[PRIME] Have a Ticket/Need a Ticket Thread



  • MT_MaxMT_Max MontanaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    edit SOLD

    MT_Max on
  • AverageToasterAverageToaster Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Just bought a ticket dont need one anymore

    AverageToaster on
  • FreAkFreAk Milton, WaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Renewing request: I need a BYOC pass, please PM.
    Name: Phillip Cardon
    Location: Tacoma, WA
    Contact: PM me
    How many tickets you need: 1 byoc pass
    What you are willing to pay: $75 (UPDATED)
    How you are able to pay: Paypal, Cash, Check
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: Intel site thingy

    FreAk on
    AMG Productive member of society again!
  • ScunsionScunsion Registered User new member
    edited August 2009

    Your Name: Michael
    Your Location: Santa Clara, CA
    Best Contact Method: PM
    How many tickets you need: 2
    What you are willing to pay: $60 each
    How you are able to pay: Paypal
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: Mail

    Scunsion on
  • SupaNovaSupaNova Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    For the record, kind of off topic here, but I think that people who are asking for MORE than the original purchase price are being downright dirty.

    What would keep people from buying several tickets and just re-selling them for more if it wasn't frowned upon? ESPECIALLY the BYOC tickets, which people are now trying to sell for so much more.

    Thank you so much to those of you who are selling these tickets at COST (however much they purchased them for + if necessary, shipping), and not trying to make a profit. I appreciate it, at the very least.

    SupaNova on
  • RavengerRavenger Trolololo Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    SupaNova wrote: »
    For the record, kind of off topic here, but I think that people who are asking for MORE than the original purchase price are being downright dirty.

    What would keep people from buying several tickets and just re-selling them for more if it wasn't frowned upon? ESPECIALLY the BYOC tickets, which people are now trying to sell for so much more.

    Thank you so much to those of you who are selling these tickets at COST (however much they purchased them for + if necessary, shipping), and not trying to make a profit. I appreciate it, at the very least.

    Supply and Demand.

    Ravenger on
    <@heels&gt; Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
    <+Ravenger> you are talking to me
    <@heels&gt; oh god, what am i doing
  • BillyMorshuBillyMorshu Registered User regular
    edited August 2009

    Name: Alex
    Location: Auburn, WA
    Best Contact Method: PM
    How many tickets needed: 3
    Willing to pay: $50-$60 each
    Able to pay with: Cash and paypal (will probably need about 2 days for the account to be ready to pay wit because my parents started an account yesterday)
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: I can pick them up (if it's around the Puget Sound) or mail

    BillyMorshu on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    SupaNova wrote: »
    For the record, kind of off topic here, but I think that people who are asking for MORE than the original purchase price are being downright dirty.

    What would keep people from buying several tickets and just re-selling them for more if it wasn't frowned upon? ESPECIALLY the BYOC tickets, which people are now trying to sell for so much more.

    Thank you so much to those of you who are selling these tickets at COST (however much they purchased them for + if necessary, shipping), and not trying to make a profit. I appreciate it, at the very least.

    We are frowning upon the obvious scalping of the BYOC passes by some people. Nothing that can be done about it this year, We will look at the situation when planing starts for next year to see if we can figure out a solution.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • AbattoirRougeAbattoirRouge Registered User new member
    edited August 2009
    NEED THREE (3) 3-Day Passes

    Name: Ian Freeman-Lee
    Location: Seattle, WA
    Best Contact Method: Phone (206-434-6491) or Email (corymbus@theflees.com)
    How Many: Three (3) 3-Day Passes (or less if you only have less)
    How Much: Would like to pay close to retail, but would be interested in anything less than buying 9 one day passes.
    How I Can Pay: I can pay in cash or check or paypal.
    Preferred Method of Receiving: I can receive the tickets in whatever way you would prefer. Ideally I'd like to either pick them up ASAP or get them by mail, but I can get them closer to the date if necessary.

    Would really love to avoid paying for three single passes, so if anyone has anything, I'd be very interested. Thanks!

    AbattoirRouge on
  • virtualmaddenvirtualmadden Registered User new member
    edited August 2009

    Your Name: Jon Madden
    Your Location: Portland, OR
    Best Contact Method: email: virtualmadden [at] gmail.com
    How many tickets you need: 2
    What you are willing to pay: Prefer $50 (each), but willing to discuss.
    How you are able to pay: Cash/Paypal
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: In-person, but mail is fine too.

    virtualmadden on
  • SupaNovaSupaNova Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Ravenger wrote: »
    SupaNova wrote: »
    For the record, kind of off topic here, but I think that people who are asking for MORE than the original purchase price are being downright dirty.

