Name: Julie
Location: Salem
Best Contact:
How many you need: Two tickets for Saturday
Willing to pay: $60
Able to Pay: Can meet or can pay by paypal
Getting Tickets: In person
Name: Julie
Location: Salem
Best Contact:
How many you need: Two passes for Saturday
Willing to pay: $60
Able to Pay: Meeting or trough paypal
Getting Tickets: In person
Name: Alex Walters
Location: Puyallup, WA
Best contact method: alextwalters at
How many tickets you need: 2 Saturday or 2 Sunday
what are you willing to pay: List price up to double ($70/ticket)
How are you able to pay: Cash
Preferred method of recieving tickets: Meet at will-call, lobby, send e-mail barcode, overnight delivery, whatever!
Don't let me let my friend down! Thanks!
UPDATE: I got what I needed! Thanks guys and/or gals!
Your Name : Eric Henderson
Your Location: Seattle, wa (Tacoma)
Best Contact Method: txt 253-353-5186. or email
How many tickets you have: 1 3-day pass
How much you are asking: $200 obo
What type of payments you take (legal trade only):cash
How you will distribute tickets: exchange in person either at pax or before hand i will be in seattle the next couple days before pax anyway. Would prefer someone local so we can get it done with before hand
Your Name - Nathan Smith
Your Location - Seattle, Washington
Best Contact Method - email
How many tickets you need - 3 Friday Tickets
What you are willing to pay - $200 total
How you are able to pay - Cash
Preferred method of receiving tickets - I'm local, so I can meet up in Seattle somewhere or meet you at Pax on Friday. Thanks for the help my friends didn't decide to go until after they sold out : /
Name: Sam T
Location: Seattle, WA
Best Contact: randomstory at gmail dot com
Need: 1 - 3 day pass or
1 - 1 day pass (Friday)
Willing to pay: 50% markup+ (Negotiable)
How am I able to pay: Paypal, Cash, etc.
Preferred method of receiving tickets: I'm at your mercy.
Your Name Ian
Your Location Vancouver
Best Contact Method email
How many tickets you might have 1 or 2 3-day passes
How much you are asking: Make me an offer.
What type of payments you take (legal trade only) cash
How you will distribute tickets (mail badges, e-mail receipt barcode, etc) trade in person on Friday morning
I'm driving in from Vancouver and some of my friends didn't get their passports yet. They might not get their passports in time, so I might have extra tickets. I won't know until Friday morning if they'll make it or not. I'm posting anyways in the chance they don't go. Please realize that I can't guarantee the ticket until Friday Morning.
I'll be taking offers until Thursday afternoon (5 PST). I will send out a reply to the potential buyer. Please include your offer and contact phone number as I will have limited internet access in seattle.
Some people wanted an update. No I haven't promised the tickets to anyone yet. Since I not certain I don't have extra tickets, I don't want to make a promise I can't keep. I realize some people are travel great distances to go to PAX (as am I), but I think the last thing anyone wants to happen is to travel those distances and still not be able to go because of false promises.
FYI: offers have been in the 120+ range.
Okay I can confirm I have 2 extra tickets (at least). I'm still taking offers but I'm moving up the last minute offers to 5 pm tonight.
Looking for a 3 day pass
Willing to pay up to 100
Will have cash in hand to trade in person
I'm fron the Federal Way, WA area
PMing me here would be the best way to get quickest response.
Name: Alex Walters
Location: Puyallup, WA
Best contact method: alextwalters at
How many tickets you need: 1 Sunday
what are you willing to pay: List price up to double ($70/ticket)
How are you able to pay: Cash
Preferred method of recieving tickets: Meet at will-call, lobby, send e-mail barcode, overnight delivery, whatever!
Don't let me let my friend down! Thanks!
UPDATE: I got what I needed! Thanks guys and/or gals!
Have 3 Extra 3-day passes
Miscommunicated with friends and bought double what we need.
Your Name: Cameron
Your Location: Bellevue, WA
Best Contact Method:
How many tickets you have: 3 3-day passes
How much you are asking: $100 each.
What type of payments you take (legal trade only): cash
How you will distribute tickets: Arrange meeting at PAX.
Have 3 Extra 3-day passes
Miscommunicated with friends and bought double what we need.
Your Name: Cameron
Your Location: Bellevue, WA
Best Contact Method:
How many tickets you have: 3 3-day passes
How much you are asking: $100 each.
What type of payments you take (legal trade only): cash
How you will distribute tickets: Arrange meeting at PAX.
Have 3 Extra 3-day passes
Miscommunicated with friends and bought double what we need.
Your Name: Cameron
Your Location: Bellevue, WA
Best Contact Method:
How many tickets you have: 3 3-day passes
How much you are asking: $100 each.
