For a really long time I was great at making sure I only got a couple games at a time, and beat them before moving on. Life was good, I was happy, and there was harmony in my living room. The Wii and 360 took turns, each one getting it's fair share while I re-stocked the other.
Then, a huge wave of random sales and deals hit, and suddenly I'm realizing that I have a TON of stuff that I've never played - all of it stuff I really was looking forward to for a long time. Which in turn seems to make playing games - an activity that is designed purely around relaxation and entertainment for me - somewhat of a chore, as I try to beat things quickly to go tackle what's waiting on deck before the list gets too long.
I just caught myself looking at games for this weekend's gamestop Buy 2 Get 1 free sale, and stopped. I still havent beaten 2 out of the 3 games I got LAST time they ran this sale. Nor have I beaten 2 games I grabbed at Blockbuster when they ran a sale last week.
So if I make the trip out to grab Dead Space, Dead Rising (again. Beat it, gave it back to my brother, and miss it so much...) and something else is still up in the air. Doing so would mean they all sit on the back burner (or force the other games even FURTHER back), which is a waste of money. Yet, looking at that shelf and KNOWING Dead Space is there the very SECOND I want to try it would be a good feeling.
So how do you deal with backlogs? Do you have no self-control like I do? Do you force yourself to finish stuff, or do you have 200 games all half-completed? Do you knowingly grab stuff on sale so you intentionally have a stash of fresh stuff, or does it just kinda happen?
Dead Space is a must have, I've run through that about 4 or 5 times.
Then I play whatever the hell I want and make little progress.
I had a stupid backlog of games back in the day, when i had a saturn and then a dreamcast and a lot of disposable income, and as a result i never really played some games i bought as much as they deserved. Which makes me sad now.
These days, i find having a backloggery A/C helps me keep a tabs on what i've got waiting for me, as in i tend to be more aware that i have a shittone of DS games and no i don't need to buy another one now.
It still happens, but i'm sure it's been reduced.
Celeste [Switch] - She'll be wrestling with inner demons when she comes...
Super Mario Wonder - Wowie Zowie!
The Goozex came to Europe... Games come in on a random basis now and my 'to be played' pile is starting to get rather silly in it's height. Unfortunately my wife-to-be refuses to be convinced that taking time off to work through a videogame backlog is a sensible use of annual leave.
I do play most of my games as soon as I buy them, though.
Then u should just go become a man of one game (WoW).
This. I, too, have been on the WoW horse for about... 5 years now? 6? Well, whenever it launched. That didn't stop me from getting new games, but if it didn't make me log off of WoW then it just sat.
There was only one game during that time that vied for my attention.
That game was/is Civilization 4.
Thats actually what spawned this whole thread for me. When I got Fallout 3. I used to kind of rotate 3 games at a time - something light that required little thinking like some XBLA games (and Burnout was perfect for this), something heavier/RPG/Adventure-esque for a chunk of time I found to myself, and something social and online to play when friends were around.
Then I got Fallout.
Ive sunk so many hours into it and I haven't gotten any of the DLC yet, and am maybe halfway through the main quest. There's just so much shit to do, I find myself feeling like I HAVE to finish it -- yet I really haven't stopped picking up new things. I managed to take 4 days off from Fallout to beat Ghostbusters, but Fallout has just thrown a huge wrench in my normal pattern of "complete 1 of the 3 games in progress every 2 weeks" by dominating all my free time. Which again, is weird, because I ENJOY IT, which is WHY I keep coming back to it - yet there's so many other things I want to enjoy, but just dont have time for.
I love my girlfriend to death, but I couldn't be happier she's out of town for the weekend. I'm totally reverting to 2 days of anti-social, lights off, frozen pizza video game time. Shitty weather + nothing planned = huge dent in the backlog, hopefully.
And all I ever play is Blazblue.
Collecting can be pretty fun though. In a way.
My backlog is still pretty high, but luckily (?) for me the wife doesn't want me to buy anymore games. So now I just have Gamefly.
The Secret of Monkey Island.
But I must play it again.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Mine doesn't want me to buy any more either.
If you're sticking to it, I'm guessing you're a newlywed.
For what it's worth, I have cut down a ton on impulse buys. Digital downloading does make it easier for me to get one past her though. Still she knows it's an ideal to work for, a perfect form if you will, but in practicality it won't happen. Mass Effect 2 will be purchased. That is just a fact of life. She knows it, I know it, anyone who reads this now knows it.
Then I point out all the friends we both have with fucked up marriages, give her a hug, and go buy a game.
The only one ive got is about 3 oxbox games that i bought on a whim... The fragile lifespan of 360's makes me think twice about using it for anything other than installed games.
And Persona 3, but that doesnt count.... Im pretty sure i just lost interest all together.
but then Steam and Gamers Gate and GOG and Impulse make it so easy to buy games without her knowing.
