
[Xenofringe PbP] Dying in Space on Minimum Wage (GAME START ON p3)

SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
edited September 2010 in Critical Failures
Beautiful artwork shamefully stolen from Art by Pavel.

Xenofringe is a free scifi rpg written by me. It's currently untested so this play by post will double as a playtest of sorts.
THE FRINGE is the sprawl of systems that separate the established systems of CORE SPACE from the mysteries of DARKSPACE. Life on the Fringe is a hazardous affair, where the frontiers of civilization meet the vast, unknown space beyond. Natives identify themselves as Fringers and by Core standards are an undesirable people at best and savages at worst.

- Prof. Juara Banks, "From Home to Darkspace".

You are a Fringer. You may not be a bad person but you've most likely seen bad things or done worse to survive. As is often the case you've banded together with a group of like-minded individuals. Perhaps you've worked a few jobs before or feel like you can trust each other after a friendship. You may have an area of expertise but on the Fringe there are few steady jobs, so you will have had something of a patchwork career history.

On the Fringe it takes all of your honest sweat to stay afloat. If you want to get somewhere you'd better sweat twice as much and cheat on the side.

- Silas Wissel, "The Working Fringer's Dispatch #244"

There is no Universal Empire or Omni-Planetary Federation here. Core Space is far away and they're happy with that arrangement. Here anyone can stake their claim, as long as they have the means to back it up.

Your character's personal kingdom is the shared ownership of a banged up planetary shuttle. This will fly you between nearby planets and can be transported further distances by larger craft for a cost.


Between yourselves you will decide to pursue one of the following job opportunities available on the local bulletin service.


και τώρα σκέφτομαι! και τώρα σκέφτομαι! κα έαι!?
ότι μπορεί να πρέπει να κάνωσε μιάρκα μηχας αυτήν στο PIC.

Οποιεις σχετίνο 2930 1403



HARS needs hard working, reliable workers to fill vacancies on its roaming research facility on the Lott moon near Macre 4. No references are required but a short interview and briefing will be carried out on Kensgate Station near Macre 4.

Security Personnel: Shifts monitoring site entrance, interior cameras, inspections of other contracted staff and general labour to make up hours. Staff will be given access to the facility's armoury but may bring their own equipment in addition. 12 hour shifts 5on/1off.
Support Labour and Operations: Operating basic vehicles and machinery. Moving cargo and maintaining facility's roaming capabilities. To be trained on the job if unfamiliar, at a 10% salary reduction. 12 hour shifts 6on/1off.

Disclaimer: The Lott Roaming Facility provides all staff with basic protective suits and has an armoury for emergencies but contractors may bring their own weapons and armour, which must be stored safely in the facility's storage. If a contractor is unable to collect their fee at the end of their term Hagan-Reyns Applied Science retains the fee. Contractors will be employed through RX Sourcing, an independent payroll company, who maintain all responsibility for contractor wellbeing.[/strike]





ερόμενοι για να - 920!!!
χρειάται κληρά να εαστεί, αξιόπιστοι ερόμενοι για να γεμίσει τα ενά στην ερευντιτότητα περιάνησής του στοεγγάρι
ομοωτή μνης για να εγκασταθεί και να αφαιθεί με την ολοκωση της σύμσης, η οποία θα απακρύνει οποιαδήποτε ευαητη πληροφορία που κερδζεται μέσα στη δυτότητα?
του να για ερόμενοι 8004 65442
920 στην ερευντιτότητα


####Moving carg+a maintaining facility' ; s roaming capabilities. Tonne acclraterd prize trained on empl the if unfamili[[ar, AT a 10% salary reduct .ion. 12 hour decala/ges 6on/off.
Research Assistant:Cne of researc)h and genral assisting of facility' the ; s research staff. position familiarity with Basic reqr. es ##science concepts, ##which veutacclrater## de pri//se tested e ervu. osition a mmore requires tone acclrat erprise buffer/

Work for a Locally Confined Organisation on Seyda. Field experience preferred.
Recommended working team of at least three individuals.
500CR paid to team for completion of job within one week.
Opportunity for further employment from LCO upon successful completion.

If you have doubts do not enquire about this contract.
Contact box 554F, Lar Factory, Seyda Colony.



Game Information
- All rolls will be made on Invisible Castle or Orokos with the campaign name Xenofringe and your forum username as the character name. Copy the BB Code so I can see the roll and have the link to it on IC, like follows: 1d10=8
- There will be one game thread. IC stuff is posted as normal, OOC is posted in spoilers.
- Be as imaginative as you like when considering your characters. The Fringe is huge and there are thousands of worlds. There are no sapient aliens currently known but artifacts pointing to them existing at some point have been found.
- In combat unless you state otherwise I will assume that shooting attacks are Safe Shots using the weapon's standard fire mode and melee attacks are Normal Attacks.
- You do not need to actively make Spotting rolls, I'll handle that behind the scenes to speed up play. At the end of the enemy turn I'll roll for each of you and let you know who you Spot, as it's a free action anyway. Remember that as long as you're in contact with eachother you'll always make your allies aware of an enemy that you spot as a free action too.

