
[Marvel MCU] This thread is wrapped, in some kind of rope or wire. Find the new one!



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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    I just realized Vin Diesel may be getting a ton of money for repeating the same sentence over and over. I mean, his "I am Groot"s must be REALLY heartfelt.

    There's a backroom deal for it as well to give him something else. He was kind of clear about not wanting to do it since people only wanted him because of iron giant. He's been a good sport otherwise. It was rumored he'd do thanos, but who knows what it will be now.


    I was under the impression that he got the role because he jokingly said he was going to play Groot, it caught on, and then Marvel asked him.

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    RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    Aw Yissssssssssssssssssssssssssss

    This was pretty great. I know people make the Star Wars comparison since its core genre would be Space Adventure, but it felt pulp-y enough for me to see love letters to Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers in it as well, only if Flash and Buck were replaced by Han Solo. Yeah, I guess the Star Wars stuff holds up too.
    Some criticism levelled at the movie is that its plot outline is pretty basic. I'd say that's fair. It's "Keep thing away from bad guy -> Oh noes bad guy got thing -> Got to stop bad guy using thing." Still, a simple story is a good framework to hang the meat of the film: Character Interaction. It's the same with the Avengers. While Thor lightning storming the Chitauri and Hulk's "Puny god" line was great, what was equally great was Stark and Banner's banter, Thor and Cap's discussions and so on. The action set pieces are equally fun here, but the character interaction is a joy to watch too. Any scene with Rocket arguing with someone while Groot helpfully says his piece is fun!

    Quill explicitly says this later on, but they plot out the reason these guys can gel into a team: They've all been ripped from their families and homes. You've got Peter with his mother dying - I had an almost Up-level stab of emotion when he wouldn't grab her hand, I've seen what regret like that can do - and his being abducted. Drax and Gamora's worlds being destroyed and their families murdered by Ronan and Thanos respectively. Rocket lamenting his not very pleasant uplifting in a drunken scene half funny and half feels. Still, I think that thread helps them come together. Groot would be the outlier in this, but he's painted as such a good natured being it works that he's up for befriending these weirdos.

    Starlord and Rocket, as stated in other reviews, have the bulk of the comical material with Groot as a prop to use in it, but Drax holds his own and works as the comically serious. The weight and gravity he gives to sincerely declaring "I am not a princess!" is Airplane! levels of played-straight comedy. That leaves Gamora as the straight woman. I wasn't sure how I felt about the movie teasing a relationship between her and Quill, but it wasn't a sure thing at the end, so I didn't mind it. However the problem with being the straight woman in a comedy of any sort is you risk coming across flat, and indeed it felt like that at time. However judging by the non-comic stuff, she sold me on being someone who knows the ins and outs of this place and how to hold her own. Without veering too much into Social Justice territory however, it did kinda stand out to me that she's the one woman on the team and that she has a designated girl-on-girl fight with Nebula.

    Also, I had an "Ohana"-level feelstab when Groot added two words to his volcabulary. Still, I kinda called he'd grow back from a seed or twig or something, not just because of movie logic, but I think regeneration powers like they showed with his arms was a pretty solid piece of setup and delivery.

    Speaking of, I also called Mom's present being another mix tape. It feels thematically appropriate, since he's entered a new phase of his life, that calls for new tunes!

    Being able to use the Infinity Stone just long enough to disintegrate Ronan almost leaned too far into power of friendship territory, but the reveal of Quill's dad not being of Earth and Yondu welching on the agreement to bring Peter to him made the save on that front, as well as setting up a plot hook for the sequel. And with reference to Yondu, I like how he smiles when he discovers Starlord switched out the Infinity Stone, like whatever else he thinks of him there is actually some affection there.

    Bad Guys: I'll be honest, Ronan felt pretty one note. "Imma destroy Xandar because!" Nebula was more interesting in her rivalry with Gamora and while taking pride in her accomplishments in Thanos' name, was not afraid to switch sides if it suited her. And unlike Malakeith's "lots of planets have a north" twinge to his Elvish, I wouldn't have noticed Karen Gillan's accent if I didn't know she was Scottish. Thanos was pretty great. He's in it just short enough not to dominate the movie and long enough not to be just a tease for the audience, and Josh Brolin adds a real sense of, I dunno, presence to him. Even when Ronan goes full Galvatron and seizes the stone for himself he didn't seem particularly worried. It would have been nice to have one more scene with him after the climax to help tease Avengers 3, especially when Drax has turned his desire of Vengeance against him, but he still works.

