Heh, I can picture the look on your face the moment you read up on it. Guess you'll be even less happy to know then that the last story involving Spidey confronting Norman Osborn referenced it.
Did Lucifer, which is a Sandman spin-off, did a fantastic 41 issue run of Hellblazer, he's doing Unwritten right now, and I know there's a bunch of stuff I'm not thinking of but I don't feel like hitting wiki
He is so goddamn good
Fuck you Ghost
I ain't mention Moon Knight writers that aren't Moench or Huston ever
To be fair, Straczynski wasn't 100% behind One More Day. Wanted to take his name off of the story it seems.
Here's the deal with One More Day, it was a JMS story, it was always going to be a JMS story.
The Mephisto was always going to be the way it went down. The part where JMS balked, was the way he had it written it out, it was a meticulous retcon. He'd mapped out a change that would ripple out and retcon everything into the status quo that Marvel wanted.
But Marvel and Joey Q didnt want that, they didnt want it to be a real retcon, they wanted the psuedo retcon, new now but with the same past thing. Thats what JMS didnt want to do, the rest is still him though.
Heh, I can picture the look on your face the moment you read up on it. Guess you'll be even less happy to know then that the last story involving Spidey confronting Norman Osborn referenced it.
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
why would you look it up
surely there are better ways to do that, though, surely
I was content with the neck snapping jokes
when he's on, he's amazing, but when he's off, goddamn
I'm not on the hype train on this one this is truly how I feel
I just
I had to know
E: Oh yeah, Brubaker, him too.
there are some things man was not meant to know
Oh yeah
Sleeper alone is enough to get him on that list
Forget about Criminal and Incognito and his Daredevil
the Spider-Totem shit was awful.
I like JMS but 80% of his Spider-Man run was boring as balls
At least Marvel had the restraint to keep her dead
I'm looking at you Jason Todd
Amazon Wishlist: http://www.amazon.com/BusterK/wishlist/3JPEKJGX9G54I/ref=cm_wl_search_bin_1
This sounds like a 616 Spidey I could read again
that was a near thing, though
a real near thing
somebody had to bust out the tranq dart they were too scared to use on george lucas and shoot quesada with it
You've got that backwards, Quesada was against it, it was Slott that really wanted to bring her back.
yeah that was all a big joke
I actually don't mind Quesada so much, despite some of the bonehead shit he's pulled
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
man, that's weird. tell dan slott to lay off the crazy pills.
Wiggin mentioned him?
Probably either Ghost Rider or Moon Knight
He's written X-Men Legacy since it became Xavier's thang (and now Rogue's thing), he had a run on X-Men, I'm drawing a blank on anything else.
It was all good.
Mike Carey
Did Lucifer, which is a Sandman spin-off, did a fantastic 41 issue run of Hellblazer, he's doing Unwritten right now, and I know there's a bunch of stuff I'm not thinking of but I don't feel like hitting wiki
He is so goddamn good
Fuck you Ghost
I ain't mention Moon Knight writers that aren't Moench or Huston ever
I'm sure if it'd gone down the way he envisioned it, it would have been somewhat better
I can't say how much better, but at least a little bit.
Here's the deal with One More Day, it was a JMS story, it was always going to be a JMS story.
The Mephisto was always going to be the way it went down. The part where JMS balked, was the way he had it written it out, it was a meticulous retcon. He'd mapped out a change that would ripple out and retcon everything into the status quo that Marvel wanted.
But Marvel and Joey Q didnt want that, they didnt want it to be a real retcon, they wanted the psuedo retcon, new now but with the same past thing. Thats what JMS didnt want to do, the rest is still him though.
it feels like the spidey books take place in another universe now
it's just odd
I don't know because I'm a couple arcs behind since I switched to trades
ow my brain