If you want to run over anything with me or would like a hand with chargen you can PM me or, even better, you can catch me in #CriticalFailures on irc.slashnet.org

Full Cover Stances Info
To keep PbP games moving at a good pace there must be a degree of automation when it comes to characters deciding to duck into Full Cover on enemy turns. The following changes to the rules will be in place for PbP games.

- Characters may go into Full Cover on their own turn as normal.

- Instead of being able to choose to go into Full Cover immediately after being shot at on an enemy turn each character chooses one of the following Full Cover Stances at the start of the game. Generally this will always be the same for a character, as one will suit them best, but players may choose to change it at any point on their own turn. I'd advise players to choose one and stick to it though, in the interests of the game running smoothly. Good times to change Stance would be if the character's armour changes dramatically or they become seriously injured.

Full Cover Stances

Ultrasafe: The character will drop into Full Cover whenever he is shot at. This is only recommended for characters with high Guile, low Vigor and weak armour.

Cautious: If a character is shot at and more shots are expected (either from the same enemy using rapid fire or other enemies that the character is aware of) they will drop into Full Cover to avoid Overwhelming fire. This is recommended for most characters.

Reckless: The character will never duck into Full Cover on enemy turns. This is not recommended other than for characters with very strong armour, high Vigor and low Guile.



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    DMACDMAC Come at me, bro! Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited August 2010
    Sounds like an interesting setup.

    DMAC on
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    samurai6966samurai6966 Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Color me interested.

    samurai6966 on
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    simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    A Sooga game, be still my heart

    Can I be the priest with the mysterious past and combat skills, or the engineer who is sassy and adorable

    the ship will be called "lightning bug"

    simonwolf on
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    SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I see what you did there, simonwolf.

    Oh and I didn't mention but if we somehow end up with too many interested players I'll be choosing the people I want based on hunches and hotness.

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    simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    If hotness is a basis for your decision, looks like I am out already

    simonwolf on
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    SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I'm out from now until late tomorrow evening, so just a warning not to expect any replies from me for those who I've been helping with chargen.

    While I'm gone let's get this thread back on the front page and bring in a few more potential players!

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    vbwyrdevbwyrde Registered User new member
    edited August 2010
    I like the setup for the campaign. Definitely caught my interest. Not sure what a standard character roll up is like, but that's ok. I'll try to follow along.

    vbwyrde on
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    SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    For those interested your planetary shuttle will be as follows.

    Vexpa Lander Series 1S - 2 Crew (capacity 8), Shooting 3, (8,000CR New)
    Bulk 14, Combat Speed 3, Top Speed 6
    Armour 10, Threshold 2.
    U-Laser: Damage 3, Penetration 5, Rate 1, Sway 4.

    It has incredibly basic bathroom facilities and a sink. The passenger seating area can double up as makeshift beds for four people. It's well known for its ability to "keep going" which this banged up old model has clearly done for some years now. The exterior is a faded red with gold paint trim. The leather seats are patched up with duct tape and the carpetted flooring this series introduced has worn away to ugly metal grating.

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    Void SlayerVoid Slayer Very Suspicious Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Here is my new submission, the background is a little rough but should give a good basic history.

    Harold "Doc" Benzen

    Initial Career roll : 3, Professional
    Move to Academic->Sneak->Soldier

    Bulk: 2
    Shooting: 3
    Vigor: 5
    Guile: 4
    Wits: 4

    Medic: Add 3 to your Wits score when dealing with Medicine.


    Black Market U-Model Sidearm (Pistol)(2 clips), Augblade. Black Market Battle Armour, Haze Field, Medical Kit, Minibreather, Protective Suit, Combat Knife and EarCom

    Born to a poor family on the well setteled world of Jenasus, Harold worked as an EMT while attending a medical program to train to become a full doctor. Then the invaders came, an army of combat androids commanded by their human masters of the ID confederacy. After only the material resources of the world they set about a genocide of the populaton and Harold barely survived in the shadows, running and hiding day to day. In time he joined a band of survivors and earned the nickname Doc as being the only one with any medical training. Although they hoped to push the androids and thier masters off the planet it was a futile effort; however a daring escape attempt left half thier numbers alive to flee to other systems in a stolen starship. Doc Benzen tried living a normal life on a peaceful planet but flashbacks to the killing streets of Jenasus continue to haunt him and the stim habit he has developed has prevented him from working a normal job. Working as a freelancer is the last chance he has at a new life.

    Here is my old character I dont think i will be using him:
    Karl "Okami" Inoue

    Initial Career roll : 3, Professional
    Move to Outlaw->Academic->Academic

    Bulk: 3
    Shooting: 3
    Vigor: 4
    Guile: 3
    Wits: 5

    Charismatic: Add 3 to your Wits score when dealing with social situations.

