons free. The ambushes are still coming, so the temp powers are still handy handy handy, and he's still a Statesman level AV with big attacks, so he's not a pushover, but he's also not the 30 minute zzzzz that we dealt with. After you beat him, Nosferatu shows up, and with Darkest Night and ShadowFall spirits Reichsman away, to continue the Coming Storm plot.
And with the machine gone, Recluse is annoyed, but you did save his Generals, and you did get "the item" for him from the Phalax base. What is this mysterious item? Find out in i16, True Deceivers!
SO THERE. God I'm Nerdy McNerd. I'm going to go cry into a bag of cheetoes.
He's a mind/psi dom. He's also a professor who is trying to find the ideal body for his massive brain after a terrible lab accident. His next one is going to be a bear.
He's a mind/psi dom. He's also a professor who is trying to find the ideal body for his massive brain after a terrible lab accident. His next one is going to be a bear.
I got it.
jonxp on
Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576 PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
While it's only 35 minutes from where I lived (and hey, my parents have a spare room they can rent out now) I'd recommend not living on the VA side. You don't want to deal with 495 traffic every day.
So yeah it looks like I'll be around again in August when I start my new job in Bethesda.
Anyone recommend a good place to live?
I would say anywhere close to a metro station but considering Bethesda is on the Red line where they just had that big ass accident I don't know.
There are some cheap places to live in VA near metro stations, but living in this area changes your definition of "cheap." You have a price range and any other requirements, like must be withing walking distance of a bar?
Robziel on
Do I look like the sort of man who'd go and find unsuspecting Japanese schoolgirls in short skirts and white panties and ask them if they want to see my "Cthulu Special"?
While it's only 35 minutes from where I lived (and hey, my parents have a spare room they can rent out now) I'd recommend not living on the VA side. You don't want to deal with 495 traffic every day.
Yeah I was mostly looking to find a place in Maryland since the 2 hours I was there for my interview it looked pretty alright. And no offense Scoot but your mom and I don't need more time together.
I would say anywhere close to a metro station but considering Bethesda is on the Red line where they just had that big ass accident I don't know.
There are some cheap places to live in VA near metro stations, but living in this area changes your definition of "cheap." You have a price range and any other requirements, like must be withing walking distance of a bar?
I'm looking for a 1 bedroom 1 bath apartment that's under 1000 a month if possible. And something close to the metro would be real sweet since my new job has it's own Red Line stop.
What is it about the new SF thats actually terrible? Just the story or the mechanics/missions of it as well?
It's been gone over a lot on previous pages. The story isn't terrible so much as meh, and the mechanics are fine until the last mission which is balls out the least fun I have ever had playing the game.
But yeah that last fight was fucking ridiculous. You should be able to fuck up his machine so it backfires and does massive damage to him when he tries to use it, or gives him like -10,000% damage resistance or... something. The devs said that they wanted the fight to be special and not just a big slugfest, too bad the tricks are worthless and it's a big slugfest anyways. I had fun but I'm not in a rush to do it again. That was absurd.
Sounds like why I quit World of Warcraft.
Actually, there it was more about having to move 25 people in perfect synchronization or wipe, but still....
Shame the villain SF has the MM temp power being busted right now.
SO. The villain SF. Missions one and two are the same. You still go to rob the time capsule, and you still set Reichsman free.
Mission Three. Recluse, instead of being an amazing dipshit, realizes that you were in the old Freedom Phalanx base, and that now the entire hero population of Paragon City is about to have their hands full. So he sends you back into Boomtown under cover of all-out WAR to retrieve something "special" from the base, as a way to appease him for setting loose another world dominating supervillain. During this mission, you wander a very ruined version of the base you were just in (think of the ruined bases in Faultline) fighing Longbow and Fifth Column. Once you retrieve Recluse's item and trounce Luminary and Mynx who were leading a patrol of Longbow, you see Reichsman fighting two more Vindicators, who are desperately trying to hold him off while their mentors arrive. It'd be a nice callback to the Queen Comet thing. He trounces them handily, only to be shocked as an arrow teleports into his arm and explodes, giving them time to medicom to safety. Manticore and Synapse, being the fastest of the Phalanx, show up and activate the base's failsafe, blowing it up. You manage to get out.
Mission Four: Recluse, having heard of Reichsman being all badass, wants to know how, naturally. He sends you to Axis world to investigate, this is mostly the same, yeah.
Mission Five: Recluse wants this machine, as "I'll finally have something to do with this Prae...My whims are not for you to know, go, claim this machine for the glory of Arachnos! My lieutenants are on their way there, they will aid you, in whatever way you require!" You raid the base, and off the main machine room are four side rooms. In each, you find one of the Lieutants already beaten by Reichsman and strapped into the machine. You break them free, and part of the explosion gives you the temp powers, same as before, just like those Crey Labmachine Buffs. Two of the machines are even guarded by Requiem and Maestro, who mention the coming fruition of all their plans, and say something about how that fool Mueller did better than was expected. Once all four are free and have escaped back to Grandville, Reichsman shows up, all cranky and such. Queue the beatdown. Once he hits 75% healthish, he leaps into his machine to "Confront Arachnos dogs with their own Patron's Powers!" and the machine explodes, leaving him at a normal HP cap, as he didn't realize you had managed to break all the Patrons free. The ambushes are still coming, so the temp powers are still handy handy handy, and he's still a Statesman level AV with big attacks, so he's not a pushover, but he's also not the 30 minute zzzzz that we dealt with. After you beat him, Nosferatu shows up, and with Darkest Night and ShadowFall spirits Reichsman away, to continue the Coming Storm plot.
And with the machine gone, Recluse is annoyed, but you did save his Generals, and you did get "the item" for him from the Phalax base. What is this mysterious item? Find out in i16, True Deceivers!
SO THERE. God I'm Nerdy McNerd. I'm going to go cry into a bag of cheetoes.
If anyone cares.
Send me a referral code thingy! Thanks!
I got it.
3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
PM me your email address.
Gotta say I like Narbus' version better than what I read of the "real" version.
Maybe I shouldn't have resubbed yet.
Anyone recommend a good place to live?
maybe I should play this again
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
I would say anywhere close to a metro station but considering Bethesda is on the Red line where they just had that big ass accident I don't know.
There are some cheap places to live in VA near metro stations, but living in this area changes your definition of "cheap." You have a price range and any other requirements, like must be withing walking distance of a bar?
are you going to be replacing the less than capable talking raven they have doing their animations at the moment?
naw i live in sacramento but i've been to portland a bunch
Yeah I was mostly looking to find a place in Maryland since the 2 hours I was there for my interview it looked pretty alright. And no offense Scoot but your mom and I don't need more time together.
I'm looking for a 1 bedroom 1 bath apartment that's under 1000 a month if possible. And something close to the metro would be real sweet since my new job has it's own Red Line stop.
No, no not Bethesda the studio. Bethesda the city in Maryland. I've got a job working for the NIH.
also, portland is pretty sweet
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Sounds like a step up from the candy factory!
chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
It's been gone over a lot on previous pages. The story isn't terrible so much as meh, and the mechanics are fine until the last mission which is balls out the least fun I have ever had playing the game.