*Beep* "Break, Break, Break, All PA elements this is Two-Sex-Romeo, be advised-
Arma 2 is a modern military simulation. It's like combat without MRE's (Who wants to trade their Chicken Vagina for a Beef Teriyaki?) and bullets that actually kill people (5.56 NATO I'm looking at you :x). The world is huge, spanning several square klicks, meaning you're not going anywhere until trans shows up. We may be legs, but we don't walk anywhere! Several vehicles are provided, from Abrams, to Black Hawks, to HMMWV's. The game is really buggy, and the code is poorly optimized (so you better have some decent hardware under the hood), but it's still a great game. It's like Battlefield for adults, with singleplayer.
Cherries, this guide is for you!
You better study this! If I hear of any blue on blue incidents initiated by you, I'll make you do monkeyfuckers until
I get smoked!
There's a demo!
Dude! I totally left my PSP in the vechicle, you better grab it for me private!
Man, Officers take their laptops
No sleeping on guard asshole!
Fuck no we're not mechanized. We ride on
top of the vehicle.
Shit, blew out the crotch of my pants again.
It releases in North American stores on [strike]July 7th[/strike] who knows at this point, but you can
buy it on steam now.
We have a Steam Group:
PM Sonar in Steam to join or an existing member.
We have official servers!
Donate to jdarksun to keep them alive.
PA Joe (16 Player Server)
PA Joe Serious Business (8 Player Server)
Sonelan has a server too.
PA Joe Sonelan Edition (24 Player Server)
If you want to make your own sig use this image created by Axen.
Ventrilo*Beep pssssssshhhhhtt "Somebody's hot miccing" "That's not me my handmic is right-"*
*Beep* "Hot mic, hot mic, hot mic."
*Beep* "Last calling station this is Hot Mike, Over."
We use vent. Details
We're usually on channel 1 of the PA server.
How to talk like you're in the military.
(I know you guys think you do, but you don't.)
Phonetic alphabet:Alpha
How to pronounce numbers over the net:
The only digits pronounced differently are:
Three = Tree (because on a radio, two and three sound the same. I'm not even making that up.)
Four = Fow-er
Five = Fife
Nine = Niner
With numbers consisting of multiple digits, you pronounce each digit:
For example:
123 is not One hundred and twenty three, it is One Two Tree.
10 is not ten, it is one zero.
Army Slang:
Vehicles = Victors
Enemies/friendlies (never civilian) on foot = dismounts
mm (millimeter) = mike mike
Civilians = Local Nationals or Lima-Novembers
Fixed Wing (almost always jets) = Fast Movers
Artillery = Arty
Illumination = Illume
Communications = comms
Continue Mission = Charlie Mike
Return to Base = RTB
Helicopter Landing Zone = HLZ
Medical Evacuation = Medevac
Squad Automatic Weapon = SAW
Squad Designated Marksman = SDM
Minutes = Mikes
Medic = Doc
Thanks Much/Man = Tango Mike
Thanks a lot Bitch = Tango Alpha Bravo
Vehicle Names:
M1A1 = Abrams
MH-60 = Blackhawk
HMMWV = Hummvee
Mi-24 = Hind
Mi-8 = Hip
AV8B = Harrier
M136 = AT4
M249 = SAW
25mm Chaingun on the LAV 25 = Bushmaster
UH-1Y = Huey/Venom
AH-1Z = (Super) Cobra/Viper
BMP-3 = Bimp
Radio Phrases:
(over and out doesn't make any sense, don't say it.)
"What did you say?" = "[You]
this is [me]
say again, over."
"Just so you know./FYI" = "[You]
this is [me]
be advised, [your message]
"Everyone, shut the fuck up I have something to say." = "
Break, Break, Break [You(normally when you do this you have something important for your CO or for everyone)]
this is [me], [your message],
"I understand./Yes." = "[You]
this is [me],
roger, over." (People normally say Roj (pronounced Rodge) when they're being a smartass)
"I understand and wll comply." = "[You]
this is [me]
, wilco, over." (Never say Roger Wilco unless you want to sound like a douche.)
"Hey I see some bad guys!" = "[You]
this is [me]
, I have eyes on (if this applies) [Number/Type of enemies (dismounts/mounted/type of vehicles)] [Distance]
to my B]Cardinal Direction/Degrees[/B moving (if they're moving) [Cardinal Direction/Degrees]
, over."
"Hold on./I'll get back to you." = "[You]
this is [me]
, standby, over."
When referring to multiple people (platoon and larger), say: "
All [Unit]
Elements, [Your message, normally started with "be advised"]
, over."
(more to follow)
"Hey there highspeed, you better square that shit away!"
"Roger, sarnt."
Optimization Needed? Look here:
"ArmA 2 Optimization"
"Optimisation/FPS with ArmA II"
The world's huge and you don't even get a BFT!
Remember, you can't spell "lost" without LT.
The names are fictional but the place is real. This is taken from an area near the Black Sea.
And the players conform to real world physics. You fight your body weight, you have inertia, bullets drop and are affected by wind (rumor) the whole shebang of physics are there.
