Is there some program or easier way of backing up files to another location....
ie deleting everything the main drive doesnt have, and saving/backing up everything it does?
I mean at this point, I either just have ot remember to copy every major file i download over to both places, OR i just try and go back and do a few months work all at once.
I would think there's something out there when you can say "mirror this folder to this spot"
BUT you have to follow me here - it would have to be smart enough NOT to recopy all the files it already has backed up, only update what changes were made since the last backup session.
RAID solution wouldnt work as thats mirroring the entire HD, when I want to do very specific directories.
for example, I have a 2nd HDD for backup and I only backup a few particular folders, moslty just data folders, nothing to do with installed programs or apps or anything like that.
Depending on how automated you want this situation, I would probably periodically rsync the folders. Rsync is a UNIX utility but it is nicely ported to Windows in Cygwin and other places. You could use a batch file to kick it off; basically rsync copies anything that is new or changed, and ignores things that aren't. It's pretty smart about it, too. It even works over a network using SSH.
Rsync does have an option (--delete) to delete files on the target that aren't present on the source.
Specifically, you want the /MIR option. I add in the /R:0 and /W:0 flags too, but that's to deal with network and file locking stupidity.
Robocopy also does something weird like copy in unbuffered mode so it's a LOT faster than copying files in Windows Explorer. As in, if you're copying across a WAN, it can easily be ten times faster.