What type of payments you take (legal trade only): cash
How you will distribute tickets: Arrange meeting at PAX.
Have 3 Extra 3-day passes
Miscommunicated with friends and bought double what we need.
Your Name: Cameron
Your Location: Bellevue, WA
Best Contact Method:
How many tickets you have: 3 3-day passes
How much you are asking: $100 each.
What type of payments you take (legal trade only): cash
How you will distribute tickets: Arrange meeting at PAX.
Your Name: Clint
Your Location: Seattle, WA
Best Contact Method: PM, Email
How many tickets you need: 1 Sunday ticket
What you are willing to pay: 75
How you are able to pay: Cash
Preferred method of receiving tickets: Meet at PAX
I may have a ticket to sell.
My son may have to work this weekend, despite asking for the time off in May...
I am hopeful that he can go with me and his brother, but I want to cover all bases just in case.
I will know by noon (pacific) tomorrow what his status is for sure.
Your Location: Victoria, BC
Best Contact Method: email (bartbandy(at), will provide cel number when I get there.
How many tickets you have: 1 x 3 day pass
How much you are asking: offers
What type of payments you take (legal trade only): cash
How you will distribute tickets (mail badges, e-mail receipt barcode, etc): in person
The Derm on
Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position
Such a heavy burden now to be the one
Born to bare and read to all the details of our ending
To write it down for all the world to see
But I forgot my pen...
Best Contact Method: Email -
How many tickets you have: 2 Friday passes
How much you are asking: Make me an offer
What type of payments you take (legal trade only): Cash
How you will distribute tickets: at PAX Friday meet at the Hyatt
Hey all my name is Cameron.
Your Location: Seattle, WA
Have: 2 Sunday (possible Saturday night) passes. I have 2 passes for all three days, but we will only be attending Friday and part of Saturday though.
Asking: $50.00 per pass ($100 total), cash only.
Distribute: The passes can either be picked up Saturday night at the convention center (we'll be staying until around 8:30 or 9:00PM so two people could potentially stay the rest of the night for Free Play/Concerts etc...) or we can deliver them to the Convention Center on Sunday morning before doors open.
Contact: via email at if interested.
Your Name: Peter
Your Location: Seattle, university district
Best Contact Method:
How many tickets you need: 1 Sunday Pass
What you are willing to pay: $50 (negotiable)
How you are able to pay: Paypal or cash
Preferred method of receiving tickets: Preferably I could drive to where you are and pick them up (assuming you're within a reasonable distance), but I could pick them up on-site Sunday as well.
Your Name: Carlos
Your Location: Seattle, Eastside
Best Contact Method: PM or 425-773 373O
How many tickets you need: 1
What you are willing to pay: $75
How you are able to pay: cash (or Xbox stuff)
Preferred method of receiving tickets: in person - Fri night or Sat morning
I’m looking for a Saturday ticket/pass and will only use it from noon to evening (12PM to 8PM or so)…offering $75 and I’ll give it back Saturday night if you want it. :!:
I will post a message once I get it, otherwise just ping me --- thx
NEED Tickets
Need Friday pass willing to pay up to $60 for one, call or txt me at 360-509-7417 if you have any spares
live in silverdale/bremerton area but willing to either commute or meet at pax
Your Name: Robert
Your Location: Lynnwood, WA
Best Contact: PM or Call my cell 619-888-3416
How many tickets needed: 2 3-day Passes or 2 1-day Passes
How much I'm willing to pay: Double the ticket Price
How you are able to pay: Cash preferably
Preferred method of receiving tickets: Let me know the best way for you!
Your Name: Cale
Your Location: Seattle ( Queen Anne)
Best Contact Method: Phone 206-291-5578 or 206-420-2448
How many tickets you need: 1 3day pass or tickets for Friday & Saturday
What you are willing to pay: $100 - $150
How you are able to pay: CA$H
Preferred method of receiving tickets: make an exchange at the convention center
Your Name - Quan
Your Location - Seattle
Best Contact Method - PM would be best
How many tickets you need - 1 x 3 day pass prefered, willing to consider individual days
What you are willing to pay - negotiable
How you are able to pay - Cash!
Preferred method of receiving tickets - In person most likely
Your Name - George
Your Location - Seattle
Best Contact Method -
How many tickets you need - 1 x 3 day pass prefered, but 1 day passes are alright as well.
What you are willing to pay - negotiable, I will pay whatever it takes.
How you are able to pay - Cash!
Preferred method of receiving tickets - In person at PAX, or any of the hotels in Downtown Seattle.
All my friends pre-ordered and I didn't think I would need to as I've bought at the door the last 2 years. I would really like to not miss out on this!
Name- Brian
Location- New London CT
Best Contact- OR Just ask me at PAX. If I still have it, its yours.