ARMA II can accurately be described as a soldier simulator. In fact it's taken from an actual soldier simulator available for sale for a measly few thousand dollars.
Bohemian Interactive, the creators, have packed in as much realism as they could into the game. Soldiers have a full range of real world military doctrine hand gestures for example. Sim enthusiasts can employ their 'Track IR' and move their head independently from their bodies. (I do this in ARMA I and it's more useful than you may think)
There are more commands than you can shake a stick at. The only think they've dumbed down is vehicles, to allow for players to actually be able to use them without a full HOTAS set up and a few years training.
Oh and yes it's multiplayer. Hundreds can jump onto a server to battle it out for control of the land, or simple death match.
Hundreds of pieces of equipment have been recreated here for the six factions in game. Russian, US Marines, Chernarussian Defence Forces, Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star, National Party, and Citizens of Chernarus aka civilians. You may be tempted to think of them as targets but that would be a mistake. In the single player campaign how you treat citizens effects how they treat you. Be cool and they'll give you valuable info. Be a shit and they'll fire bomb your jeep. Have fun walking back those ten miles to base because distances isn't compressed here. Ten miles is ten miles.
It's my OP and I'll quote you if I want to
I'll quote you if I want to.
You'd quote me too if it happened to you...
http://www.arma2.com/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ArmA_IIServer Admin CommandsEditor Guides and ResourcesGuidesMr. Murray's Armed Assault Editing Guide - Basic editor skills, how to place stuff make things move. Not all of it is strictly necessary if you have common sense and a mind for this stuff; still an excellent resource.
Reference Tables and Useful Lists:
ARMA II library of all available equipment and objects - The name is self explanatory. Invaluable resource containing all the in-game names of objects, weapons and their associated magazines.
Scripting Commands for ARMAII - List of all available commands for scripting and their associated parameters, uses, and sometimes even examples.
Youtube Videos
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over!
There was a firefight!
*shoots handgun in the air*
Some Billy Zane shit right thar.
For all the fobbits out there.
Quit buying all the shit in the PX!
-Two-Sex-Romeo, out"
Nope, you have not proven yourself awesome enough to deserve that callsign.
Besides.. you don't get to pick your callsign. They're assigned.
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
Edit: font is "typewriter oldstyle" from typenow.net
On the black screen
I'm starting to read the 300 page ArmA 1 mission creation guide, so hopefully I'll eventually be able to make some. If so, I'll probably be trying to make missions that are focused around the lesser factions of ArmAII; the Guerrillas, CDF and Chedaki (yes this means Russian hardware, especially older stuff, suck it up girls).
That said I have some suggestions or comments for people making missions. These are the things I'll probably be keeping in mind when/if I start making missions
Let's try to setup a uniform naming policy so that someone selecting missions from the server list knows exactly what they're choosing. Maybe "[Mission Type] [# of players] [Mission name]" (Example: "Coop 16 Depot Takeover" or "Adv 12 Spetz vs Recon MOUT")
Two, don't use ammo crates at the mission start. I'm pretty sure the editor can be used somehow to adjust equipment or give minor gear replacement options in the pre-planning map, but otherwise people should use what the character slot actually gives them.
Three, keep the missions relatively short and focused. No one wants to play an "epic" two hour mission only to get shot in the first 5 minutes and spend the rest of the time as a crow. IMO 30-60 minutes should be a good estimated mission time. Of course this can be hard to gauge. Also, don't include a whole shopping list worth of objectives, usually 1-3 will be enough. If you mission is going to last a long while and/or have a bunch of objectives, consider looking into limited respawns to get early casualties back into the game (I suspect respawning after an objective is completed can be done).
Don't go overboard on the opposition. Unless the goal of the mission is to avoid contact, you shouldn't throw so much at the players that they'll likely be wiped out (eg: 3 tanks when they've only got 1 SMAW and two M136s). If in doubt, go light. Consider keeping the number of enemy infantry they will encounter at any one time reasonably close to their numbers, and if you are going to throw massive numbers at them, use the skill slider to make the mass group a little less accurate than the norm. You'd be surprised how scary and dangerous one BMP can be to an infantry group even if they have AT.
Use appropriate distances/transportation. Speaks for itself mostly, if your mission spans more than a few kilometers, give the players some kind of suitable vehicle(s). That said, not every mission need begin with a helicopter insertion.
Use well defined fireteams and group divisions. Depending on the nature of the faction used and setup of the scenario the players should be broken into fireteams of 4-6 people. In addition ensure that a suitable number of medics are involved. If its a 16 player mission on a single medic might be bad. 2-3 is probably good.
Modules. I'm still not clear what most (if any) of the included modules do. However I do know one of the first-aid modules includes a more in depth injury system (wounded soldiers can slowly bleed out and/or be incapacitated by pain, thrashing about requiring medical assistance. The artillery module allows you to direct AI (and player) Mortar, Howitzer and other indirect fire (such as the MRLS). And, of course, the ambient modules can be used to populate a town with civilians and vehicles or create a raging battle zone of varying intensity. If anyone knows in detail what some of these do I'd love to hear.