    What would keep people from buying several tickets and just re-selling them for more if it wasn't frowned upon? ESPECIALLY the BYOC tickets, which people are now trying to sell for so much more.

    Thank you so much to those of you who are selling these tickets at COST (however much they purchased them for + if necessary, shipping), and not trying to make a profit. I appreciate it, at the very least.

    Supply and Demand.

    Yes, they CAN get that amount for it simply because the demand is high.

    Morally? Just wrong.
    BigRed wrote: »
    We are frowning upon the obvious scalping of the BYOC passes by some people. Nothing that can be done about it this year, We will look at the situation when planing starts for next year to see if we can figure out a solution.

    Good to know. Thanks for the reassurance :)

    SupaNova on
  • pdxsporkpdxspork Registered User new member
    edited August 2009

    Your Name: Clint Whiteside
    Your Location: Corvallis/Portland OR
    Best Contact Method: email: spork at pdxlan dot com
    How many tickets you need: 1 3-day pass
    What you are willing to pay: $50, negotiable
    How you are able to pay: Cash/Paypal
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: In person or mail, whichever.

    pdxspork on
  • killerkittenskillerkittens Registered User new member
    edited August 2009

    killerkittens on
  • DragondevonDragondevon Registered User regular
    edited August 2009

    Dragondevon on
    "The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
    "Dude, I think he's a zombie."
    "No he's not, he's dead."
    "But he's still walking around."
    "Which makes him one of the walking dead."
    "So, he's dead."
    "No, that makes him a zombie."

    "You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
  • inf1uenceinf1uence Registered User new member
    edited August 2009

    Your Name: Patrick
    Your Location: Renton, WA
    Best Contact Method: inf1uence@hotmail.com
    How many tickets you need: 3
    What you are willing to pay: $60 each
    How you are able to pay: Cash, PAYPAL
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: In person on Friday @ PAX, or Mail.

    inf1uence on
  • KniteKnite Registered User new member
    edited August 2009
    NEED 3-day PASS

    Your Name: Sean Orlikowski
    Your Location: Minnesota
    Best Contact Method: email: seannieo16 at yahoo (dot com)
    How many tickets you need: 1 3-day pass
    What you are willing to pay: $50+
    How you are able to pay: Paypal
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: Mail, preferably

    Knite on
  • NoxxulNoxxul Registered User new member
    edited August 2009
    NEED 3-Day Pass

    Your Name: Matt Adelsperger
    Your Location: Sacramento, CA
    Best Contact Method: Email: Chalkhead(at)gmail.com
    How many tickets you need: 1 3-day Pass
    What you are willing to pay: $50-75
    How you are able to pay: Cash, Paypal.
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: In person on friday is probably the best, but we can work something out.

    Noxxul on
  • preacher32preacher32 Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    NEED 1 3 day pass

    Your Name: John Beaver
    Your Location: Federal Way,wa
    Best Contact Method: john.m.beaver@gmail.com or 360 269 0095
    How many tickets you need: 1
    What you are willing to pay: 60 dollars plus paypal fees if applicable
    How you are able to pay: cash, check, money order, haven't played with paypal for a bit but i'm sure I can pay you that way as well
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: If you are in WA I'm more than willing to drive to you and pick it up. Otherwise overnight and I will pay for that as well

    preacher32 on
  • RockaholicaRockaholica Registered User new member
    edited August 2009
    Name: Ryan
    Location: Bay Area, CA
    E-mail: revoice@comcast.net
    Tickets: 2 3-day passes
    Aasking: 50 each
    Payments: Cash or PayPal
    Distribute: Badge hand off or e-mail barcode

    Rockaholica on
  • Apollo HemisphereApollo Hemisphere Registered User new member
    edited August 2009
    NEED a 3 day pass

    Your Name: Evan Cole
    Your Location: Kirkland, WA
    Best Contact Method: eccole14@comcast.net or (425) 890-4220
    How many tickets you need: 1
    What you are willing to pay: $50 +
    How you are able to pay: Paypal would be preferrable

    Apollo Hemisphere on
  • zyphlarzyphlar Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    NEED a BYOC pass! Just spent $1100 on equip for a modded lan box!

    zyphlar on
  • DanishDanish Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    NEED AT LEAST THREE (3) 3-DAY PASSES (If you have just one, of course I'm still interested in it)

    Your Name: Dane Penovich
    Your Location: Kent, WA
    Best Contact Method: phone or e-mail: 253-216-8025 or highwind86@gmail.com
    How many tickets you need: At least 3
    What you are willing to pay: Up to $60 each, now that they're sold out
    How you are able to pay: Cash/Paypal
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: If you're in my area, we can meet up somewhere. If not, I can paypal you and you can mail them to me. I would cover shipping.

