A friend and I were talking about a game we used to love on the original Playstation.
1. It was an overhead view (possibly isometric, but I think it was overhead), on foot shooter.
2. It had a very dark, gritty aesthetic.
3. The selectable characters were a little wacky. I'm pretty sure one of them was a clown, but I might be thinking of Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal, the other game we played all the time.
4. I
think they made a sequel to it, but I'm not sure.
Sorry the details are sparse, but neither of us can come up with a name to save our lives. I thought it might be "Overkill" but no such game.
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I remember really liking the game too, though, I think that was because that was the only PS1 game that came with the system we bought, so we kinda had to play it for a while.
PSN: Toma84
The sequel was Re-Loaded.
Loaded maybe?