I know there's a have-one need-one thread, but considering how I'm doing this I figured a separate thread might be in order.
The story:
I am the co-coordinator for a fairly large group of people who purchased 3-day passes at the group discount rate. (We're also renting a house for the weekend.) It turns out we have an extra pass.
I've heard of some
ridiculous offers for tickets, so I'm going to entertain them here. However, I personally would feel guilty making a substantial profit -- so a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Child's Play.
In short: The first $100 of the winning offer will go to cover expenses (the ticket itself and a portion of our house rental expenses).
The remainder will go to Child's Play.The rules:
- Accepted payment methods are cash or Paypal. (More payment methods may be added later.)
- The ticket will be available for pickup at some time after the end of the auction. (My co-coordinator lives in Seattle).
- To provide verification that the donation to Child's Play was made, the winner may accompany us as we go to make the donation during PAX. We'll also try to post some sort of proof (likely a picture of a receipt) online.
- Bidding starts at $150.
- Post all bids in this thread. Bids sent via email, PM, etc. will be ignored.
- Bidding ends on Tuesday, September 1st at 11:59 PM PST. In the event of a bidding war near the end of the auction, the auction will be extended to end five minutes after the last bid but no later than Wednesday, September 2nd 12:00 PM (noon).
- Forum timestamps shall be the sole determining factor of timely bids.
- This auction is in no way official, and rules will be followed on a best-effort basis.
Also, how did you get one extra pass - there an extra spot in that house? How close is it to the con? If not or are unwilling to do that, no worries - I got other places I can crash. Thanks!
It's a free bus ride between the house and the con. And, sadly, the house is full -- though you might be able to visit
One of the people on our group discount list bought their own ticket, hence the extra.
you figured wrong
My intent was to make it easier for bidders to see what the current bid was and not get it lost between "I need a ticket" posts, and vice versa. I did post a link in the other thread so they can find this one, however.
If it does, my apologies. >.> Just seemed like a good idea at the time. And I don't see anything that it violates after making a quick glance at the stickied rules post.