    Please let me know if you have any! Some of my friends/hotel-mates were going to buy at the door and can't now that they're sold out. :(

    Danish on
  • PrhotonicPrhotonic Registered User new member
    edited August 2009
    Your Name: Paul C. Rhoton
    Your Location: Yakima, WA
    Best Contact Method: email/phone Palsiebol@hotmail.com 509-833-2965
    How many tickets you need: two please
    What you are willing to pay:100-120
    How you are able to pay: Paypal or cash
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: mail or could pick them up on my way to seattle! (any other options I would love to consider.)

    Need two 3 day passes please... last year changed my life!! Thank you so much,


    Prhotonic on
  • NimlNiml Registered User new member
    edited August 2009
    Your Name: Justin Moberg
    Your Location: Kelowna, BC
    Best Contact Method: email/phone jbmoberg@gmail.com
    How many tickets you need: One
    What you are willing to pay:50-75
    How you are able to pay: Paypal or Cash
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: mail or could pick them up at Seattle.

    Niml on
  • ZionadZionad CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    MAY HAVE 2 - 3 day passes and 1 BYOC

    Couple friends bailed on me. Message if interested, Ill know for sure in a couple days.

    Your Name: Ken Chapman
    Your Location: Red Deer, AB
    Best Contact Method: zionad AT gmail DOT com
    How many tickets you have: 2 + BYOC
    How much you are asking: $75 each - $50 BYOC
    What type of payments you take (legal trade only): I have paypal, but might prefer in person. No cheques
    How you will distribute tickets: preferred in person, or whatever is easiest

    Zionad on
    I do it all for the pew pew
  • YurganYurgan Registered User new member
    edited August 2009

    Your Name : Ryan
    Your Location : Washington State
    Best Contact Method : e-mail -> Rezin_@hotmail.com
    How many tickets you need: 3 , 3-day passes
    What you are willing to pay: 50 - 75
    How you are able to pay: Paypal, cash , whatever
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: Willing to work something out as long as I can get the tickets

    Yurgan on
  • clairegirl49clairegirl49 Registered User new member
    edited August 2009

    Your Name: Tiffany
    Your Location: Buckley, WA
    Best Contact Method: tiffendo@msn.com
    How many tickets you need: 1 three day pass
    What you are willing to pay: 50-100
    How you are able to pay: Prefer in person cash.
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: Prefer in person exchange

    clairegirl49 on
  • TomJaneTomJane Registered User new member
    edited August 2009
    Your Name: Stewart Graham
    Your Location: Kamloops, BC
    Best Contact Method: email/phone stewartagraham@gmail.com
    How many tickets you need: 1 - 3 day pass
    What you are willing to pay:50-75
    How you are able to pay: Cash
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: In person on friday is probably the best

    TomJane on
  • AverageToasterAverageToaster Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Just bought a ticket dont need one anymore

    AverageToaster on
  • KaitouAyashiKaitouAyashi Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    SupaNova wrote: »
    Ravenger wrote: »
    SupaNova wrote: »
    For the record, kind of off topic here, but I think that people who are asking for MORE than the original purchase price are being downright dirty.

    What would keep people from buying several tickets and just re-selling them for more if it wasn't frowned upon? ESPECIALLY the BYOC tickets, which people are now trying to sell for so much more.

    Thank you so much to those of you who are selling these tickets at COST (however much they purchased them for + if necessary, shipping), and not trying to make a profit. I appreciate it, at the very least.

    Supply and Demand.

    Yes, they CAN get that amount for it simply because the demand is high.

    Morally? Just wrong.

    If people *purposely* purchased more passes than they would need in order to sell them for higher prices when the show sold out, then perhaps your "immoral" argument would hold water.

    No one KNEW PAX09 would sell out. From the day badges went on sale there was heavy speculation that it might, and many of us who use the forums, IRC, facebook, twitter, and other sites put the word out as much as we could that it was unwise to dawdle if you were considering going to PAX.

    I myself - told many, MANY people to hedge their bets and buy passes if they were thinking about going due to expected higher demand this year. If you were out of the loop or didn't listen, that's not really my fault.

    Lastly, I accidentally purchased an extra 3-day pass because I panicked and somehow forgot to read when I was registering for BYOC. If a friend needed a pass, sure I'd probably sell it to them at cost. But if no one steps forward, I don't see anything wrong with selling it for the best offer on the table.

    tl:dr :P

    The BUYER is setting how much they are willing to pay based on how much they want to go to PAX this year. The sellers are simply responding to demand.