    I like that the Nova Corps weren't just stuck up cops in the vein of Commodore Norrington from PotC. The defining point of this is Glenn Close trying to petition the Kree Empire for assistance in stopping Ronan, and she sounds diplomatic enough until the call ends. "...Prick." Also John C Riley, while looking way more like Wreck-it Ralph than you'd think in real life, feels like a genuinely good person who just happens to work against the protagonist because, well, the law is the law. It was a nice nod at the end showing him with his family. They didn't have to do that, but again it fleshes this organisation out.

    Side note: You know in Thor 1 when his friends are on Earth and it almost makes you think Asgard is surprisingly camp in its bright colours? Well I got that vibe here. Bright colours are the rules of the day, and it's no bad thing.

    Conclusion: For vidya players, you know how Dishonoured got really praised after being based on Thief and then Thi4f came out and wasn't considered as good? I think GotG is in danger of doing that to Star Wars. Setting that aside it's a solid action comedy with memorable characters and it feels really light hearted and fun. Expect the Funvee/Drumvee thing to happen once more when Justice League 0 comes out and gets compared to Age of Ultron if they keep this up. GotG also takes us another step further in what audiences will accept on the screen, and that is hopefully a boost to creativity which Hollywood feels in desperate need of. I recommend everyone check this out!

    And now, I discuss the post credit scenes.
    There's no real flashy credit sequence then a scene then the usual credits: Gunn has all the principles play over the sequence on the planet where the Infinity Stone is. We go ending -> GUARDIANS WILL RETURN -> Scene 1 -> Credits -> Scene 2. I'm not even sure if Scene 1 counts as post credits. Also I think this is the first movie not to have a post credit scene foreshadowing/marketing an upcoming project, unless scene 2 is going somewhere amazing. I don't really have any objections to that.

    Scene 1 is adorable: Babby Groot dancing to the music in his pot whenever Drax isn't looking.

    Scene 2 is a bait and switch: The Collector is sitting in the remains of his collection, and Cosmo comes up to lick him. You think he's going to say something, but he just walks away.

    "What are you licking him like that for?"

    Camera pans...on Howard the Duck, cocktail in hand.


    And only then is Howard listed in the credits.

    I'm dying squirtle.

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    Mego ThorMego Thor "I say thee...NAY!" Registered User regular
    Conclusion: For vidya players, you know how Dishonoured got really praised after being based on Thief and then Thi4f came out and wasn't considered as good? I think GotG is in danger of doing that to Star Wars. Setting that aside it's a solid action comedy with memorable characters and it feels really light hearted and fun. Expect the Funvee/Drumvee thing to happen once more when Justice League 0 comes out and gets compared to Age of Ultron if they keep this up. GotG also takes us another step further in what audiences will accept on the screen, and that is hopefully a boost to creativity which Hollywood feels in desperate need of. I recommend everyone check this out!


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    DiannaoChongDiannaoChong Registered User regular
    edited July 2014
    Jragghen wrote: »
    I just realized Vin Diesel may be getting a ton of money for repeating the same sentence over and over. I mean, his "I am Groot"s must be REALLY heartfelt.

    There's a backroom deal for it as well to give him something else. He was kind of clear about not wanting to do it since people only wanted him because of iron giant. He's been a good sport otherwise. It was rumored he'd do thanos, but who knows what it will be now.


    I was under the impression that he got the role because he jokingly said he was going to play Groot, it caught on, and then Marvel asked him.

    It's rumor that they had to give him something else to get him to do it. They did the same thing with glenn close. She made comments that it was beneath her to do a comic book movie, or based on the content. She later apologized but it was made clear she was just doing GotG to get another promised project she wanted.

    I'll see if I can find an article on VD to give it a timeline. He was very positive about it after negotiations, and did a bunch of PR stuff for them(videos on stilts saying he was getting into character, stories about his kids pointing out groot saying he should be groot).

    edit: most original interviews were stating they have something major planned for him in phase 3, 2016 earliest. Vin himself spins it as he wanted to do an immediate job, but didnt have time, so they offered groot for now. he was super skeptical of having to play the part. It grew on him for various reasons and hes really good with it now. but he emphasizes that he wasn't sold on the idea at first. It just sounds to me like there was negotiations there that worked out for everyone. Glenn close could learn something from vin diesel. Never thought that sentence would ever be written.

