"Martial, Mystical and Arcane escorts needed for Academic caravan to distant lands. All specialties requested, pay commeasurable to level of danger inherent in the journey. Come to the third floor of Newmoon Inn tonight, one hour past sunset, prepared to depart."
Those were the words posted about on white squares of parchment throughout the taverns and inns of Starilaskur. Simple enough. Also quite vague. And, for some reason you couldn't put your finger on, intriguing and completely irresistible. You needed the work, you knew you were good enough to handle any trouble some four-eyed Professor could get himself into, and a word like 'commeasurable' on the posters meant you'd at least be travelling with people who knew how to read. So you packed your supplies, oiled your gear, and headed on over to the Newmoon at the proper time.
The late Summer evening is breezy and pleasant as you walk to the Inn and climb the wooden stairs to its upper levels. Inside you find a half-open door with the poster upon it, and through the door you find yourself in a room with almost a half-dozen other adventuresome types standing awkwardly about as a weathered man with thin greying hair and moustache over incredibly sharp feathres stares at you across the room in flickering candle light. You know instantly something is wrong: The posture. The muscle tone. The matte green traveling cloak. The unwavering eyes. You're not quite sure what this man is, but you're damn sure he's no Professor.
Quiet moments pass and the man glances through a window to the darkening horizon. Satisfied, he rises and nods to each of you in turn. "My name is Captain Bryan Arturo, and I am a Dark Lantern Agent of the King's Citadel. I am afraid I have lied to you, but only a little, and with good reason. Close the door, we have business to discuss. Coffee's on the corner table, and trust me, you will need some."
-DnD 4th Edition, Eberron Campaign Setting
-5th Level Characters
-Standard 5th Level Starting Wealth and Items
-All current Wizards of the Coast Material acceptable for characters;
-4-6 Characters
-All races/classes welcome; I like to have a good mix of types in my parties to keep things interesting
-I personally will try to post at least once a day, and honestly will probably miss a day on occasion, but I'll try to keep that rare. I'd like people who can post regularly and like to take some initative for their characters.
-Backgrounds: Something would be nice, but I'm not asking for a novel. Just show me you know how to write and we're good.
-Alignment: All are welcome, except "Chaotic Stupid", "Lawful Stupid", and "Kender". And whatever your alignment, you need to have your party's back.
-Game type: A bit of intrigue, a bit of detective work, a bit of role-playing, and a bit of hack-and-slash
-I can't say how long the campaign will last; the idea I have will be fun for a good long while if we can keep things going, but even if things fall apart quickly I'm ready to have some fun for the duration.
Submissions will be open until at least Tuesday at 11:59pm PST; do please have your completed characters ready by then. Ask if you have questions, and let's get our game on
Your call on how your character was involved in it/what side/things lost/etc, but it seems like a good place for a Warlord .
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
He turned to look at the door of the room, where the provost was standing. The dwarf crossed his arms and glanced down the hall, a sure sign that something was up.
"Uh..." Valenar said haltingly, "class dismissed, make sure you read the next set of chapters in ir'Dayne for next time and..." The thought went unfinished as he caught a freshman in the first row making eyes at him, and he cleared his throat and frowned. "Class dismissed!"
He crossed the room quickly and leaned on the doorframe. "What's going on?"
The dwarf grunted and produced that day's Inquisitive. "Someone's been spreading this around, particularly in Starilaskur. What do you make of it?"
The changeling took the paper and held it up, adjusting his spectacles. "It must be those little coc--colleagues of ours at Korranberg, Barakus. Why?"
"I spoke with our friends in Collections and Catalogues, and they want you to go along. The gnomes must be on the verge of something big if they need help this desperately, and the Board would certainly love to one-up them again this year."
The changeling smiled. "Now I understand why you saddled me with that TA. Let me get my hat."
Born into a family of academics in Wroat, "Valenar" rejected their bookish traditions in favor of a less discreet methodology--more of an adventurer and less of a professor, he has made quite a few trips around Khorvaire and even into the depths of Xen'drik. Constantly competing with the Trust-backed Korranberg acquisition teams looking to outdo his alma mater of Morgrave U and the insidious fascists of the Emerald Claw has given him a surprisingly deep knowledge of fighting for an academic--especially noteworthy are his whip-fighting skills from time spent in the swamps of the Shadow Marches. His fellow professors have only a vague idea of what it is that he actually does off-campus--only the members of the Board of Trustees, the higher-ups in Morgrave Collections and Catalogues, and the Provost of the School of Archeology, Barakus ir'Gallach, have a clear picture of Qorresk's activities.
