So I finally caught up to the times and got a Twitter account a bit ago. I figured out how to link it to my Facebook so it auto updates my status and I figured out that when you do an @ thingy, it's like a reply directly to a person.
But beyond that, this shit baffles me. Where do you people find the mother hubbard time of day to keep up with three hundred people saying stuff all the time? And where are you finding the damn time to post a bazillion things every day?
Are people really reading every single twert from every person they follow? Or do you just check it now and then and see if someone is talking about you?
And what is this stuff under the post that's all "from twhirl" or "from twitterific" or whatevs? Are these like various programs for phones and stuff? Is that how people post all the time?
I've just never looked into this and there's some kinda huge goddamned subculture that I have no clue how to breach.
EDIT: Oh, by the way, my name on there is GrantDarigol. Add me if you want, but let me know who the hell you are, if you can do that in this thing.
also a twitter client makes it easy as balls
Yes, that is how people post all the time. These programs also let you create categories/groups and sort accordingly, which makes it infinitely easier to track and read every bit of usueless shit that is spewed forth from the nether-realm that is Twitter.
specifically, Tweetdeck
that said it's handy for keeping up with volleyball news
I will talk to my friends via IM, text messaging, phone calls, e-mail, and in person like normal people.
3DS: 5241-1953-7031
What does tweetdeck do?
you almost absolutely need a third-party program to make it easier to follow, especially if you are following loads of people
I have to poop
Okay I'm pooping everybody
Amazon Wishlist:
Clicking on the link pretty much answers that question.
this sounds like my mom
she will call people, send emails, faxes, and hell even recently worked forced her to get a gmail account so now she talks to me on gtalk and likes it a lot
but she flat out refuses to do texting because "she doesn't see the point"
more updates please
auto updates so you don't have to refresh the page
allows you to reply either as a retweet, @, or DM just using the buttons on their profile pic next to their tweet
among other things
Okay, I have pooped
I'm back now
Amazon Wishlist:
What is a retweet or a DM?
i love matt and kim's tweets because they always attach a picture
a DM is a direct message
helps me keep track of when people have @'d me or DM'd me
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
I'm VannDiras
not really sure if I'm worth following! I'll follow a brotha though
I can vouch that he is interesting most times and does not overtweet
Wait, the @ thingy isn't a message specifically to a person?
What are all the standard functions on here and do you just type them in front of things?
a DM is private and does not show up in your twitter feed
@name means that you are responding to that person, but anyone can see it
#word usually indicates a trend thing or a tag thing... like #NFL if you just twittered about football, so that people who want to see people talking about football can just look things up via those tags
Haven't tried Twitter yet.
I am so behind on these things.
Wii Friend Code: 0072 4984 2399 2126
PSN ID : Theidar
Behold the annhilation of the extraterrestrial and the rise of the machines.
Hail Satan!
are you alpine on twitter? I'm not sure I'm following you!
gotta fix that
and I reinstalled DestroyTwitter, is there a way to not have it appear in the taskbar, but still display? I could have sworn there was, but oh well
Man I entirely forgot about Paul Neave
I wonder what he's done recently
otherwise you have to go directly to their page to see it
unless you're ridiculously famous or a raneados, nobody cares what you're doing
Oh man why don't I have any 3-D glasses
watch me twitter stalkin'
t-t-twitter stalkin'
oh yeah