what is the list issue? If it is that they are too spaced out vertically, add height:100% to the nested a tags. That usually puts them back in line.
you should check out a couple of things if you still insist on supporting ie6 (all of our contracts list ie6 compatibility as a separate line item, and costs extra). http://code.google.com/p/ie7-js/
"upgrades" ie6 to perform like a real browser
lastly, the ie webdev tool helps toooons. adds a blue arrow to your tool bar. click it, click the arrow with a box in the new window, and click around the page. you will be able to edit the css live and find out what the hell ie6 is doing.
also, i still lack a background in ie6.
background: url(/images/backgrounds/your_world_bg.jpg) no-repeat top center;
instead. that should force the background to override any thing further down the sheet. and make sure you have your paths correct.
Funny thing was, I did use a CSS reset for this project since there was going to be a lot of absolute positioned divs, and I wanted to minimize cross browser layout issues. Luckily these where the only two I had.
I'll also have to definitely charge more for IE6 support in the future. I've just started freelancing this year, so I'm still working things out :P
Thanks for the help guys.
(I'll be implementing that background css change a bit later, when I get to work and can use my VM.)
Now to tackle the menu.
Anyone know if there is a common css list style menu issue in IE6 that resembles mine?
you should check out a couple of things if you still insist on supporting ie6 (all of our contracts list ie6 compatibility as a separate line item, and costs extra).
"upgrades" ie6 to perform like a real browser
css reset - takes care of zeroing out all html elements so that you have a nice clean, blank slate to work from.
lastly, the ie webdev tool helps toooons. adds a blue arrow to your tool bar. click it, click the arrow with a box in the new window, and click around the page. you will be able to edit the css live and find out what the hell ie6 is doing.
also, i still lack a background in ie6.
background: url(/images/backgrounds/your_world_bg.jpg) no-repeat top center;
instead. that should force the background to override any thing further down the sheet. and make sure you have your paths correct.
Thanks for the help.
Funny thing was, I did use a CSS reset for this project since there was going to be a lot of absolute positioned divs, and I wanted to minimize cross browser layout issues. Luckily these where the only two I had.
I'll also have to definitely charge more for IE6 support in the future. I've just started freelancing this year, so I'm still working things out :P
Thanks for the help guys.
(I'll be implementing that background css change a bit later, when I get to work and can use my VM.)
but ie7.js and reset have seriously reduced my ie6 debug time and ie6.css sheets to like 5 or 6 lines.