I'm gonna be (maybe) going to uni in September and as such I am in the market for a laptop. I have a proper PC but it's crap and takes up tons of room, so the laptop is pretty much essential.
I'm still not decided if I'm going to be living at home or in a student house or whatever yet, but either way I need the laptop I get to be light and easily portable. Because I'll either have to cart it back and forth from lessons/lectures to my place, or lug it on and off a couple of trains and around town.
It should preferably be actually, ya know, good. So it can work without developing a lot of problems. For this issue my brother, a big PC nerd, suggested I get a Mac because apparently in terms of not getting viruses and errors and shit a Mac is better than a Windows.
If possible this laptop should be able to play moderately good-range games, but won't need to be super-gaming powerful because I've got a 360 for that.
And as the final cherry on the top of the impossible cake, it should be relatively cheap to get.
I recently purchased an ASUS 1000HE and couldn't be happier with it.
Light, portable, small, perfect for the college student.
amazon link
I'll say that I haven't fully "switched" or anything, but I use my MBP for most of my daily computer stuff. It's been a good experience for me but I'm not going to tell you that it's the best computer I have ever owned.
As an added bonus the Mac lap tops are a bit lighter than most PC ones, which makes a world of difference when carting the around campus all day.
"A netbook is a laptop computer designed for wireless communication and access to the Internet.
Primarily designed for web browsing and e-mailing, netbooks are used on the Internet for remote access to web-based applications."
^^ For some reason that throws up a red flag for me. I know as a laptop it'll be able to do anything I'm gonna need it for but I feel myself backing away from netbooks.
You buy the power that a laptop has, sure, but that power can't change and grow with you. You're stuck.
Look, you have three options: buy a reasonable laptop (aka netbook) and use the lab, buy a laptop powerful enough to run media programs and spend more money than the US administration is spending on the stimulus package, or buy a desktop to run the programs. Media creation is the most taxing thing you can do with a computer short of automate programs that tell you what happens when black holes have sex. If your program has a computer lab (which I bet it does, considering the alternative is forcing you to spend thousands of dollars on those expensive programs in addition to buying a sweet computer), a netbook is all you need for everything else.
Buy. A. Netbook.
For some reason I always, and I mean always used to think that Netbooks were only for internet surfing and couldn't do anything else like Word processing and shit. Dunno why I ever though that, but apparently they're crackjack little machines.