While his actual name (Beshk) is common knowledge among the faculty, no one is quite certain of the origin of the nickname "Valenar", although theories abound from the exotic (his mother was a Valenar warlord unwittingly seduced by the changeling, and he was the result) to the more strained (his florid style of dress in class somewhat matches the loose clothing of the Valenar). When adventuring, he prefers a dark shirt and pants and one of the short-brimmed hats recently made popular by the halflings.
Character Stuff
"Valenar" Qorresk, level 5
Changeling, Rogue
Rogue Tactics: Ruthless Ruffian
Background: Breland (+2 to Insight)
Str 15, Con 10, Dex 20, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14.
Str 14, Con 10, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 11.
AC: 21 Fort: 14 Reflex: 19 Will: 15
HP: 42 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 10
Stealth +12, Thievery +12, Streetwise +9, Perception +6, Dungeoneering +6, Bluff +11
Acrobatics +7, Arcana +2, Diplomacy +4, Endurance +2, Heal +1, History +2, Insight +5, Intimidate +4, Nature +1, Religion +2, Athletics +4
Level 1: Whip Training
Level 2: Two-Weapon Fighting
Level 4: Whip Novice
Rogue at-will 1: Riposte Strike
Rogue at-will 1: Clever Strike
Rogue encounter 1: Termination Threat
Rogue daily 1: Checking Jab
Rogue utility 2: Quick Fingers
Rogue encounter 3: Enforced Threat
Rogue daily 5: Downward Spiral
Adventurer's Kit, Hand Crossbow, Disguise Kit, Magic Leather Armor +2, Lifedrinker Mace +1, Bloodthirst Bracers (heroic tier), Reading Spectacles (heroic tier), Identification Papers, with Portrait, Thieves' Tools, Crossbow Bolts (40), Spider Bolt +1 (5), Alchemist's Spark Ammunition (level 4) (2), Traveling papers
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======
Also, are multiple submissions allowed? If not, I might switch this fellow out for a different striker.
I like free stuff.
You would... wouldn't you? =P
It makes me happy.
Sorry, no, but good attempt. :P
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
But, but... Pretty please?
I'll make a barbarian for this. Shock and awe, baby, shock and awe.
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.
He was thought to be missing in action, killed by the horrible blast that destroyed the land. Years passed and Rolinkien was found in the city of Starilaskur, an old man now, who would spend ever last copper piece to drown out the memories of that dark day. He does odd jobs and when sober, acts as a bodyguard for different taverns around the city. When he saw the parchment one night, it chilled him to the bone. Something told him that he needed to do it. And with one last sip of his Kobold Gold Rum, he headed to Newmoon Inn, with the falling sun on his back.
Human, Warlord
Build: Bravura Warlord
Commanding Presence: Bravura Presence
Background: Occupation - Military (+2 to Endurance)
Str 17, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 17.
Str 16, Con 11, Dex 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 15.
AC: 21 Fort: 18 Reflex: 17 Will: 18
HP: 49 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 12
Heal +6, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +10, History +9, Athletics +9
Acrobatics +1, Arcana +4, Bluff +5, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +4, Insight +1, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion +4, Stealth +1, Streetwise +5, Thievery +1
Human: Toughness
Level 1: Improved Bravura
Level 2: Stubborn Survivor
Level 4: Inspired Defense
Bonus At-Will Power: Furious Smash
Warlord at-will 1: Brash Assault
Warlord at-will 1: Wolf Pack Tactics
Warlord encounter 1: Luring Focus
Warlord daily 1: Fearless Rescue
Warlord utility 2: Reckless Opportunity
Warlord encounter 3: Dicey Predicament
Warlord daily 5: Villain's Nightmare
Adventurer's Kit, Light Shield, Healer's Brooch +1, Lifedrinker Battleaxe +1, Imposter's Chainmail +2
-Multiple submissions: Please no more than 2 per person.
