Since Mr. T can't make it this year, and because the doors to get in line aren't actually opening until 8 am, those of us who are able to crowbar ourselves out of bed are clearly going to need some sustenance before stumbling and staggering into line. So your people should talk to my people, and we should do breakfast!
When: Friday, September 4 at 7:00 am
Where: The corner of 7th Ave. and Pine St. across the street from the Barnes and Noble in the bench area that Google Maps tells me is there
Who: Anyone who can wake up at that ungodly hour
What: We're going to meet up, hang out for maybe 5-10 minutes to collect stragglers and the lost, then we're going to walk over to Pike Place. Then one of a few things is going to happen:
A) We will mob the crumpet shop like a ravenous horde of zombies seeking out delicious brains
We'll splinter off into little groups and explore Pike's Place, foraging for food like wild but sleepy animals
C) No one will be able to wake up and thus no one will be subjected to me falling asleep face first in my eggs.
This is a relatively informal thing and I will try to have a sign, but honestly, PAXers aren't that difficult to identify. It's a good way to get to know some people a little bit before the whole thing commences, and to get some line buddies.
A couple of notes:
* It's early. Some of us are not morning people and some of us will be carousing the night before so there is a good chance that some arrivals will be arriving immediately after rolling out of bed and pulling on the first clothes they find.
But, by all that is holy please brush your goddamned teeth before you come! We can all probably handle some rumple, but we just don't know each other well enough for anyone to be subjected to anyone else's morning breath.
* If you arrive late, it's no worries, you can come to Pike's Place anyways, it's a nice place and you'll be sure to find some grub and see some PAXers
* For all of us shy introverts, it's no worries, come say hi!
And I will need caffeine in order to go all "WHEE!" in a cohearant manner by 10AM.
I will join in this one!
Count me in.
All the more reason to get some food in you in the morning.
"No he's not, he's dead."
"But he's still walking around."
"Which makes him one of the walking dead."
"So, he's dead."
"No, that makes him a zombie."
"You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
The Vermont. It cures all.
Wait. What? Crumpets shall be my Breakfast, Second Breakfast and possibly Elevensies!
At least he can know that the breakfast tradition will continue on... I am looking forward to it!
I would like to extend this to everyone to please take a shower, and put on deodorant before coming, please.
No Guarantees. :winky:
speaking of that, is there any supertrippers or just abbotsford people crossing the border friday morning?
Ah! Good to know.
My 8-ball says 'Signs point to yes'. :P
In all seriousness, chances are I'll probably stop in for a bit, since I have to wake up for the BYOC that morning*.
*A few hours after the Triwizard Drinking Tournament.
For being something of a tourist trap, the prices are pretty reasonable. They know that the locals drop wads of money there too, and that they wouldn't pay for overpriced crap.
Plus I think the stores get a good deal on rent or something. The Market tries to attract and keep local and unique businesses. (Some of the shops in the lowest levels are unique to a fault-- aka downright ghastly. I don't see how those shops stay in business unless they're dealing dope out the back.)
Oh I know but I was referencing the prices within conventions, where there are three dollar sodas and eight dollar sandwiches. Seattle on the whole is pretty good for food & pricing as it still has people living there.
At least TWO English gents will try their best to be there--more authenticity for us all!
I mean, really. Our accents aren't that similar. There's a distinct twang in the Australian accent that you just don't hear in the British accent. How would you like it, Americans, if I came up to you and asked you whereabouts in Canada you came from?
Also, Australians are like you Brits...there ARE decedents of you lot--just picked up a twang throughout the years of being away from the Parliament. ...Yes, I know they have their own Parliament (I think)--it's the principle, though!
(And I have been known to pluralize "Hell" in moments of excitement. e.g. "They've got a playable version of The Beatles Rock Band at the Best Buy in Burbank? Hells yes!")
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Sir Lag, you can be the third Brit if you so desire!
Well, by Squirminator2k's logic, Canadian's are brits, so I'll fit right in.
Now the question stands, how hard should I play the Canadian sterotype
Anywho! NOW we have "three" Brits! Wahoo! Authenticity!
Getting back to the true topic at hand...
Who's getting a bajillion Vermonts? *Raises Hand quickly* Anyone? Anyone?