# Tickets- 1 x Sunday Only Ticket
Asking- negotiable
Distribution- find me on Fri, Sat, Sun.....Wearing Luigi Hat.
Your Name: Andrew
Your Location: Central Washington
Best Contact Method:
How many tickets you have: 1 3day pass
Asking: 50$
Payment method: Paypal preferred
Preferred method of sending ticket: It was purchased online and still needs to be picked up,
I can email the confirmation papers to whoever wants it.
They will not be able to pick it up without a copy of your ID with your signature.
KaitouAyashi on
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: i will nom all of your boxes
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
Your Name: Robert, Alex, and Spencer
Your Location: Tacoma/Seattle
Best Contact Method: PM, (253) 230-0068,
How many tickets you need: three 3day pass or tickets for Friday & Saturday
What you are willing to pay: Please throw me some numbers and we'll talk...DESPERATE >.<
How you are able to pay: Cash, check, paypal!!!
Preferred method of receiving tickets: In person exchange.
Your Name - Jeris
Your Location - Seattle/Bellevue, WA
Best Contact Method -
How many tickets you need - 2 Saturday passes
What you are willing to pay - Negotiable
How you are able to pay - Cash
Preferred method of receiving tickets - In person
No PAX for me this year?! It's even more unbearable than the minibosses not playing!!! 8>(
Golden_Child on
stembyNASA Lead Internal Video Editor Houston, TxRegistered Userregular
Streaming 8PST on weeknights
Name: Julie
Location: Salem
Best Contact:
How many you need: Two tickets for Saturday
Willing to pay: $60
Able to Pay: Can meet or can pay by paypal
Getting Tickets: In person
Name: Julie
Location: Salem
Best Contact:
How many you need: Two passes for Saturday
Willing to pay: $60
Able to Pay: Meeting or trough paypal
Getting Tickets: In person
Name: Alex Walters
Location: Puyallup, WA
Best contact method: alextwalters at
How many tickets you need: 2 Saturday or 2 Sunday
what are you willing to pay: List price up to double ($70/ticket)
How are you able to pay: Cash
Preferred method of recieving tickets: Meet at will-call, lobby, send e-mail barcode, overnight delivery, whatever!
Don't let me let my friend down! Thanks!
UPDATE: I got what I needed! Thanks guys and/or gals!
Your Name : Eric Henderson
Your Location: Seattle, wa (Tacoma)
Best Contact Method: txt 253-353-5186. or email
How many tickets you have: 1 3-day pass
How much you are asking: $200 obo
What type of payments you take (legal trade only):cash
How you will distribute tickets: exchange in person either at pax or before hand i will be in seattle the next couple days before pax anyway. Would prefer someone local so we can get it done with before hand
Your Location - Seattle, Washington
Best Contact Method - email
How many tickets you need - 3 Friday Tickets
What you are willing to pay - $200 total
How you are able to pay - Cash
Preferred method of receiving tickets - I'm local, so I can meet up in Seattle somewhere or meet you at Pax on Friday. Thanks for the help my friends didn't decide to go until after they sold out : /
Name: Sam T
Location: Seattle, WA
Best Contact: randomstory at gmail dot com
Need: 1 - 3 day pass or
1 - 1 day pass (Friday)
Willing to pay: 50% markup+ (Negotiable)
How am I able to pay: Paypal, Cash, etc.
Preferred method of receiving tickets: I'm at your mercy.
Okay I can confirm I have 2 extra tickets (at least). I'm still taking offers but I'm moving up the last minute offers to 5 pm tonight.
Willing to pay up to 100
Will have cash in hand to trade in person
I'm fron the Federal Way, WA area
PMing me here would be the best way to get quickest response.
Name: Alex Walters
Location: Puyallup, WA
Best contact method: alextwalters at
How many tickets you need: 1 Sunday
what are you willing to pay: List price up to double ($70/ticket)
How are you able to pay: Cash
Preferred method of recieving tickets: Meet at will-call, lobby, send e-mail barcode, overnight delivery, whatever!
Don't let me let my friend down! Thanks!
UPDATE: I got what I needed! Thanks guys and/or gals!
Miscommunicated with friends and bought double what we need.
Your Name: Cameron
Your Location: Bellevue, WA
Best Contact Method:
How many tickets you have: 3 3-day passes
How much you are asking: $100 each.
What type of payments you take (legal trade only): cash
How you will distribute tickets: Arrange meeting at PAX.
Email sent.
Email sent as well
Streaming 8PST on weeknights
Still have one?
Your Location: Seattle, WA
Best Contact Method: PM, Email
How many tickets you need: 1 Sunday ticket
What you are willing to pay: 75
How you are able to pay: Cash
Preferred method of receiving tickets: Meet at PAX
My son may have to work this weekend, despite asking for the time off in May...