-Fighter Essentials Feats: They're fair game, but since they're not in the Builder you'll have to do the math by hand on MythWeavers or something similar. On that point...
-Character Sheets: Character Builder Summaries are nice, but they leave out some math (Basic Attacks, etc) that I might need to roll for y'all. You don't need a MythWeaver sheet, but if you're posting a summary could you add those additional things?
-Divine Domains: "just write a little to justify why a certain domain fits a certain god", yes, this, let's go with this.
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
Hm. You know, that's a very interesting question that I hadn't considered, and I don't think it's one I'm going to narrow down to just one answer as I think it might be interesting to figure out in-game. You can do what you will with it and figure out the backstory yourself; maybe you're a soldier from 100 years ago who just recently walked out of the Mournland, for instance (Mournland seems a pretty natural tie-in place, as a matter of fact); and then if you get in you could try and figure out the answer then. I like RP potential 8-) .
*nods* Sounds reasonable.
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
"As for what I am? I have no true recollection of that either. It's more of a sensation. I was something more beastial. More primal than I was. Full of rage. However there is familiarity to this body. It is what i feel resonates the most. A lifetime forgotten, but there remains a connection to something powerful and far away. Something I seek to soon discover." ~Lokus to a citizen of Starilaskur
In combat he becomes overcome with powerful emotions of rage, hatred and anger. Displaying a strength uncanny for his slender body, and a temperament closer to that of an angry bull.
Rarely, when memories do come back to Lokus, they often overwhelm him to the point that he will seclude himself from those closest to him.
Cruxil fell somewhere inbetween the black sheep and the rest of the clan. At an early age he showed strong magical abilities, but he never had any of the dark ambition that usually came with it so he wasn't banished. He grew up in the clan peacfully, working hand in hand with his fellows. However, his powers were eventually getting stronger and harder to control. So instead of banishing Cruxil, the clan decided to enroll him in the University of Wynarn, which he could get in to the relaxed admissions after the war.
Cruxil spent a few years in the University, learning to control and harness his magical powers until he was expelled. Not for academic failure, but rather lighting one too many on fire. Saddled with the guilt that he didn't graduate and, indirect therefore, hadn't learned enough to go back to the clan, Cruxil decided to explore a bit more of the world. Besides after moving to the University in Fairhaven, he'd gotten a taste to see new places. He took some gear, his clan's weapon of choice and his magical skills and sought out adventure and reward. All the while, hoping to learn more and control his magical abilities.
Because of his age, Cruxil still has a bit of youth naivety and recklessnes to him but he has a sharp mind and vast intellect that usually compensates for that. However that still means that Cruxil tends to be out in the forefront of any conflict. Although he's brash, he does like to use his mind to think and work out solutions.
Character Summary
Tiefling, Swordmage
Build: Assault Swordmage
Swordmage Aegis: Aegis of Assault
Background: Aundair (City) (+2 to History)
Str 16, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Str 15, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 8.
AC: 24 Fort: 16 Reflex: 18 Will: 15
HP: 57 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 14
Arcana +12, Diplomacy +7, Insight +7, Athletics +10
Acrobatics +2, Bluff +4, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +3, Heal +2, History +9, Intimidate +2, Nature +2, Perception +2, Religion +7, Stealth +4, Streetwise +2, Thievery +2
Level 1: Toughness
Level 2: Hellfire Blood
Level 4: Intelligent Blademaster
Swordmage at-will 1: Sword Burst
Swordmage at-will 1: Greenflame Blade
Swordmage encounter 1: Flame Cyclone
Swordmage daily 1: Burning Blade
Swordmage utility 2: Host of Shields
Swordmage encounter 3: Incendiary Sword
Swordmage daily 5: Purifying Wound
Adventurer's Kit, Flaming Khopesh +1, Magic Leather Armor +2, Talon Amulet +1, Feyleaf Vambraces (heroic tier), Identification Papers, Standard, Potion of Healing (heroic tier) (2)
I was the same way. I have the lvl. 1 items only. How much money would we have at level 5?
Another quick question: Would Eladrin be considered 'elves' history wise (Slaves to giants, etc etc etc)?
In Eberron? I don't think so?
