Pax is rad! If you don't know what it is, you aren't reading this.
That means you didn't enjoy donuts from my bucket, nor Tonkka's rad band last night!
Upcoming events:
tonight- meeting for dinner by front entrance to convention at 8
Jurassic park showing at the Egyptian. Contact bongi for info.
tomorrow - gayyyyy club! Meet by front doors of convention at 10:30. Bring ID since you must be 21+ to enter.
( do not need to be gay to attend )
you know that motherfucker
It's actually been cool, though!
I haven't seen him but I wouldn't doubt he might be.
you know
when they have all this belly fat that they tuck into their elastic-waist pants
and it splits off into each leg and makes what is essentially another ass, except in front
that sounds horrifying
I see women like this way too often
usually at Wal-Mart
Yeah. They are the last people on earth who should be using those carts. And yet 90% of them are slowly going down the aisles in them, pissing me off because I wanna get what I am there to get and get the hell out.
follow the awkward screams
turn around
but I'm going to sleep now
also pax is gay
This is being fixed RIGHT NOW!!
Were you the lady asking the question about artist promotion at the Q&A?
Oh lord this sounds super creepy doesn't it?
yessir, gonna have a fine crop of PAX come october
I've been following some of the Harmonix guys through twitter and they've been saying they would be hiding Beatles Rock Band/RB swag throughout Seattle and twittering about it. First one went out tonight and I ran down to Pacific Place AMC to find THIS:
Hmm...should I just go home and play...or bring it on over to Freeplay(though, I wouldn't be surprised if they had one there).
You've been down too long in the midnight sea
yeah that was me!
thanks for dinner tonight lads and ladies
it was a swell time
so if those things are ok with you say hello
some of them were super weird but whatever, it was good times
also I am disappointed I can't go to the gay club because I am 20 and 11 months old
is bongi even 21, I thought he wasn't
sucks bro
they call me babby face
short night tonight, no PAX proper tomorrow
but will definitely try to make it to the gay bar thing
and then attempt to hit PAX semi-early-ish on sunday