Selling huge amount of stuff.

EliminationElimination Registered User regular
edited August 2009 in Help / Advice Forum
Ok well i am really poor right now and need money really fast. So i decided to speed along a sort of yard sale/liquidation of a lot of the stuff i have that i really dont use. Frivalous things i guess would be the word. Most of which being gaming stuff, collectables, games new and old (I even found a sealed copy of Thread of Fate for PS1 i didnt realize i had.). My thing is is i don't know what a lot of this stuff is worth, i know to game collectors like i had been in the past a lot of this stuff is worth money. Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete box for instance goes for over $100 on ebay, this revalation shocked me, and now i realized i may be sitting on some stuff that may actually have some serious value to it without realizing it.

What i am asking is how should i go about doing this? It's going to basically be a garage sale and there is A LOT of stuff, anime, games, posters, wall scrolls, collectables (figures/busts ect.) just tons of things i've amassed over many years of gaming, pre-ordering and collecting. I didn't even realize the true size of the stuff i had massed until i just went through it all the past couple days, there is A LOT. Some of it i know is not worth a lot, like for some reason i found 2 sealed copies of Command & Conquor 3 o_O. I don't know how i end up with some of this stuff. But i've also got thigns like Bushido Blade for PS1, Xenogears, Final Fantasy Tactics, Legend of Dragoon. Samurai Showdown IV, Brave Fencer Musashi (All black label original releases too.) for PS1 (No idea if PS1 games are really worth much?). And i will be selling off almost all of it. Entire series of anime ontop of this stuff. Collectables from my visit to Tokyo, like FF VII potion drinks with 4 inch figures of various characters, a giant Altair figure i got from some deal thing....the list just goes on and on.

Any suddgestions on how to advertise or sell this kind of stuff? I know this kind of thing is not for everybody and only the hardcore may want a lot of this, so i just don't really know where to start. I've never had a yard sale or anything before either. Am i better off selling some of this on ebay? I will post some more details and stuff in a bit once i go through a bit more of it.

PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
Elimination on


  • ImprovoloneImprovolone Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    People don't like to spend a lot of money at tag sales. For the special collectable stuff you should really be ebaying it.
    Advertise for the sale on crigslist and expecially because of what you have, hang flyers in hobby/comic shoppes.

    Improvolone on
    Voice actor for hire. My time is free if your project is!
  • EshEsh Tending bar. FFXIV. Motorcycles. Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Garage Sales are not somewhere you can charge anywhere near what that stuff is worth. Ebay it.

    Esh on
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I will post pics in a bit, and maybe some people here can help me point out what is worth ebay and what doesn't matter.

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
  • illigillig Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    definitely ebay... and don't do a package deal, sell the pieces individually to get the most money

    illig on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2009
    Ebay/Amazon. I've been doing the same myself and it is well worth it.

    Unknown User on
  • EshEsh Tending bar. FFXIV. Motorcycles. Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I will post pics in a bit, and maybe some people here can help me point out what is worth ebay and what doesn't matter.

    Go on Ebay. Look at Completed Auctions for the items individually to see what they've been selling for. That will give you an idea. Always start your auctions LOW. Do not ever start them near what you want to get them for. That's what "Buy It Now" is for.

    Esh on
  • VisionOfClarityVisionOfClarity Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I tend to put my auction start price at the bare minimum I would accept for it and the buy it now at what I'm hoping to get. Unless you reserve it, putting an item low could mean selling it for less than you want. I've never found doing it this way to be a hindrance. The only thing I recommend is not freaking out if you don't get any bids until the day of, or the hour of the end of the sale. A lot of buyers wait until the last few minutes to try and keep from driving the bid up early. This also can lead to a fun buying war in the final moments of your auction.

    VisionOfClarity on
  • EshEsh Tending bar. FFXIV. Motorcycles. Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I tend to put my auction start price at the bare minimum I would accept for it and the buy it now at what I'm hoping to get. Unless you reserve it, putting an item low could mean selling it for less than you want. I've never found doing it this way to be a hindrance. The only thing I recommend is not freaking out if you don't get any bids until the day of, or the hour of the end of the sale. A lot of buyers wait until the last few minutes to try and keep from driving the bid up early. This also can lead to a fun buying war in the final moments of your auction.

    I usually start at about half of what I'd accept for it. If it's a saleable item, it'll go up.