I am hopeful that he can go with me and his brother, but I want to cover all bases just in case.
I will know by noon (pacific) tomorrow what his status is for sure.
Your Location: Victoria, BC
Best Contact Method: email (bartbandy(at), will provide cel number when I get there.
How many tickets you have: 1 x 3 day pass
How much you are asking: offers
What type of payments you take (legal trade only): cash
How you will distribute tickets (mail badges, e-mail receipt barcode, etc): in person
Such a heavy burden now to be the one
Born to bare and read to all the details of our ending
To write it down for all the world to see
But I forgot my pen...
Best Contact Method: Email -
How many tickets you have: 2 Friday passes
How much you are asking: Make me an offer
What type of payments you take (legal trade only): Cash
How you will distribute tickets: at PAX Friday meet at the Hyatt
Would like 3-day passes but would settle for 1-day passes for Saturday/Sunday.
Hey all my name is Cameron.
Your Location: Seattle, WA
Have: 2 Sunday (possible Saturday night) passes. I have 2 passes for all three days, but we will only be attending Friday and part of Saturday though.
Asking: $50.00 per pass ($100 total), cash only.
Distribute: The passes can either be picked up Saturday night at the convention center (we'll be staying until around 8:30 or 9:00PM so two people could potentially stay the rest of the night for Free Play/Concerts etc...) or we can deliver them to the Convention Center on Sunday morning before doors open.
Contact: via email at if interested.
Cheers and Happy Gaming!
Your Name: Peter
Your Location: Seattle, university district
Best Contact Method:
How many tickets you need: 1 Sunday Pass
What you are willing to pay: $50 (negotiable)
How you are able to pay: Paypal or cash
Preferred method of receiving tickets: Preferably I could drive to where you are and pick them up (assuming you're within a reasonable distance), but I could pick them up on-site Sunday as well.
Your Name: Carlos
Your Location: Seattle, Eastside
Best Contact Method: PM or 425-773 373O
How many tickets you need: 1
What you are willing to pay: $75
How you are able to pay: cash (or Xbox stuff)
Preferred method of receiving tickets: in person - Fri night or Sat morning
I’m looking for a Saturday ticket/pass and will only use it from noon to evening (12PM to 8PM or so)…offering $75 and I’ll give it back Saturday night if you want it. :!:
I will post a message once I get it, otherwise just ping me --- thx
Need Friday pass willing to pay up to $60 for one, call or txt me at 360-509-7417 if you have any spares
live in silverdale/bremerton area but willing to either commute or meet at pax
Your Name: Robert
Your Location: Lynnwood, WA
Best Contact: PM or Call my cell 619-888-3416
How many tickets needed: 2 3-day Passes or 2 1-day Passes
How much I'm willing to pay: Double the ticket Price
How you are able to pay: Cash preferably
Preferred method of receiving tickets: Let me know the best way for you!
Your Name: Cale
Your Location: Seattle ( Queen Anne)
Best Contact Method: Phone 206-291-5578 or 206-420-2448
How many tickets you need: 1 3day pass or tickets for Friday & Saturday
What you are willing to pay: $100 - $150
How you are able to pay: CA$H
Preferred method of receiving tickets: make an exchange at the convention center
Streaming 8PST on weeknights
Your Name - George
Your Location - Seattle
Best Contact Method -
How many tickets you need - 1 x 3 day pass prefered, but 1 day passes are alright as well.
What you are willing to pay - negotiable, I will pay whatever it takes.
How you are able to pay - Cash!
Preferred method of receiving tickets - In person at PAX, or any of the hotels in Downtown Seattle.
All my friends pre-ordered and I didn't think I would need to as I've bought at the door the last 2 years. I would really like to not miss out on this!
Name- Brian
Location- New London CT
Best Contact- OR Just ask me at PAX. If I still have it, its yours.
# Tickets- 1 x Sunday Only Ticket
Asking- negotiable
Distribution- find me on Fri, Sat, Sun.....Wearing Luigi Hat.
They will not be able to pick it up without a copy of your ID with your signature.
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do
PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
Your Name: Robert, Alex, and Spencer
Your Location: Tacoma/Seattle
Best Contact Method: PM, (253) 230-0068,
How many tickets you need: three 3day pass or tickets for Friday & Saturday
What you are willing to pay: Please throw me some numbers and we'll talk...DESPERATE >.<
How you are able to pay: Cash, check, paypal!!!
Preferred method of receiving tickets: In person exchange.
Your Name - Jeris
Your Location - Seattle/Bellevue, WA
Best Contact Method -
How many tickets you need - 2 Saturday passes
What you are willing to pay - Negotiable
How you are able to pay - Cash
Preferred method of receiving tickets - In person
No PAX for me this year?! It's even more unbearable than the minibosses not playing!!! 8>(