    DiannaoChong on
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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    Marvel was in talks with Diesel for another role, but then Diesel started blabbing about it which got people excited. Apparently that project wouldn't come out for awhile though, so they had him voice Groot while the hype was there. I'm pretty sure he's not doing Groot to get access to another project. This isn't like him doing Fast and Furious movies to get e rights to the Riddick franchise.

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    RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    Another thing I forgot about:
    Speaking of "Puny God", the tradition of interrupting a villain speech with a suckerpunch is upheld. Twice, to great effect.

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    BlackDragon480BlackDragon480 Bluster Kerfuffle Master of Windy ImportRegistered User regular
    6 hours and counting.

    To kill time I'm running through what I can of the Annihilation arc on Marvel Unlimited, and occasionally squeeing.

    No matter where you go...there you are.
    ~ Buckaroo Banzai
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    HounHoun Registered User regular

    /unsubscribe until Sunday

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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Decided to glance at some rotten tomatoes reviews because I hate myself.
    The very empty-headedness...will probably insure its enormous success, since many in the audience will be able to identify with it.

    I feel like this should be some sort of record for self-aggrandizement, degree of insulting a property, and degree of insulting its fanbase in least number of words.

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    BobbleBobble Registered User regular
    Now, I'm more of a math guy than a grammar guy, but shouldn't that say 'ensure' in that pompous nonsense?

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    ElJeffeElJeffe Roaming the streets, waving his mod gun around.Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    That sounds like Armond White.

    Is it Armond White?

    I submitted an entry to Lego Ideas, and if 10,000 people support me, it'll be turned into an actual Lego set!If you'd like to see and support my submission, follow this link.
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    PailryderPailryder Registered User regular
    no he wants to sell you insurance, not ensurance!

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    Mego ThorMego Thor "I say thee...NAY!" Registered User regular
    edited July 2014
    Pailryder wrote: »
    no he wants to sell you insurance, not ensurance!

    Surprise GotG cast member confirmed.


    Mego Thor on
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    JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    ElJeffe wrote: »
    That sounds like Armond White.

    Is it Armond White?

    Nope, just some dude with his own website named Frank Swietek.

    No Armond White review yet.

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    KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    Trace wrote: »

    ohmygod her -face-


    My god. The teeth.

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    DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    Jragghen wrote: »
    I just realized Vin Diesel may be getting a ton of money for repeating the same sentence over and over. I mean, his "I am Groot"s must be REALLY heartfelt.

    There's a backroom deal for it as well to give him something else. He was kind of clear about not wanting to do it since people only wanted him because of iron giant. He's been a good sport otherwise. It was rumored he'd do thanos, but who knows what it will be now.


    I was under the impression that he got the role because he jokingly said he was going to play Groot, it caught on, and then Marvel asked him.

    It's rumor that they had to give him something else to get him to do it. They did the same thing with glenn close. She made comments that it was beneath her to do a comic book movie, or based on the content. She later apologized but it was made clear she was just doing GotG to get another promised project she wanted.

    I'll see if I can find an article on VD to give it a timeline. He was very positive about it after negotiations, and did a bunch of PR stuff for them(videos on stilts saying he was getting into character, stories about his kids pointing out groot saying he should be groot).

    edit: most original interviews were stating they have something major planned for him in phase 3, 2016 earliest. Vin himself spins it as he wanted to do an immediate job, but didnt have time, so they offered groot for now. he was super skeptical of having to play the part. It grew on him for various reasons and hes really good with it now. but he emphasizes that he wasn't sold on the idea at first. It just sounds to me like there was negotiations there that worked out for everyone. Glenn close could learn something from vin diesel. Never thought that sentence would ever be written.

    I loved the idea it would be Black Bolt. Just for the odd symmetry between only voicing a guy and then playing a guy who doesn't speak (mostly.)

    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
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    TexiKenTexiKen Dammit! That fish really got me!Registered User regular
    Vin Diesel as Kang.

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    see317see317 Registered User regular
    Riddick/GotG crossover.

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    TexiKenTexiKen Dammit! That fish really got me!Registered User regular
    In the MCU Phase 3 Nick Fury is cast aside for his half white son who we never knew about Vin Diesel, who then changes his name to Nick Fury and loses an eye too.

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    TexiKen wrote: »
    In the MCU Phase 3 Nick Fury is cast aside for his half white son who we never knew about Vin Diesel, who then changes his name to Nick Fury and loses an eye too.

    That's stupid. Nobody in their right minds would make that story. ;)

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    RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    see317 wrote: »
    Riddick/GotG crossover.

    Careful around Groot unless you want to end up like Senator McComb.