The gnoll tribe had been raiding the lands around his grandfather's homestead for months, but had never dared to raid this close to the town of (Big Town Name). Unfortunately the cold weather and winter storms had kept the borderland patrols inside. The gnolls used the opportunity to raid and pillage more aggressively than before. When Brivari's grandfathers farm came under attack, Brivari was ready, forewarned by the wolf pup who cowered at his feet. The battle was swift and brutal. The gnolls were too much for even a skilled hunter like Brivari.
Fortunately he had had enough warning to send his grandfather away and scatter the horses and herds. Frost led Brivari into the woods, stealing down moonlit game trails with blood thirsty gnolls tracking them. A winter storm that had been brewing all day dropped several inches of snow, slowing both prey and predator down. It was fortunate for Brivari though. He and Frost were able to elude the remaining gnolls, hiding beneath the boughs of a snow-laden wayward pine. The next morning, he returned to his grandfather's farm to find a border patrol was clearing the corpses of the gnolls and a few sheep away. The barn had burnt down and the house was on the verge of collapse.
"I'm getting too old to clean up this bloody mess," his grandfather grumbled. In the end, his grandfather sold what remained of the horses and sheep, giving Brivari half the proceeds. "It's not much of an inheritance lad, but it'll have to do." Brivari left the town after seeing his grandfather safely settled into a small shop and home in (Big Town Name). Frost had been miserable ever since arriving in the town. Even Brivari had grown weary of the faint smell of sewage all the time.
An urgent wanderlust took hold of the not-so-young hunter. Brivari and Frost left (Big Town Name) and have only visited occasionally over the past two years. Even then, their stays are oft short and to the point. Both beast and companion prefer the simplicity and honesty of living off the land.
Character Summary
A tiny head pokes out of one of Sariel's boots. The light blue and white lightning lizard stands in stark contrast to the black boot, grey leggings, black pouches, and dark grey armor as the lizard makes it's journey up Sariel's leg and arm. The white and blue lizard finally stops once it reaches her shoulder, where it is met by a single hand which raises it past smiling lips, a small nose, green eyes covered by dark blue goggles, and yellow hair. A blur, and the lizard is suddenly curled up on top of goggles. The 5'5" elf (You think she's an elf. She's an elf. Right?) chuckles. Is...is it normal for a lizard to do that? And why is it...zapping?
Inquisitive and open, Sariel is always looking towards learning more and experiencing greater things. At the same time, however, she is also very open towards hiding in a hole for large amounts of time. If Sariel can learn and experience while hiding, well, that's a win win.
"I told you this was a bad idea. Didn't I tell you this was a bad idea? We should of tried another one of us. What happened to Nebin was a fluke. If we had just used another one of us..."
"Shut up. What's done is done, okay? How were we supposed to know that you just needed to bleed energy from it? How were we supposed to know that it wasn't being a human that did...that...to Nebin?"
"We could of tried again. Any of us would've done it."
"And lose what few members we still have? Yeah. That's exactly what we need. To die in our final moment of triumph because we can't get this damn elemental soul to work."
"Moment of triumph? Moment of *TRIUMPH*? In case you haven't noticed, we're in our moment of utter defeat! The soul is in that...elf...thing and nothing has happened! Some weapon of destruction! All it did is make her look weird!"
"Shut up! We can get another soul. We can get it out of her. Okay? We just need time, and time is what we have. We'll be fi-"
A crash is heard in the distance. The war cry of a Warforged is heard in the distance, followed by the mental 'pop' of a Kalashtar in combat.
"How'd they follow us here? We're dead. We're sunk. Stupid kid! Stupid stupid elven ki-"
"I told you once, I told you twice, SHUT UP. We need to think. We need to get out of here. Grab the k-"
"Tordek? Tordek? You going to fini-"
Two arrows. Two corpse. An adventuring party. And an elven (That things an elf. Right?) kid.
- - - - - -
Sariel's life since then has had a much more positive bent. The adventuring party that rescued her decided to 'raise' her, leaving her with the owner of "The Burning Lights", an inn/tavern in Sharn that served as their home base of sorts. As she grew from a slightly off looking elven baby to a slightly less off looking elven teenager, her appetite for adventurer stories (Such as the one about her rescue) has only grown. As she eventually reached her young adulthood, she decided that it was time to stop listening and start doing. With The Last War just barely over and with the rebuilding just barely begun, she set out to see the sights and to experience life.
