What type of things do I need to worry about when I move from Canada to Australia for 4 months?
Chances are good I will be leaving in about 2-3 weeks. Some of the things I've identified:
1. Cancel car insurance, buy storage insurance
2. Disconnect car battery, check with mechanic about other long term storage things for car
3. Send cheques to landlord for rent
4. Call credit card companies to let them know where I'll be
5. Redirect mail to family/friends
6. Contact my bank and ask how to access my account in Australia
7. Buy new luggage
8. Call cellphone company and suspend my service
What other types of things should I be looking into?
My work is paying for my accomodations in Australia. This is considered a taxable benefit unless I keep a place in Canada.
Plus, I really don't want the hassle of finding a subletter within 2-3 weeks.
Currently painting: Slowly [flickr]
I would also arrange for a friend to have your key and just pop into your place once a month or something to make sure there weren't any fires/bugs/dead people.
Disconnect all electricity that you can before you leave - do you have arrangements made for paying your utilities while you're gone (if you're leaving stuff like the fridge plugged in)
Clean your apartment/house
Turn off the heat/cooling
Do you have any other monthly bills you need to worry about? (cable, landline phone, netflix, whatever?)
Sometimes it's nice to get one of those timer switches to turn the lights on and off so it doesn't look like your place is abandoned.
Judging by the way he's worded it, and how continuous coverage works up here, he's going to keep his insurance active, but change it so that the car is being "stored" and not "driven." Doesn't cause a gap in coverage, and the difference is "$125/year" vs "$125/month" so that's money in his pocket.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
Also, learn to hate Roo's. You'll understand when you get here.
-leave it on jackstands (so the tires are off the ground)
-use fuel stabilizer in your gas tank (and make sure to run the car for a couple of miles after you use it to get the stabilized gas all through the gas lines
-i'd also suggest changing your oil right before, and right after you come back
For the house... if you're keeping your apt, just have someone stop by once a week to collect your mail and contact you about any bills, etc... it's a lot more reliable than forwarding your mail somewhere, and it'll also make sure someone inspects the place once in a while for leaks, broken windows, rotting food, crackheads, etc. etc.
i'd also cancel cable/internet, as it'll save you $$ and even give you a good deal when you re-activate in a couple of months
Also, sign up for electronic statements (along with paper if you want those, too). Then just check your email once a day and you won't even have to just know when bills come in the month.
Does anyone have any advice on how to keep cool in business clothes?
I'm in Vancouver right now and it's about 27C here (80 F) and I'm boiling with my standard work clothes. The average temperature for Brisbane right now is about 27C, and it only gets hotter in Sept/Oct/Nov
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