    Esh on
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Esh wrote: »
    I tend to put my auction start price at the bare minimum I would accept for it and the buy it now at what I'm hoping to get. Unless you reserve it, putting an item low could mean selling it for less than you want. I've never found doing it this way to be a hindrance. The only thing I recommend is not freaking out if you don't get any bids until the day of, or the hour of the end of the sale. A lot of buyers wait until the last few minutes to try and keep from driving the bid up early. This also can lead to a fun buying war in the final moments of your auction.

    I usually start at about half of what I'd accept for it. If it's a saleable item, it'll go up.

    This is good info thanks. Im no pro at ebay.

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited August 2009

    This is the kind of stuff i am talking about. There is more than this, but you get the idea. I think at least some of it can be yard sale worthy?

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
  • ImprovoloneImprovolone Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I wouldn't pay more than $5 for even a kind of new video game at a tag sale.

    Improvolone on
    Voice actor for hire. My time is free if your project is!
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I wouldn't pay more than $5 for even a kind of new video game at a tag sale.

    Im only expecting $5-$10 for some of these as it is. But im just unsure of others, im not that great with ebay so im kind of scetchy about listing tons of things, i dont wanna screw it up, but at the same time i dont want to sell something for $10 thats worth 5 times that.D:

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
  • EshEsh Tending bar. FFXIV. Motorcycles. Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Honestly, I have no idea from those pictures. That would be a TON of work to research it all. Cherry pick out what you know/think is valuable and put those on Ebay. The rest? Maybe Craigslist?

    Esh on
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    some of these games are old PS1 games i can't even find listed on ebay in the condition i have them in. A sealed copy of Squaresoft's Threads of Fate? Not finding that.

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2009
    some of these games are old PS1 games i can't even find listed on ebay in the condition i have them in. A sealed copy of Squaresoft's Threads of Fate? Not finding that.

    Unknown User on
  • WileyWiley In the dirt.Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I sold a ps1 copy of Final Fantasy Tactics for about $150 last year sometime. Of course it was still sealed. I'd bought it at wal-mart for 5 bucks and forgot about it in my closet for six or seven years.

    Wiley on
  • ArtreusArtreus I'm a wizard And that looks fucked upRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I am just sad you have to get rid of it all. But yeah, any game that looks like it isn't utter crap I would not sell at a yard sale. Chances are you will get someone who has no idea what it is and will only want to pay maybe $2 for it when it is worth much more.

    The individual ebay route will probably get you the most.

    Artreus on PSN: Atlanticus 3DS: 1590-4692-3954 Steam: Artreus
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Wiley wrote: »
    I sold a ps1 copy of Final Fantasy Tactics for about $150 last year sometime. Of course it was still sealed. I'd bought it at wal-mart for 5 bucks and forgot about it in my closet for six or seven years.

    This is basically what happened to me. I forgot i even had this sealed game and its been sitting in a chest downstairs in my grandmothers place since it was released most likely. I recently moved and used her downstairs as a storage, i went through it gathering up all this stuff and found this in the chest.
    Artreus wrote: »
    I am just sad you have to get rid of it all. But yeah, any game that looks like it isn't utter crap I would not sell at a yard sale. Chances are you will get someone who has no idea what it is and will only want to pay maybe $2 for it when it is worth much more.

    The individual ebay route will probably get you the most.

    I am also sad i have to sell some of this stuff, but its not stuff that i NEED. There is a lot of stuff that i am not selling as well of course, but some of this i dont really want to get rid of. Buut, i recently got screwed really badly by 1&1 internet who charged my bank account, which at the time was at liek $10 (cuz im poor as hell right now cuz i get laid off of every job i've had this year.) $5 over and over again, overdrafting my bank account over and over, and for each overdraft, i got charged $42 by my bank, so each $5 charge csot me $48. I cancelled my account with 1&1 probably 3 times now, or so i though, every time i contact them they tell me i didnt cancel it properly, or that i cancelled my web address but not my package or some bullshit like that. MY account now overdraftd $700 due to the $5 charges they keep plunking me with that end up as $48 charges because of the overdraft. I am now in serious trouble and need to pretty much sell everything frivalous i have to pay off this debt that should not have occured in the first place if 1&1 Internet werent so fucking shadey about this nonsesne. Unfortunately the way they did it they abused loop holes in the system and i got screwed for it. Ontop of this, they did the charges through paypal, and because my bank reversed them all, which cost me all the $48 charges, i also now owe paypal jsut under $200 because of this company. FML.

    Unfortunate turn of events, but i now need money really badly, and recently was laid off...again, for the 4th time this year. I can't work in my trained profession anymore (chef) without getting laid off every time business gets slow. Nobody can afford real chefs anymore it seems. I remember only 2 years ago i was well on my way and was doing great financially, now i had to move out of my apartment and back in with my family, and im in serious debt that i have no way out of because i just got laid off...again, and screwed by a stupid company who doesn't seem to understand the words "cancel my account please" 3 seperate times.