What she experienced were a large amount of bushes. Far from the picturesque hike she envisioned, she found the roads away from Sharn were filled with bandits, gnolls, and evildoers. She also found that hiding was a decidedly good thing to be good at. Her ability to hide from anything and everything, however, had to eventually come to an end. Roughly three months into her journey (On the 'Oh Please Please Get Me Back To Sharn' leg) her hide fu was sufficiently weak enough to let the bandits find her.
So she ran. That went over very well with the bandits, who chased off after her. After a short distance, she tripped and looked as if she was about to be overtaken...before the nearest bandit had his hair set on fire by a rather close lightning bolt. The rest were prepared to laugh at their friend's misfortune before they were bowled over by a crack of thunder. The bandits ran, and a small voice whispered "Well done".
From that day forward, the powers of the sky have always been open to her, and the voice inside of her has been driving her on. She doesn't know what the voice is or what it wants, but it seems to be asking her to do good things, so she has no qualms. She just wishes she knew what the voice was.
DM-y Backround Stuff
Don't peak unless you're the DM!
That means you, Bugbear Ninja.
Okay, you can peek.
The voice inside of her is the newly awakened piece of an air elemental. The air elemental is generally a good being who just wants out of her body, and Sariel is proving to be a capable/willing host.
The air elemental was shoved inside of her by a death cult who were attempting to create a weapon of destruction that they could use to destroy cities. After the elemental killed off most of the cult, they finally got it down and took it's soul and put it into one of the cult. He disintegrated, so they decided that maybe having a cult member stick a soul inside of him was a bad idea. They kidnapped an elven baby and shoved the soul inside if her instead...and nothing happened. She looked a bit weird, sure, but nothing particularly explosion or power esque. They were then raided by a group of adventurers, who killed off the few remaining cultists and rescued Sariel.
It is the air elemental which gives Sariel the power over thunder and lightning as well as attracts creatures (Such as her Lightning Lizard) to her. Over the past year and a half or so Sariel has been training and taking odd jobs to strengthen her bonds with the sky. A few weeks ago the voice told her that she's ready, and she has spent the time wandering around looking for work. And, wa la, there's the poster.
Ever since the cult was defeated a group of scholars and arcane users have banded together to ferret out any remaining cultists and to stop any sort of human/elemental bonding from happening ever again. Their symbols tend to be well hidden and nearly impossible to see unless you're one of them. Due to the elemental soul in her, however, Sariel can see these symbols as if they were normal writing. She's sort of kind of figured out what they mean, but she's still a bit in the dark. The anti-cult organization (The Silver Tome) believes that Sariel is a fluke to be studied to help stop anything mortal/elemental bonding from happening again.
Character Builder
Sariel, level 5
Eladrin, Sorcerer
Build: Storm Sorcerer
Spell Source: Storm Magic
Background: Arcane Sentinel (+2 to Arcana)
Str 10, Con 10, Dex 19, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 18.
Str 10, Con 10, Dex 16, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 17.
AC: 19 Fort: 12 Reflex: 16 Will: 19
HP: 42 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 10
Stealth +13, Arcana +11, Diplomacy +11, Insight +7, Bluff +11
Acrobatics +8, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +2, Heal +4, History +4, Intimidate +6, Nature +2, Perception +2, Religion +2, Streetwise +6, Thievery +6, Athletics +5
Level 1: Implement Expertise (staff)
Level 2: Armor Proficiency (Leather)
Level 4: Arcane Familiar
Sorcerer at-will 1: Storm Walk
Sorcerer at-will 1: Lightning Strike
Sorcerer encounter 1: Thunder Slam
Sorcerer daily 1: Howling Tempest
Sorcerer utility 2: Sorcerous Sirocco
Sorcerer encounter 3: Dancing Lightning
Sorcerer daily 5: Serpentine Blast
Longsword, Adventurer's Kit, Magic Staff +2, Sylvan Leather Armor +1, Goggles of Aura Sight (heroic tier), Boots of Stealth (heroic tier), Sunrod (2), Pouch, Belt (empty) (3), Footpads
I took a level three item (And bought a level 3 item) instead of taking a level 4 (and buying a level 4). Let me know if I shouldn't of done that.
My apologies if I messed up anything lore wise. Let me know and I'll fix them.
