First of all, I was just about to light a cigarette before writing this post, and my lighter is apparently out of butane. This will make more sense as you keep on reading.
Regardless, today has not been a good day. I've mentioned it before, but my A/C broke last night, and today it was 93 degrees in my apartment, which is on the top story of my building, windows facing the sun, and gets no airflow. It's literally 10 degrees cooler in the hallway of my complex right now. I go out in the hallway to cool off. As I type this, my laptop is running so hot, it's as if I'm resting my hands on a goddamned heat pad.
This is no big deal. I'm sitting in my room in nothing but my underwear right now, and my thermostat is currently reading 90 degrees more than two hours after sunset, but still, no biggie.
However, five minutes ago, I walked into my living room only to hear the sound of what I thought was my faucet running. Strange, I thought. As I walked into the bathroom to investigate, I promptly stepped into a about a centimeter of standing toilet water stretching through about 3/4 of my bathroom floor.
Fuck this. With my foot now as wet as the rest of my sweaty, sticky torso and limbs, I decided it was time to make a post.
A post where I implore you to discuss your own worst days.
No, I don't mean the day your dad died, or the day your best friend died in a car accident for christ's sake. I mean, just a plain old regular shitty ass day. Maybe your car got towed, and you had to walk 10 miles and sprained your ankle on the way, only to find out your girlfriend was cheating on you. I don't know...something like that.
You guys think on that, while I stick my head out the window and scream at the top of my lungs.
tl;dr I had a shitty day. Do you have shitty days?
So I was going to clear out what little was actually in my bank account without telling him
That was this morning actually
And in two pages we'll be talking about hemorrhoids, or Zach Morris or something. Life goes on
Previous account
Get on AIM dick!
and I never went into a club
My lift had pulled out infront of me and drove off. Son of a bitch
I have a terrible memory
and I really haven't had any bad days lately (not since moving to the states!)
Previous account
I would like a job, though
but I'm applying at lots of places for once so hopefully eventually!
at the pub I'd been drinking in for over a year 8-)
I waited for him for about an hour, then I called home, then it took about four hours to find out that he wasn't dead on the highway or something. He saw people getting off a plane, I wasn't there, so he figured someone else already got me and went home. He didn't call anyone, or stop and think that maybe he was at the wrong terminal, just left.
About ten years later he was diagnosed with leukemia. They caught it early enough and he was young and healthy enough that he stood a real strong chance of a quick and complete recovery, but he didn't like sitting around and one of his meds gave him indigestion so he just let it kill him instead.
I'll finish it later on my PC
And I didn't get to shower for three days, because by the time I got back to England I had to get straight on the train to London so I could catch another flight to Italy. And they lost all my luggage, so I had to borrow my sister's clothes (and bikini, and underwear, even though my dad had promised to buy spares) for a week
Previous account
and it was 25 pages
and 4 questions per page
of stuff like
How well do you work with others?
How strongly do you feel about teamwork?
Previous account
Do you feel it is okay to take small things from work?
Do you work hard?
Previous account
he sounds like one really stubborn old fart
which is why it is already 9 pm fuck
Champions Online
I only know this because Wiggin brings it up in nearly every thread stop it Wiggin
Too bad they couldn't trade places, huh.
Previous account
Hey Mori
I got on the guild list
Unfortunately my French, although I'd received an A at school (which goes to show exactly how wonderfully taught languages are) was unintelligible to this couple and they didn't speak any English.
Oh, and they were in their 80s.
So I got out of their apartment (and they were both heavy smokers) for about an hour in the morning, and perhaps another hour in the afternoon.
I'd only brought one book; I must've read that from cover-to-cover about a dozen times in that week.
So I'd sit and clock watch for the majority of the day. The only other thing that relieved my boredom was an electronic hangman game they had. I played that so much that eventually I exhausted every word in its dictionary.
Previous account
Well, for a start I wasn't really sure how to ask! And, I didn't know if leaving would be considered rude. That, and I was a pretty shy 16 year old.
I refuse to give you a story of a shitty day because you got this wrong twice, but CORRECT THE OTHER THREE TIMES IN THE PARAGRAPH.
my favorite!
It's a muscle memory reflex, is all. It's not as if I consciously thought, "Okay, I am going to type the contraction form of 'you're,' here. Excellent."
Normally I don't make weird mistakes like that, but I was mid-rant, soaking wet from my ridiculously hot apartment, and I had just stepped in fucking toilet water.
I'll write up a quick lesson on the proper use of lay, lie and lain if it will somehow redeem myself.
Previous account
I was secretly hoping it was a UHF thread.
I'm not super angry right now, no