I'll stop rambling for now, and I hope no one interprets this as me being "uppity" or "my way is best"ish, especially given I don't even really know how to make a decent mission yet. They're just suggestions to keep in mind.
Tofu wrote: Here be Littleboots, destroyer of threads and master of drunkposting.
The font is "v5 bloques" from typenow.net.
One day I will launch you to the objective Tyrannus. One day.
I haven't proven myself for any callsign. I don't have the game yet.
Anyways it was a suggestion for someone else in the previous thread.
Regarding them skills-
I'm really surprised no ones taken:
Fat Bastard
"I'm bigger than you! I'm higher up on the food chain!"
Also back to the VOX discussion. I've used TS before and it's good stuff. You can hot key different channels, or just set up your keys to cycle channels up and down. We'd need a host though.
Finally next one to start the thread totally needs to G.I.Joe it up.
caffron said: "and cat pee is not a laughing matter"
Is the sequel to that one
"Is your worst option"
Plus, my last act on the server for 4 days will have been to drive our MLRS for 20 minutes to a hot zone only to be blown the fuck up.
Hey, its still probably doing better than mine after I got my shiny new HD 4890, installed it... only to have it blow the fuck up. Apparently the fan wasn't seated properly and annihilated itself on start up.
Why does god hate me and my attempts to enjoy ArmaII?
I spent 4 hours scrounging parts from other computers before my damn pc could work again... and now i'm still out an HD 4890! Those bastards at Albatron will probably make me wait a month before they send me a damn replacement.
I shall use this sig unless someone makes one thats more funny.
And I can take pride in the fact that while I may have once fallen off a carrier in an osprey (damn you Tyrannus I told you to sit in the back!) at least I have managed not to hit power lines so far unlike certain other people
Also anyone else find it easier to fly stuff with the keyboard and mouse rather then a joystick? I'm not sure why but I seem to do better with the mouse and keyboard in general then I do the joystick. Maybe I just haven't set mine up right or something.
The Bohemia Interactive ARMA 2 forums also contains sections devoted to mission editing and some of the threads there are pretty helpful, but of course, YMMV
You're welcome. Use it in good health.
In theory it handles it well. In reality the server and game both shit their pants, and everyone is left with tactical blue balls
see that's the problem though while the setup ingame is well designed as soon as we start using it (and even with only 4 or 5 people actively communicating) the server starts lagging REALLY bad. i've been meaning to search around to see if there is a fix... maybe i'll do that now since it's super slow up here at work.
I'm working from home today. Please don't tempt me further.
have we ever tested this on a dedicated server? I know we gave up on it back when it was me and some other dude hosting from our own machines and terribad internet connections.
also, (if this is the same as ARMA1) you can change the audio codec in the server settings.
Im getting confused..
I think i've only played Domination, which is like CO-OP against the AI
What is Evolution...
Is "Co-OP" seperate from these two?
Seems like everytime i join a server theres completly new rules
co-op is specific missions, like the ones people in the old thread were talking about making. You design it so there's a certain amount of player slots and there is a definite success/fail. If you die, you come back as a seagull and have to wait until the mission has been completed or failed before taking another shot at it, at which point the whole map is reset. The AI is brutally hard in this mode usually, so it's better for the tacticool feel, or serious bidness as we tend to call it.
not sure what evolution is though.
I repeat, you CAN setup direct communication in vent just like TS allows the channel commander shit. The simplest way would be having each squad take a different room, but I'm not sure if its cool for us to use a lot of the vent servers room. It will take a little more setup time, but using one room we can bind chat keys to talk ONLY to our squad. So a squad leader can talk to his squad only, other leaders, or the whole room. Its just a matter of setting up the squads in game, then config'ing the direct chat binding to those people, then ONLY USING THE SQUAD CHAT KEY. None of this will matter if people kept using the talk-to-room key. So actually, it would probably make sense to just bind your regular talk key to the direct-talk key. then make the room key something else altogether.
People use TS over Vent when they need to support huge groups (like in EVE). But for our sizes Vent is great and usually sounds good for everyone.
edit: here are instructions
. You will see a Bindings drop-down underneath the Server drop-down in the vent window. Click the Arrow to the right.
. Click the New button and name the binding (ArmA2 Squad binding)
. Click the Add button on the bottom, select PTT Advanced, and press the Hotkey you would like this bound to, Click OK
. In the next window select User-to-User, and in the box enter all the Vent usernames for your squad members, Click OK
. Now you should see your Hotkey, Function, and Details listed in the Setup Bindings screen. If it looks good hit OK
. Now you're back to the main window, select your binding from the drop-down to activate it.
. Profit
With this you can setup multiple hotkeys inside that binding that will let you talk to your squad, squad leaders to talk to their leaders or other leaders (depending on how we're doing chain of command style shit), or specific members (like a sniper squad that is its own unit).
Excellent! Thank you jdarksun!
NintendoID: Nailbunny 3DS: 3909-8796-4685
"My helos vote Nader!"