Professor "Valenar" Qorresk, Changeling Rogue (Mike Danger)
Samm d'Lyrandar, Half-Elf Sorcerer (Mike Danger)
Rolinkien, Human Warlord (samurai6966)
Lokus, Revenant Barbarian (Ain Soph)
Cruxil, Tiefling Swordmage (SnowSquall)
Brivari, human ranger (SkyCaptain)
Sariel, Eladrin Sorceress (SimpsonsParadox)
Miri, Human Psion (SimpsonsParadox)
Lakashri, Kalashtar Warlock (Rainfall)
Idrian the Toymaker, Human Artificer (Hermenegilde)
Kabren, Dwarf Wrathful Invoker of the Blood of Vol (deadonthestreet)
Moraine, Goliath Wizard (TunnelRunner)
Tenexaphion, Warforged Ranger Beast Mastery (fe1dman)
Erich Serontain, Excellent Lover, Superb Wizard, Human Role Model (Megazver)
Seven, Elven Avenger of the Undying Court (interrobang)
Updated down to post #57; I'll update more as things go further.
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
Idrian the Toymaker, Human Artificer
Learning of his rivals' project in time, Idrian decided that a change of profession could be in order. He severed all contacts with his associates, gave what treasure he had left to his faithful retainers (not much, the costs of running his market had been surprisingly high, and besides, he'd done it more to humiliate noblemen and merchants than for any other reason). Then he left, deciding to plight the trade of adventurer. If he had success in that, maybe he could humiliate those noblemen by servicing their women in a more direct fashion...
Human, Artificer
Background: Cannith Inventor (+2 to Arcana)
Str 8, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 21, Wis 13, Cha 10.
Str 8, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 10.
AC: 20 Fort: 17 Reflex: 19 Will: 16
HP: 46 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 11
Religion +12, Heal +8, Arcana +14, History +12, Diplomacy +7, Thievery +7, Perception +8
Acrobatics +2, Bluff +2, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +4, Insight +3, Intimidate +2, Nature +3, Stealth +2, Streetwise +2, Athletics +1
Learned Spellcaster: Ritual Caster
Artificer: Master Mixer
Human: Learned Spellcaster
Level 1: Action Surge
Level 2: Weapon Proficiency (Greatbow)
Level 4: Focused Expertise (Quarterstaff)
Artificer at-will 1: Aggravating Force
Artificer at-will 1: Thundering Armor
Bonus At-Will Power: Static Shock
Artificer encounter 1: Scouring Weapon
Artificer daily 1: Life-Tapping Darts
Artificer utility 2: Swift Mender
Artificer encounter 3: Altered Luck
Artificer daily 5: Dancing Weapon
Ritual Book, Residuum (Any) (16), Magic Staff +2, Magic Greatbow +1, Panther Spirit Leather Armor +1, Healer's Brooch +1, Thieves' Tools, Glass Cutter
Brew Potion, Disenchant Magic Item, Enchant Magic Item, Make Whole
Alchemist's Fire, Tanglefoot Bag
I might
Miri, Human Psion
Miri spent most of her life growing up in a small shop in Sharn owned by her parents. As she grew up and started to work in the shop, she realized that odd things were happening around her. She'd answer customers questions seconds before they asked them. Items stored in preservatives always seemed to float to the top whenever she was attempting to retrieve them. Books always seemed to naturally open up to the correct page. Miri tossed this off as just luck or good people skills.
It wasn't until a thief who attempted to lighten the coffers of the shop found himself floating in air that Miri realized that maybe the things happening around her weren't just blind luck. Since then, she's left her family's shop and wanders the world, slowly building up her powers and her list of contacts.
Shoulder length Raven colored hair sits atop her 5'7" frame. Her dark blue armor is well worn and patched in places. An orb bounces against her hip as she walks, and her right hand is engulfed in a large fist...thing. With spikes. She has four tattoos on her left leg. All four are identical: a single, medium sized, solid black band all the way around her leg.
Miri believes that her powers were given to her for a purpose. What purpose, she isn't exactly clear about, but she knows that there is a reason out there. She's also quite sure that she will eventually be tested and that she will come out victorious. This outlook has given her a somewhat serious attitude on life: She's never quite sure when someone is making an actual joke, or if this is the start of 'the' test.
