Druhim wrote: » wiggin's right
Hunter wrote: » Steve Jobs and Bill Gates should take 1 year out of their lives to train hardcore MMA style and then fight for king of the nerds once and for all. Either that, or their companies build gundams and we do this Japanese style.
Davoid wrote: »
Rolo wrote: » or EVEN MORE TOPICALLY:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siSHJfPWxs8
matthasaproblem wrote: » are are
Davoid wrote: » Please tell me it's from some "I made a webcomic!" thread in the AC
hey satan...: thinkgeek amazon My post |
comic :^:
Comic++ though.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Either that, or their companies build gundams and we do this Japanese style.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
It would have to be the latter. Gates is much healthier than Jobs these days. Plus, without a real "job" he would have more time to train.
This comic is excellent.
BNet: StandrdError#1826
I want a Metamind desktop.
That movie is pretty great.
what the FUCK is going on in your sig?
Gabe and Tycho's expressions in the last panel sell this.
it's new hotness
and my white macbook is old and busted
new hotness
old and busted
nice catch.
The line break is deceptive.
I'm sure he doesn't want attention drawn to his stutter
It is.
I could have sworn "tandem" meant a pair of things working together