    To top this off, a few months back i split with my ex of 5 years, and she took most of my belongings with her, my bed, my TV, a computer i had, al my dish's, a lot of my other gaming apparel, my PS3, Wii, various computer parts, furniture. Which i then had to re-buy, putting myself into more debt, which i then got laid off of my first job i had had for 3 years prior. Then my cat got really sick a month after this, i paid out around $500+ to try to make her better, she died regardless of my effort. More debt, plus the loss of my valued companion i had had for 8 years, this was, i must remind, less than 1 month after my ex leaving me and taking most of my stuff.

    After this i get forwarded e-mails, learning that my ex had cheated on me repeatedly and lied to me about it. Hmm, awesome. I then move to another province in hopes of getting away from all the horridness of my life thus far, in said province i end up spending more money than i gained, i got a job, worked for 6 months, and got laid off. Lost my apartment there due to my roomate getting drunk and setting a wall on fire whilst trying to deep fry frozen french a giant pot full of oil while i was not home. I officially joined the ranks of the homeless for 2 weeks after this, mailing what valuables i couldn't sell off back to my family. I spent the remaining money on a plane ticket home.

    What happens? I get to the plane, the flight was booked online for me by my uncle, to coincide with my 2 cousins also going on the same flight the same day. Apparently something got mixed up because my flight got booked 9 days after it was supposed to. My uncle insists i must go with my cousins as they are very young. To switch my flight over cost me another $250 ontop of my already booked plane ticket. Fantastic !

    Welcome to my life. This is why i am selling off basically everything i have. I have also been suffering from massive depression due to these events in my life, and ended up in the hospital more than once due to panic attacks and uncontrollable bouts of massive depression. Yay me !

    So really, selling all this stuff off is the least of my worries at the moment.

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
  • illigillig Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    i would contact the bank and work with them to reduce the overdraft charges... if it's clearly a single account that keeps hitting you for $5, and you've asked them to stop, a bank will usually consolidate the charges to one or two....

    i would even ask them to reverse all these $5 charges as they're fraudulent

    illig on
  • ShawnaseeShawnasee Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    illig wrote: »
    i would contact the bank and work with them to reduce the overdraft charges... if it's clearly a single account that keeps hitting you for $5, and you've asked them to stop, a bank will usually consolidate the charges to one or two....

    i would even ask them to reverse all these $5 charges as they're fraudulent

    Yep, this.

    And wow dude. This may sound like the dumbest thing ever but try and stay positive. Things will get better.

    Shawnasee on
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Shawnasee wrote: »
    illig wrote: »
    i would contact the bank and work with them to reduce the overdraft charges... if it's clearly a single account that keeps hitting you for $5, and you've asked them to stop, a bank will usually consolidate the charges to one or two....

    i would even ask them to reverse all these $5 charges as they're fraudulent

    Yep, this.

    And wow dude. This may sound like the dumbest thing ever but try and stay positive. Things will get better.

    I'm pretty much as positive as i can be, i mean im not suicidal or anything, and im pretty sure weaker people probably would be at this stage. And the bank so far wont do a thing, maybe i will try going down and talking to them again. I dont think the charges can be reversed, but what i did do was tell paypal to stop accepting charges from them, which really pissed off 1&1 because it now auto-reverses the charges and i've been getting mean phone calls from them now telling me its going to hurt my credit score and crap (which is probably so terrible by this point anyways that it probably doesnt even matter.) . But whatever, thats not really what this thread is about.

    I'm just looking to maximize my gain of money from all this and as fast as possible. I think i will start listing some of the items on ebay today. I mean i know im totally fucked in the face with all these troubles im having, but the most i can do is try my best to fix my situation right? There is nothing more i can offer than just trying my best at fixing this all. So that's what im doing. Job hunting every day at every place that will have a chance at taking me, selling off all this stuff even if i dont really want to sell ALL of it, ect. I mean i dont know what more i could possibly do. If my ex hand't moved and taken over half my belongings with her out of spite i'd probably have even more to sell. As it stands i don't have a lot of posessions anymore, and this will lessen the load even further by big proportion.

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
  • LadyMLadyM Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Wow, I'm sorry you've been having such a rough year.