Miri, level 5
Human, Psion
Build: Telepathic Psion
Discipline Focus: Telepathy Focus
Str 8, Con 10, Dex 12, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 17.
Str 8, Con 10, Dex 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 16.
AC: 19 Fort: 13 Reflex: 17 Will: 18
HP: 38 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 9
Arcana +11, Diplomacy +10, Insight +8, Perception +8, History +11
Acrobatics +3, Bluff +5, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +2, Heal +3, Intimidate +5, Nature +3, Religion +6, Stealth +3, Streetwise +5, Thievery +3, Athletics +1
Psion: Ritual Caster
Human: Implement Expertise (orb)
Level 1: Armor Proficiency (Leather)
Level 2: Action Surge
Level 4: Discipline Adept
Bonus At-Will Power: Memory Hole
Psion at-will 1: Dishearten
Psion at-will 1: Mind Thrust
Psion daily 1: Ravening Thought
Psion utility 2: Skill Empowerment
Psion at-will 3: Betrayal
Psion daily 5: Crisis of Identity
Orb of Mental Dominion +2, Skybound Leather Armor +1, Casque of Tactics (heroic tier), Inspiring Spiked gauntlet +1, Adventurer's Kit
Sending, Arcane Mark
In an obscure tome, he read of the path of the Blood of Vol. This religion teaches that you must seek divinity not in outside powers, but from within yourself. Your own blood is the source of divine power. Each person should only rely on himself, and strive to better himself, and in this way attain imortality.
While this religion suited Kabren, it did not suit his clan. Followers of the Blood of Vol are distrusted and hated by many, especially among the devout dwarves. Kabren was exiled, and forced to find his way alone in the world. However, this solitude suited him, and he was able to draw forth the inner power of his blood. He now seeks others that follow this path, to learn from them and teach them, and to attain immortality. Joining this caravan is an excellent opportunity to travel to places he has never been. Kabren just hopes his faith will not disqualify him from this job, as it has from so many before.
Character Builder
Dwarf, Invoker
Build: Wrathful Invoker
Divine Covenant: Covenant of Wrath
Background: Mror Holds (+2 to Endurance)
Str 11, Con 18, Dex 10, Int 14, Wis 19, Cha 8.
Str 11, Con 15, Dex 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 8.
AC: 20 Fort: 18 Reflex: 16 Will: 18
HP: 44 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 11
Religion +9, Endurance +14, Insight +11, History +9
Acrobatics +1, Arcana +4, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +8, Heal +6, Intimidate +1, Nature +6, Perception +6, Stealth +1, Streetwise +1, Thievery +1, Athletics +1
Invoker: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Implement Expertise (staff)
Level 2: Invoker Defense
Level 4: Staff Fighting
Invoker at-will 1: Hand of Radiance
Invoker at-will 1: Visions of Blood
Invoker encounter 1: Lightning's Revelation
Invoker daily 1: Silent Malediction
Invoker utility 2: Miraculous Fortune
Invoker encounter 3: Penance Compelled
Invoker daily 5: Lamentation of the Wicked
Ritual Book, Shared Suffering Chainmail +1, Adventurer's Kit, Magic Staff +2, Cloak of Distortion +1, Siberys Shard of the Mage (heroic tier)
Hand of Fate, Purify Water
In 4E, the eladrin come from the feyspires--tower-ish cities that used to crisscross back and forth from Thelanis (the Feywild) to Eberron and back. On the Day of Mourning, one of them in Cyre got destroyed, and the rest of them got stuck.
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.
Though he shall miss his friends, family, and the life he leaves behind, Moraine cannot help but be bursting with anticipation at the chance to see the wide world outside his tribe, as well as the chance to learn what the true extent of the powers held by a "World Speaker".
Personality & etc:
Moraine has been studying at an university for the arcane arts for a couple years now, and after a rocky start he feels he has carved himself out a nice little niche, successfully gotten the hang of academic life, etc, etc. He is currently taking advantage of the Travel Studies program to see more of the world, and having himself a fine time as he does so.
I'll say 'Yes' on this.
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
Oh, is that what the picture in the Cyre section of the EPG is of?
Without even looking at it I can tell you it's probably actually Metrol, Cyre's capital.