DD is my fucking bane.
This, I simultaneously love and hate Steam's weekend sales.
$5 for that? But I don't even need that.
But it's five bucks
But I don't want it
but it's five bucks
How did I buy that
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
The moral of the story is my backlog is huge and I do this with every other game.
3DS FC: 5343-7720-0490
A new game comes out, and it's all new and shiny and I must play! So I play that, and the old game is forgotten. Then another new game comes out before I finish the 2nd one... and it goes on...
Lost Oddessy
Tales of Vesperia
The Last Remnant
Star Ocean IV
Fable 2
All are in some form of un-finishedness.
New house, recently married, social obligations... all leads to a minimization of free time. And RPGs generally require blocks of time, and not just an hour here or there.
At some point I would like to go back and play all those, and am hopeful that time will free up to do so at some point.
... and looking at my Achievement List online, I'm really wanting to play some of those now. I wonder if I can squeeze some time in tonight .
Of course, like others I've obtained the majority of this library from various sales. I've come to realize recently that I'm never going to play some of those PS2 games, especially the RPGs. I really need to try to sell some on amazon or something.
And yeah, World of Warcraft did not help at all. I've played it off and on since it came out in late 2004. This did not stop me from buying other games. I'm currently on a break from WoW and likely will not return until the next expansion.
I've gotten better with my impulses, I think. Now I just need to get focused on finishing these games while still having fun doing it.
Edit: Who the hell am I kidding, I just bought Deadly Creatures, Pikmin, Bionic Commando, and Street Fighter IV over the last week. They were all on sale.
My Backloggery
Silent Hill 2, Zone of Enders 2, Knights in the Nightmare, and Punch-Out!! that I have barely/not touched.
and, i've only played Ecco and some other game i had never played before off of that Soncs Ultimate Collection (i really need to play Space Harrier, as i've never done that)
oh yeah, and Metal Slug 7 i've only played like 2 hours
and Disgea DS
(and I have; but, haven't read...
My PC and DS are the systems that're suffering the most. I've got Empire: Total War, Secrets of Monkey Island: Special Edition, Bioshock, Crysis, Hitman: Contracts, Hitman: Blood Money and more on my computer, yet have barely touched them. Then with my DS there's DQV, FFIV, FFXII: RW, World Ends With You and Chrono Trigger sitting there untouched.
I'm pretty keen to filter out the non-'must-haves' from my collection though (which consists of like 65-70 PS2 games, 15 DS games, 20 PSP games and 5 GC games) but I wouldn't have a clue what's the best method to get rid of them (online auction or trading them in). So for now, I guess they'll just sit on my shelf and gather dust...
Also Gamefly doesn't help.
You basically just summed up my iPhone app store purchases. Do I really need another game? No. But it's 99 cents. It's cheaper than some songs I buy every week!
I've at least gotten a bit choosier about picking up games now.
yeah, i was always fine when i was a poor college kid with a gamecube and a PC
but, now... PC, DS, Wii, and a 360.. and i finally picked up a PS2 someplace in there, too...
TimeShift - average
Soldier of fortune Payback - was piss-poor so i gave up on it
FiFA 09 - bought pro evo 09, which isn't better but i'm more used to it
Resident evil 5 - sheva, ugh
Banjo 3 - again, good but other stuff
Colin Mcrae DiRT - bought with GRID........ that won out
Need for speed Undercover - maggie q, ugh
Godfather 2 - how they managed to ru9in it i don't know
Ace combat 6 - not even put this in the computer
Alone in the dark - dead space won out
Conan - other games to play
Destroy all humans - i put less than 40 mins in this
Devil may cry 4 - not a fan
iron man - yeah no explanation needed
ninja gaiden 2 - it got a little difficult and moving on is way too easy.
quantum of solace - i actually liked this..... not sure what happened
rise opf the argonauts - i hate this so much
rainbow six vegas - bought this couple months ago, doesn't really hold up to far cry
tomb raider underworld - haven't really given it a proper shot tbh
too human - i really don't wanna begin this one, it'll take up precious time on other games
unreal tournament 3 - no live
viking battle for asgard - decent but i have way too many awesome games to spend time on this
x-men wolverines thang - it broke my puter so i'm not risking it again
wwe 2009 - i don't even recognise anyone anymore, what the hell was i thinking
No more heroes - i should stop buying wii games, never play the console
Zack and wiki - cute but prefer 360
Resi evil umbrella chronicle - not even tried this one
dead rising -oooooh stinker
endless ocean - boring
madworld - again, sdtv sucks.
i just have to have that game that looked awesome in the trailers.
Oh, and canceling my WoW account. That helped a ton!
My other problem is a job and grad school. I hate grad school.
Magic Online - Bertro
Haha the past four months of these is what has made my list grow.