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    TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    edited July 2014
    Marvel was in talks with Diesel for another role, but then Diesel started blabbing about it which got people excited. Apparently that project wouldn't come out for awhile though, so they had him voice Groot while the hype was there. I'm pretty sure he's not doing Groot to get access to another project. This isn't like him doing Fast and Furious movies to get e rights to the Riddick franchise.

    Yeah, I don't think Vin is the sort of guy to get fussy about doing comic book movies. Have you guys ever seen him geek out on the set of Chronicles of Riddick? Chances are the negotiations for him to do Groot involved giving him a stack of choice GotG comics so he could see why Groot is awesome.

    TOGSolid on
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    cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    Yeah, if I'm remembering right he was so excited about it he leaked the Groot thing before the studio was ready.

    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
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    Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    TOGSolid wrote: »
    Marvel was in talks with Diesel for another role, but then Diesel started blabbing about it which got people excited. Apparently that project wouldn't come out for awhile though, so they had him voice Groot while the hype was there. I'm pretty sure he's not doing Groot to get access to another project. This isn't like him doing Fast and Furious movies to get e rights to the Riddick franchise.

    Yeah, I don't think Vin is the sort of guy to get fussy about doing comic book movies. Have you guys ever seen him geek out on the set of Chronicles of Riddick? Chances are the negotiations for him to do Groot involved giving him a stack of choice GotG comics so he could see why Groot is awesome.

    I really feel like at some point it would be a lot of fun to have a documentary about all the casting discussion/negotiation that went into the MCU. I guess they probably aren't like, filming the meetings or anything but I think it must be fascinating

    it was the smallest on the list but
    Pluto was a planet and I'll never forget
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    DeaderinredDeaderinred Registered User regular
    6 hours and counting.

    To kill time I'm running through what I can of the Annihilation arc on Marvel Unlimited, and occasionally squeeing.

    damnit. i have to wait till tomorrow night. i have to get through 10 hours of work AND another goddamn film before GotG. i feel like the world might end before i get to see it.

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    TraceTrace GNU Terry Pratchett; GNU Gus; GNU Carrie Fisher; GNU Adam We Registered User regular
    6 hours and counting.

    To kill time I'm running through what I can of the Annihilation arc on Marvel Unlimited, and occasionally squeeing.

    damnit. i have to wait till tomorrow night. i have to get through 10 hours of work AND another goddamn film before GotG. i feel like the world might end before i get to see it.


    Asteroid to impact Earth exactly one hour before Deaderinred leaves to go to GotG.

    wait what's that raccoon doing?

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    AspectVoidAspectVoid Registered User regular
    1 hour and 4 minutes until the commercials that come before the previews that come before Guardians of the Galaxy. The I will be safe from all the spoilers.

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    QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular
    My wife is an hour late getting off from work.

    *eye twitch*

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    DelmainDelmain Registered User regular
    I think I need to just leave this thread until I can see the movie on Saturday morning (my girlfriend is on call from work and can't go incommunicado for 2.5 hours)

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    QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular
    I am in line with both Spider-Man and Captain America.

    Also a pint sized Starlord.

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    TomantaTomanta Registered User regular
    My tickets are in hand. Now to just wait 4 1/2 hours.

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    edited July 2014
    Get Spider-Man and Cap to start making out for a photo, so in 10 years when Marvel gets the rights back, a website can steal your image for the subsequent news article.

    Undead Scottsman on
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    TexiKenTexiKen Dammit! That fish really got me!Registered User regular
    Start shit by saying how nothing will compare to Man of Steel.

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    QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular
    Some guy totally walked by in a Superman shirt.


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    DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    Well that was pretty awesome.

    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
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    Death of RatsDeath of Rats Registered User regular
    Clearing out a draft that had a spoiler.

    No I don't.
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    QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular






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    DiannaoChongDiannaoChong Registered User regular
    So GotG was pretty amazing. The audience was laughing so hard, we missed so much dialog.

    If someone spoiled the end credit scene for you, you would both not believe them, and then punch them in the face for even suggesting it.

    I think VD's tier 3 marvel movie confirmed. He'ill be the titchular character.

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    GaddezGaddez Registered User regular
    Just got back.

    So many good touches.


    DC is fucked.

    That is all.

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    edzeppedzepp Registered User regular
    @DiannaoChong: Oh yeah, that was surprising. The way they cut to who created the character was pretty well executed.
    By the way, Ronan's totally confused "What are you doing?" when Peter was doing his ridiculous dance at the end was one of the best line reads EVER.

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