Dear image software gurus:
-I have a 2000x2000 pixel png image that's around 10megs in size.
-I want to use this image as my desktop for a winXP system.
-The 10meg size however is more of a burden than I want/need on this system just for a desktop image.
-I'd like someone to first of all crop the 'square' aspect ratio (2000x2000) into an image size that matches my desktop resolution - 1920x1200. There is plenty of 'slop' at the top and bottom of the image to achieve this crop.
-Beyond this, is there any possibility to save the file as a different type of image file, without losing any of the crispness or color intensity? I've tried using Adobe to save it into a .jpg for instance, and while the 300k filesize was fantastic, the terrible washing of the colors and the pixelation/blurring was totally unacceptable.
If you'd be interested in giving this a go, please PM me your email address (or post it here if you want) and i'll email you the 10meg original png to work with.
Thanks in advance for any assistance!
All my contact info is in my profile if you need it.
I'll try them both and see what I can do.