It's my first year at Pax, and I was thinking of bringing a few card games to play while we're waiting in line for various things. Thought it might be fun to have something organized or the like. Any suggestions for good ones? I was thinking of bringing Munchkin for sure, maybe Gloom, always liked that one.
Anyone else know of any good games that can be easily picked up and cleared out when the line starts moving?
FTC: honk.
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
Other popular and easy line things to do include:
Zombie Dice
Pokemon Cards (or nearly any other card game)
Spontanious acts of silliness including but not limited to...beach balls, singing, and dancing to someone's music off an ipod or smart phone
Donating to Child's Play as the Cookie Brigade passes out cookies to the hungry masses!!!
There are a ton of other things you could easily do in a line that can be picked up quickly to get moving.
Overall doing stuff in lines isn't really organized since there are so many of them and you never know who is going to be next to you.
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
Anything is good if it can be played quickly (especially if you can stop it whenever) and doesn't require lots of supplies/start up time/space. Unfortunately, games like Dominion require lots of space for the communal card piles, plus lots of set up time for each game.
Traditional deck of cards games that fit the bill:
Tien Len (Vietnamese card game):
Gin Rummy:
Cribbage: You don't need the board, just a piece of paper or a smart phone.
At the end of the day, lots of people just whip out the game boy. If there was ever an opportunity to get a full 4 person band together for Rock Band DS, this is it.
Also, if you pick up the waterproof Uno cards, you can spray them with Lysol or hand held anti-bacterial spray once you're done. I really liked the idea of this and the cards are only around $7-8 at your local Target.
We tried to play Gloom in line and found it a little more difficult. We seemed to have to keep moving every 5-10 minutes and it was hard for us to play.
Some variant of Fluxx, Zombie Dice, Cthulhu Dice and Uno will probably be my go-to's for Prime.
I was going to say that was me, because I made that exact same comment when I saw someone playing Cribbage in line at Prime last year, but I didn't go East.
Generally speaking, card games make good line games because they are easily movable as the line compresses and inches forward.
o_O there is an iPod version of Catan? I'm going to have to go buy that. I love Catan. Can never seem to find anyone else that wants to learn it though.
Find me on twitter- @pink_4ssass1n
and twitch-
Yup search for "Catan". I got it because no one in my town had even heard of it. I never got a chance to learn/play last year @ PAX (I did buy the game tho).
Hope you like it as much as I do.
I do love it. I have the board game. Also I believe it is an XBA game you can purchase. And you can play online at
Find me on twitter- @pink_4ssass1n
and twitch-
Electronic composer for hire.
What I meant to say was I hope you like the Ipod app as much as I do. Unfortunately I don't have an X-box
I've done Catan online a couple of times.
I had so much fun with zombie dice and cthulu dice waiting in line for the Sat. concert and Sun. panel last year.
I also have a portable settlers of catan game for the longer waits. And M:TG with the free cards we got in our loot bags was pretty cool.
I brought my set with last year, along with Cthulu Dice, we got an impromptu game of Zombie Dice going while waiting in line for the Keynote last year. I think at it's height, my group of 5 people played a massive game with 12 randoms who were standing around with us. It was epic, and a great way to meet new friends!
Also we didn't playtest this at all/either by asmadi can easily do games of it while waiting in line.
On my old phone, I'd downloaded a geek-themed mad libs app, but I can't find the name of it now. It got a lot of laughs. Don't forget the value of standard decks of cards. Bull$#!t, Egyptian War, Speed, Rummy, and the usual old stand-bys can still be fun, too.
I picked up Zombie and Cthuhlu Dice and Zombie Fluux. Hopefully I'll encounter some new games that I haven't heard of before from other people in line.
I know jack about Cribbage.
Euchre however I love. If that becomes the pax standard card deck game, I think I'll be in heaven!
"Go get my space-battlecruiser. I wanna go blow some shizznit up."
Violets are blue
PAX '04
PAX '11
Tango down, Kilo147 out.
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
PAX '04
PAX '11
Tango down, Kilo147 out.
If either of you want to play, let me know. I LOVE euchre, but can never really find anyone to play it.
Find me on twitter- @pink_4ssass1n
and twitch-
Where were people like you at Pax East this year? I walked around for three straight days with my Game Boy Color and a link cable in my pocket (along with a phone, a camera, a DS Lite, and assorted change--I had a very interesting configuration), but nobody wanted to play. What games do you have?
SoulSilver: 5200 4466 6956
Black: 1721 2788 2039
PAX East 2014 Checklist: Passes Purchased [X] Passes Received [ ] Transportation [ ] Hotel Reservation [X]
I may have fun toys, but there's no way I could make it to East. That, and I refuse to acknowledge the spin-off PAX. Prime or Nothing, baby.
PAX '04
PAX '11
Tango down, Kilo147 out.
Try it out!
Turn down the bower, lose for an hour!