My father and I play a little game of cat and mouse when it comes to content censoring. We're not talking about anything lewd here, before anyone goes down that road, just a broad spectrum of sites that he has blocked over the years.
This is the current incarnation; using Squid, he either actively blocks certain IPs (website addresses) or has a ban on certain keywords. For instance, going to gives me:
Access Denied.
Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is incorrect.
Your cache administrator is
Generated Wed, 01 Jul 2009 21:21:19 GMT by (squid/2.6.STABLE21)
Naturally, I don't think that Time Warner Cable gives a damn about where I go, and the little I know about cache admins indicates that TWC being my cache admin is very unlikely; simply put, I think we're dealing with some scare tactics here.
So, is anyone familiar with Squid? I'm not looking for ways to get around that; I'm fully capable of using proxies and cache surfing. Rather, I'm more looking for advice on whether it's possible to pose as whatever you want (in this case, my suspicion is that said father is pretending to be our ISP) or if it's more likely that it is actually TWC that's censoring me.
Thanks all,
Looks like exactly what a default squid access denied page would like like, except for the part.