    I would avoid selling that stuff at a yard sale because you won't get anywhere NEAR the "collector value" for most of it. Why aren't you selling them online? Are you just nervous about it? Selling online really isn't that hard. It sounds like you have a PayPal account (most buyers VASTLY prefer PayPal to checks/money orders.) All you have to do is find a buyer, get payment, wrap bubble wrap around the item, pop it in a box, purchase delivery confirmation, and ship it off.

    The first thing I'd do, if I were you, would be to google around looking for any game forums that have a focus on the older games/type of games you have. The main drawback of this method is that you, yourself, will have to do research in order to price each item. But this isn't too hard--just search for similar items on eBay.

    If you can't find one, I would do eBay. The down side is that you'll lose a portion of your money to eBay's fees, which is why it's the second option rather than the first.

    A third option would be trying to find specialty computer game or comic book shops in town that will buy the games from you. They will give you a lower price than a forum or eBay, but still better than at a yard sale.

    LadyM on
  • Foolish ChaosFoolish Chaos Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Yeah don't even try yardsaling that stuff. Although I will say that if I happened by your yardsale, I would be pretty giddy.

    Foolish Chaos on
  • darkmayodarkmayo Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    EBAY that shit STAT.

    darkmayo on
    Switch SW-6182-1526-0041
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I'm pretty set on ebaying some of the stuff at least. The stuff that is obviously of a lot more value. But i think most of the 360 games and wall scrolls and anime DVD's and stuff i will probably be fine in the yard sale. I live in an area also where this kind of stuff is fairly hard to come across, i listed my yard sale on craigslist and ive already had people contacting me as fast as 5 minutes after posting, asking to buy random things they are seeing in the pictures.

    The thing with ebay is im not very experienced with selling online. I've only done it a couple times and i had trouble with it. I sold my PSP and all my games recently (i never used the thing.) and the buyer didnt pick up the PSP on their end and now its in postage limbo somewhere in between both places. It's really been a pain so far. Just glad i bought tracking and insurance.

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
  • GoofballGoofball Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    darkmayo wrote: »
    EBAY that shit STAT.

    No, go to or call your bank STAT and work with them to get the overdraft issue fixed. Explain the situation to them and get 1&1 blocked from debiting your account. They will most likely remove all charges if you can show dated proof that you requested cancellation of service prior to the date(s) that the charges occurred, even if it doesn't meet the cancellation terms that 1&1 "requires".

    Once you have the cause of the problem fixed, then start wasting time selling this stuff on ebay.

    Goofball on
    Twitter: @TheGoofball
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Goofball wrote: »
    darkmayo wrote: »
    EBAY that shit STAT.

    No, go to or call your bank STAT and work with them to get the overdraft issue fixed. Explain the situation to them and get 1&1 blocked from debiting your account. They will most likely remove all charges if you can show dated proof that you requested cancellation of service prior to the date(s) that the charges occurred, even if it doesn't meet the cancellation terms that 1&1 "requires".

    Once you have the cause of the problem fixed, then start wasting time selling this stuff on ebay.

    1&1 was debiting me through paypal, so all the charges are "paypal inc" so i cant really block that. But i did block 1&1 through paypal, so they wont be able to charge me any further. I mean i am ok with paying the overdraft amount, which is only like $100 or something, since i will probably have to do that anyhow. What i am not ok with is how i was charged, small fees of $10 and $5 repeatedly (i dont know why.) which all turned into $48 overdraft charges, which made the overdraft skyrocket into the stupid and unaffordable zone. I am going to the bank tomorrow morning i couldnt get to it today. I feel like i should talk to a person in person, and not over the phone, things usually work out better that way.

    Hopefully if i explain my situation the bank can at least knock out some of those overdraft fees because there is no way i can come with that kind of money right now.

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
  • Teslan26Teslan26 Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I have a copy of legend of dragoon, was it noteworthy? I never completed it, sadly, broke the PS1 halfway through.

    Teslan26 on
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Teslan26 wrote: »
    I have a copy of legend of dragoon, was it noteworthy? I never completed it, sadly, broke the PS1 halfway through.

    It got reviewed weird, but most people enjoyed that game. I liked it enough to warrant more than one playthrough back in the day.

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
  • RhinoRhino TheRhinLOL Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Personally for anything non-rare; I like amazon a lot better. Their fees are straightforward, can list it for free and easy to quickly list a bunch of items. ebay is a pain in the ass imho.

    Rhino on
  • fiddlecrabfiddlecrab Registered User new member
    edited August 2009

    Firstly, keep your head up. Don't get discouraged about the past, just focus on the future and making things better. One day at a time, sir.