    KaitouAyashi on
    [15:02] BigRed-Worky: i will nom all of your boxes
    [15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
    [15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do
    PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
  • blackxofblackxof Registered User new member
    edited August 2009
    Your Name: Isaiah Johnson
    Your Location: Edmonds, WA
    Best Contact Method phone. 425 318 0737 blackxof@hotmail.com
    How many tickets you need 2
    What you are willing to pay 50-90 each
    How you are able to pay Cash.
    Preferred method of receiving tickets hand off.

    blackxof on
  • Nox_DracoriaNox_Dracoria Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I need one 3 Day pass

    Jeannine Thompson
    Kelowna, BC, Canada
    email : nox.dracoria@gmail.com
    can pay; cash in person or email money transfer or paypal
    willing to pay up to 60$ for one 3 day pass.
    would like to get the ticket either in person at PAX or via next day express mail - I will pay for the mail service.

    My friends originally had gotten me an extra ticket - but they miscounted and now I am hooped if I can't find a pass =( I already have the hotel booked and everything.

    I am also bringing cookies and home made butter tarts if I can make with baking bribery??


    Nox_Dracoria on
  • SupaNovaSupaNova Registered User regular
    edited August 2009

    Thanks, though, and to anybody looking for a pass still, I'd advise using Twitter and using the hashtag #PAX - I got a response within 2 hours :)

    SupaNova on
  • BuraisuBuraisu Psychomancer Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    [strike]NEED TICKET

    Your Name: Bryce
    Your Location: Anacortes, WA
    Best Contact Method: BryceDraven@msn.com and/or PM me here.
    How many tickets you need: 1
    What you are willing to pay: $50 plus shipping (Can't pay more :( I am broke)
    How you are able to pay: Cash, paypal
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: In person if you are in King/Skagit County or at PAX. Overnight mail if not in Seattle area.

    If I can't find anything, oh well. Someone has to get screwed over when tickets sell out. I love going to PAX and live locally but I didn't have any money to pay earlier then now. I can barely afford it now. Was just going to buy tickets at the door like I normally do.[/strike]

    I am just not going to try, I don't have the money to waste on a room, parking, food, and a ticket. Wish I did though. I was most likely going to go hungry all weekend anyway. :D Become a cookie beggar.

    Buraisu on
  • jorgojorgo Registered User new member
    edited August 2009

    Your Name: Michael
    Best Contact Method: jorgo@engineer.com
    How many tickets you need: 1
    What you are willing to pay: $50
    How you are able to pay: Cash, paypal
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: In-person for King County residents, USPS mail for others

    jorgo on
  • phejphej Registered User regular
    edited August 2009

    I sold the two 3-day passes I had and have 2 BYOC left.

    Your Name: Jeph
    Your Location: Alexandria, VA
    Best Contact Method: jeph dot christoff at gmail.com
    How many tickets you have: 2 BYOC
    How much you are asking: $50
    What type of payments you take (legal trade only): Paypal
    How you will distribute tickets: FedEx or UPS to ensure delivery before next week.

    phej on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    phej wrote: »

    I sold the two 3-day passes I had and have 2 BYOC left.

    Your Name: Jeph
    Your Location: Alexandria, VA
    Best Contact Method: jeph dot christoff at gmail.com
    How many tickets you have: 2 BYOC
    How much you are asking: $50
    What type of payments you take (legal trade only): Paypal
    How you will distribute tickets: FedEx or UPS to ensure delivery before next week.

    FYI: You just need to transfer your ticket via the Lanfest site to the buyer and foward them the barcode email. theres nothing to ship to them :P

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • TeknotronicTeknotronic Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    So if there are any people that already have hotels booked, but don't have tickets and look like you may end up having to cancel your hotel reservations, please let me know :-)

    Teknotronic on
  • bitpartbitpart Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Have 2 three day passes.

    Your Name: Josh
    Your Location: Kingston, Ontario (looong way from the West coast)
    Best Contact Method: joshluckhurst@gmail.com
    How many tickets you have: 2 three day passes
    How much you are asking: Original ticket price
    What type of payments you take (legal trade only): Paypal
    How you will distribute tickets (mail badges, e-mail receipt barcode, etc): I will foot the bill for Fedex or UPS fast delivery.

    Been looking forward to PAX for months now, I was willing to fly clear across the continent for the chance to finally experience it. Really wish I could go.

    bitpart on
  • forbiddencookieforbiddencookie Registered User new member
    edited August 2009
    Need 2 three day passes!

    Your Name: Chantelle
    Your Location: Spokane
    Best Contact Method: yahoo: forbiddenmacaroon or email: chantelle.yeager@gmail.com
    How many tickets you need: 2
    What you are willing to pay: $60 each (this is negotiable)
    How you are able to pay: paypal or in person
    Preferred method of receiving tickets: in person is best, but whatever gets them to me before the fun starts

    forbiddencookie on
This discussion has been closed.