Munkus BeaverYou don't have to attend every argument you are invited to.Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPAregular
edited January 2009
I would like to know how the data changed when the front page was linked.
Munkus Beaver on
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
Based on the server logs for my signature and avatar, I'd put it closer to 10% of the users here surf the forums from a Mac. And I use a Mac and visit threads I've posted in a disproportionate amount.
If the average age were lower I would blame it on people living with their parents and counting it from that, but as it is I dunno. I suppose druhim's age probably puts the average by about 10 years though.
That means on average people play about 2.5 hours per day. I thought it would be at least 3, closer to 4-5.
Some of us have lives. After a full day at work, plus commute, I get about four hours of free time in the evening for myself. I'm married, so at least half that has to go towards the wife.
I didn't tick "PC" under consoles because all my computers run Linux. I do game on them, but I suspect that the point of the survey was demographic info for advertisers, so it wouldn't really be appropriate to count me as a "PC gamer"given that the games I can actually run tend to either be the very limited selection of games with Linux native versions, or the selection of older games that run acceptably under WINE.
EDIT: Also depending on how the survey software interprets answers it may have counted the figure I entered in Pounds as US Dollars for household income.
japan on
ASimPersonCold...... and hard.Registered Userregular
If the average age were lower I would blame it on people living with their parents and counting it from that, but as it is I dunno. I suppose druhim's age probably puts the average by about 10 years though.
Oh no, with an average age like that, as well as this being a gaming comic, you're perfectly fine with blaming it on people living with their parents.
It was also posted on the frontpage by Tycho.
Oh, I had no idea, @_@.
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
but whY?
It's like this:
Why watch someone else suck a cock when you can be the one sucking a cock!
That means on average people play about 2.5 hours per day. I thought it would be at least 3, closer to 4-5.
Pretty sure that just means a gaming capable PC.
I didn't expect it to match the overall divide between gameplayers in general, but that's quite the imbalance.
Based on the server logs for my signature and avatar, I'd put it closer to 10% of the users here surf the forums from a Mac. And I use a Mac and visit threads I've posted in a disproportionate amount.
kpop appreciation station i also like to tweet some
Man, it kinda depresses me.
Some of us have lives. After a full day at work, plus commute, I get about four hours of free time in the evening for myself. I'm married, so at least half that has to go towards the wife.
It just takes one obscenely rich guy to fuck it up for the rest of us.
Oh wait, that's household income isn't it? So that could be two people's income put together.
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
Well, that could be like, three or four people put together.
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
Yeah I was "wait what?" about that too.
It's kinda sad that we are 94% male. I mean, damn... >_>;
Wait, what?
It could mean in the gaming sense. Lots of people don't use their PCs to play games.
I mean, I get what you're getting at. But that isn't it. Even though it'd be kinda funny.
avatar courtesy of James Grimlee.
Most of you guys are evil, by the way.
EDIT: Also depending on how the survey software interprets answers it may have counted the figure I entered in Pounds as US Dollars for household income.
I wasn't surprised at the male:female ratio, per se, but it was still a little sad, yeah.
Average age is 26 and average income is over $60,000. Ergo, most people are too busy working to play yer damn vidya games.
A large number of the people on these boards have their own families, homes and careers.
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