    Basically when you clear out a collection of that size you have to decide: do I want to get rid of it, or do I want money? A yard sale is a good way to price things for 50c each and get rid of it all in one go. But you won't make any money. People won't buy $5-10 items, and if they do, it will only be one. Even if they're worth more, yard sale customers just aren't prepared to plunk down $50 in someone's driveway. The ones who would make a substantial purchase are probably dealers and/or eBay sellers, and since you could use the cash, why not do that sort of thing yourself?

    You have some things there worth some money. It's up to you to do the research on what's what. As said, eBay completed auctions are a godsend. Just browse through the item you have, noting how much condition affects price and such. A good bet is to aim for about 80% of that value in an outright sale or eBay's Buy It Now (eBay prices tend to be slightly inflated above "market value"). If you sell via eBay auction, you may get more.

    The information is there, you just have to do the legwork. For example, there are four sealed copies of Threads of Fate currently up for Buy It Now from $60-80. None have recently sold, but non-sealed copies are going for $20-40, with the top end being for complete copies. Figure a value that's a bit lower than your competition but higher than the non-sealed copies and I bet you sell the game right quick. As a general rule, RPGs tend to hold value better than anything else. This means Squaresoft, Enix, Atlus, Working Designs, etc. The older the better. I see Alundra there, and Brave Fencer Musashi. Both are worth a decent bit. Some of the others, not so much. The anime and collectibles should fetch something as well. Sort it out and price it out.

    eBay is a pretty decent suggestion. One problem that can occur is that on high priced items for "high risk" (as determined by eBay: basically if you don't sell often and someone makes, say, a $50 purchase from you) sellers, Paypal holds on to the money for 21 days or until a buyer leaves positive feedback. Not a big problem, but a lot of people just buy their item and walk away happy, and never bother leaving you feedback. You still get your money if they do nothing, but if you're counting on it to help with the rent or whatever, be advised that it might not be a quick turnaround. Also there are listing and ending fees (cheap, but can add up) and you'll have to ship the items, which costs more money too. Just something to keep in mind when you decide how much you "want" for something. (A PS2 game can go in a bubble mailer for a few dollars, say, but one of those big statues is going to need a box, padding, and insurance. It can be pricy.)

    Another option is to try

    In their forums section, there is a large community of people who sell and trade games (and DVDs, and collectibles). You can make a big list of everything you have, the price you want (be sure to specify that you're not interested in trading), post some pictures and make some sales. Everyone there is fairly laid back and easy to deal with, just follow the rules. Being outside the US is not a problem, just mention it and be fair with your shipping costs.

    And, as someone mentioned, Amazon Marketplace is an option too. The upside of that is you can set your price, and I have seen some very high priced items sell no problem on Amazon, so getting what you want should be no big deal.

    I know it's tempting to want to take care of this in one big go, but you'll get a LOT more money if you put the time in for small bundles and individual sales. Make it part of your day, and view it as a personal goal. It will help keep your mind off the depressing thoughts and with each sale you put more money into your pocket, which lets you do fun things like eating ice cream and taking hula lessons.

    I hope this helps in some way.

    Take care of yourself.

    fiddlecrab on
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Wow Fiddle, thanks for the input that was really constructive.

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Wow ok. This is going well. A guy just e-mailed me and offered me $40 for FFX that i was going to sell for $15, if he could get it before i put it in the sale tomorrow. That is fantastic.

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
  • EshEsh Tending bar. FFXIV. Motorcycles. Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Wow ok. This is going well. A guy just e-mailed me and offered me $40 for FFX that i was going to sell for $15, if he could get it before i put it in the sale tomorrow. That is fantastic.

    This is why the yard sale is a bad idea. You're going to lose so much money.

    Esh on
  • EliminationElimination Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Esh wrote: »
    Wow ok. This is going well. A guy just e-mailed me and offered me $40 for FFX that i was going to sell for $15, if he could get it before i put it in the sale tomorrow. That is fantastic.

    This is why the yard sale is a bad idea. You're going to lose so much money.

    Yeah but im almost making a bunch of money because i said im having a yard sale. And people are trying to buy stuff from me so others dont get it first. I just sold 2 more things for twice as much as what they were worth on ebay, simply because they wanted them now, and didnt want somone to buy them at the sale.

    It's almost like a marketing ploy but not on purpose.

    I've also tagged things as roughly $5 under their ebay price (except for stuff that just isn't even worth listing on Ebay.) and i figure whatever i dont sell for these prices, i will just list them on ebay and sell them there.

    Elimination on
    PSN: PA_Elimination 3DS: 4399-2012-1711 Steam:
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