I'm leaving the Penny-Arcade forums.
This may come as something of a shock to many of you. Trust me that it was a long time in coming, and not a spur of the moment decision. We've enjoyed nearly a year together. Speaking for myself, I've enjoyed it immensly.
Whether it be joking around in an unexpected thread, exercising some php craftmanship, or laying down the law in a high-tension situation, I have always been entertained, intrigued, and impressed by these forums. But I have other pursuits that require my time, and to be fair to myself and to all of you requires me to walk away before I spread myself too thin.
The forums are in good hands. Lately, we've had a good period of mod stability. We also have a large, stable bunch of regulars that really know the forums, how they tick, and how to keep them thriving.
I've always believed in the single-source decision-making scheme, so my last action as administrator is to choose someone that I think can be fair, decisive, and a good role-model.
denihilist has earned my respect and admiration over the last year for those very qualities.
In addition, I want to be sure the codebase is cared for, and I also need somebody that can understand the policy and culture implications of various code changes. So to that task, I have appointed
alphamonkey as "chief technical officer". He has been given full access to the code and the database, and he will work closely with denihilist as well as with all of you in determining what can and can't be done as well as what should or shouldn't be done with the forum code.
I will be keeping my account-name in case I ever want to make any Penny-Arcade related announcements. I will still be working on code for the site, and I will probably work with alphamonkey on some forum-related projects as well. I'll be in and out over the next couple weeks, but aside from some last minute transition-period stuff, you can consider this my 2-weeks notice.
If I know anything about this forum, this post will end up followed by a deluge of eulogies. I appreciate the sentiment, but at the same time I think it is an over-dramitization. I feel obliged to give parting remarks and to inform you of the new administration. So in short, I think it is important that you read this thread, but please don't feel obliged to comment.
<Obligitory damn you I wanted to be incharge of code>
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
MineCraft: Menetherin
Steam: Vloeza_SE++
Someone get me a midi of that Hulk walking away music.
<Xxxxxx\\> i dare you to 'in before the lock' that thread
And I can't think of a cooler person than Alphamonkey to be in charge of the code.
This make me think of Optimus Prime handing over the Matrix of Leadership.
Till all are one...
Good luck with what ever life brings to you. Keep in touch.
Dunno if it was the hulk song, but it works. And besides, it was in Old School, that's like +10000 points.
I don't want to just lay on superlatives with the impression of them being unfounded, either- you truly have earned my respect. Thanks for the StarCraft game, too.
All the best.
I wonder if this is in any way related to me finally installing XP on my computer today...
All the best.
The correct question is who will keep them in line, and the answer is deni.
I was going to be mean, but I just can't manage it in Ramius's good-bye thread.
i mean, cool. have fun with your other stuff
Ban boddah?
or remod boddah!
seriously, you should remod me.
Edit: in refference to Deni being in charge. Ramius, I will never forget you. You are a good man.
:^:, Ramius. :^:
But I thought Ramius couldn't self terminate
you should drop by ttb more often.
Your announcement was kind of a suprise to me, but it also kind of wasn't. I know you've been hinting previously about the admin cycle of the forums, about who you thought would be the next "keepers", and I knew your year anniversary as head honcho was coming. You did suprise me with the timing of your announcement though. I figured you'd give it a bit closer to the anniversary of the forum relaunch. Heh, I had actually even planned on making a "fun" post in your deputy/mod thread about my taking a huge chunk of power at the one year.
Anyway, you know I have nothing but respect and thanks for you. Just make sure you pop in and let us know how you are every once in a while.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
*points at boddah's hand*
The control panel is in his hand and he's lowering Ramius down to the lava.