Two help threads in one day!
I've been seriously deliberating this for a long time and it might finally happen.
I'd have living arrangements and all of that, but I'm looking for help in the logistics department. I've only ever moved like "up the road" my entire life.
Problem points I see:
1) I own a condo. Do I rent it out? Sell it? Keep it and ????
2) I also own a car.
Is it cheaper to drive or freight train it? I'd basically just be bringing clothes and computer and a few other essentials, furniture would go to storage if the "sell" option was picked for the condo.
I could drive, and my friend would make the road trip with me if it came down to that.
3) I own a handgun, that I love. Driving would be easy, just put it in the trunk but are there any laws regarding that? If I chose to fly, how could I get it there?
If you decide to move more than your car can handle, look into PODs or Pack Rat storage containers. I know several people who have recently moved from FL to CA and they all drove, being all fairly money minded people, I can't imagine no one considered shipping a car if it were cheaper.
This is a guess and needs to be verified.
The gun goes locked in your trunk and never comes out. You can, I'm quite certain, check a fire arm as long as it has been labeled and packaged correctly. You can also ship a fire arm, which might be more practical.
It'll be cheaper to drive your car to California than it will be to ship it. Petrol isn't terribly outrageous right now, so you should be able to drive to CA for a few hundred bucks.
Also, I highly recommend that you sell all of your furniture and belongings and just buy up used stuff when you get to California. Pack up your car with your clothes, computer, whatever, but avoid taking any major furniture or appliances. Moving cross country with a truck loaded down with all of your worldly possessions sucks balls. I've done it twice and I won't ever do it again.
Oh yeah, I'd be hocking all that shit off. I wouldn't need much more than a bed when I got there I don't think, the place I'd be moving is furnished and my ghetto computer desk could fit in my car.
If I recall correctly, each state and sometimes each county has different laws about traveling with a firearm, so if you really didn't want to get into trouble you'd have to check all of those laws; however, (and this is also if I recall correctly) you generally need to store the ammo and the gun separately, the gun needs to be in a locked case at the furthest point in the car from you (ie: the trunk or whatever), and you don't need to announce that you have a firearm in the car if you get pulled over. So, unless you really screw up and give them a reason to search your car, you should be ok, and if they do search your car or whatever then as long as it's stored properly you should be ok (but if it gets to that point you might want to say, "Just so you know officer, I do have a firearm in the vehicle in the trunk but it is properly stored in a locked case at the furthest point, separate from the ammo, yadda yadda).
I've also got an AK-47 and a Kel-Tec Sub-2000
I'm iffy on those, as the AK-47 has a folding stock, not sure if thats legal in cali...
As long as the AK-47 is center fire (pretty sure it is) and only has a folding stock and no other attachment, then it should be okay.
Gun Laws for CA
edit: I believe the AK-47 has to be semi-auto only in order for it to be legal. You can always call the police department for the location you are moving to and ask.
The AK-47 is one of those guns that is specifically not legal here in California. Seeing as how an AK-47 is what some jerk used to shoot up a schoolyard that brought about these laws in the first place. That, and it's implicitly banned as per the first rule in your link there.
Any other advice? Especially on the housing deal...
I'm on the space coast if that matters
Doesn't means its impossible, but price it well to get serious interest.
Especially in Florida, which in many areas still hasn't hit the bottom as far as housing prices.
You will almost certainly want to rent it out, but be prepared for what it means to be a landlord. If you don't want to deal with that, find a good property manager who will take a small cut of the rent but deal with that stuff for you.
You say to offer a good price to rent, but I can't be expected to go lower than what my mortgage + utilities are now right?