    Equipment : Protective Suit, TT-S Sidearm (3clips), Combat Blade, Combat Armour, Medikit, 5-Band Scanner, Scanner, Combat Knife, EarCom and 21 CR

    Basic background:
    Born in the largest city on the colonial world of Marek's Grasp, Karl abandoned honest work at a young age. Scamming fresh colonists, grub farmers and anyone else he could outwit brought easy if not consistent money. Karl found himself working deeper with the criminal underworld until one day he joined one of the low key gangs that operated under the nose of the planetary leadership. Working with the officers in the gang he helped them gain power in the government with blackmail and extortion, quickly rising in importance and earning the nick name Okami or wolf. That all changed when his cousin and childhood friend was killed in a drunk driving accident, leaving her two children with no one to look after them. She had seen Karl go deeper into a life of crime and on her deathbed asked him to take her two children and leave the planet to find a better life somewhere else. Looking into the eyes of her sons, he couldn't say no and left the planet the same day. He managed to fake his death and take most of his hidden savings to buy passage to the agricultural world Ardath where he talked his way into a teaching position at one of the small religious schools doting the planet. Karl has managed to teach several different subjects just from the books and his memory, along with coaching the local high school soccer team. His wards have grown into teenagers who can look after themselves for the most part, but the school he works at has fallen on hard times financially. He likes his new life there and has started working freelance in hopes of scoring big and being able to retire to teaching once again. He doesn't really want to become the Okami again and so has bluffed his way aboard the crew, he can fill any role not taken up by others.

    Hope i got everything right, looks like a nice custom d10, even if I'm not picked I'll certainly be watching.
    Would we start out with any money? I am guessing not.

    Void Slayer on
    He's a shy overambitious dog-catcher on the wrong side of the law. She's an orphaned psychic mercenary with the power to bend men's minds. They fight crime!
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    SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    You get some credits for each career, so take a look at the four you took. Off the top of my head they each give about 40 so you should have around 160 to spend give or take.

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    REG RyskREG Rysk Lord Rageface Rageington The Exploding ManRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Hay, I remember this!

    REG Rysk on
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    SquintsSquints Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I'll give it a shot.


    1d10=9 Drifter. ->Scavenger -> Security x2

    Bulk: 4 (2 + 1 + 1)
    Shooting: 4 (2 + 1 + 1)
    Vigor: 2
    Guile: 3 (2 + 1)
    Wits: 5 (2 + 1 + 1 + 1)

    Highly Aware: Add 2 to any rolls made to Spot enemies.

    155 CR.

    Starting Equipment: Protective Suit, Combat Knife and EarCom.
    Purchase: Hagan-Reyns Applied Science Fuller-Model Carbine (80 CR) and 5 clips of x30 ammo (40 CR) , MultiScope (20 CR), Blast Grenade (15 CR)
    Monies: 4 CR :(

    Background: Not sure yet, wrapping my head around the game's location still. But it appears Girith happened upon a job for mine security before the campaign's events.

    Edit: D'oh, I need ammo. Scanner (20 CR) removed, 2 clips purchased (8 CR each)
    Also need a new career.

    Squints on
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    REG RyskREG Rysk Lord Rageface Rageington The Exploding ManRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    So, if all that was in there is the same as before, I could do my same dood.


    Bulk 2, Shooting 4, Vigor 3, Guile 3, Wits 6
    Perk: Fast Loader
    Protective Suit, Combat Knife, Earcom,
    -Deadman Slug Rifle, Long Range
    MultiScope (+2 to hit on Vital Shot at long/extreme range; +1 to spot hidden),
    Compact Barrel (no penalty for short range)
    Damage 4, Penetration 2, Rate 1, Sway 4
    Clip Size 5 (1CR) 11 Clips
    K-Field (Remove 2 Penetration from ranged attacks on me)
    Medikit x2
    0 CR

    Lemme think up a background...hmmm.

    REG Rysk on
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    SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    squints: Looks good but you're a career short! You get 4.

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    REG RyskREG Rysk Lord Rageface Rageington The Exploding ManRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010

    I'll have to look at it again when I have some time...for now...SCHOOL and WORK!

    REG Rysk on
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    SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Rysk: The extra career thing was for Squints, which I see he's amended now. At first glance your character looks good but I'll double check them all tomorrow when I'm not exhausted.

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    REG RyskREG Rysk Lord Rageface Rageington The Exploding ManRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010

    I must be tired too.

    REG Rysk on
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    nefffffffffffnefffffffffff Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I am interested in this. Haven't finished reading the rules yet, so maybe this is addressed and i'm being a dummy but what about robot characters?

    nefffffffffff on
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    Void SlayerVoid Slayer Very Suspicious Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Robots and androids seem to be equipment only, anyway a super weak robot with 2 in each stat would cost 500 CR. In theory you could make a normal character, call it an android and take some "cybernetics" that are just his normal in-built abilities.

    Void Slayer on
    He's a shy overambitious dog-catcher on the wrong side of the law. She's an orphaned psychic mercenary with the power to bend men's minds. They fight crime!
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    SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I'll get back to you on robot characters, neff. I don't even know if regular characters work all that well let alone robots.

    Will skim over the rules tomorrow and see if I can work something out.

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    EgosEgos Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    hmm this looks very cool, but it looks like you already have four?

    An Anton Chigurh/Nathan Drake Bastard Child sounds appealing.... I'll post a character on the off chance people become busy.

    edit: Granted it may be somewhat amusing just to roll up a character, reading the rules more in detail.
    hmm Outlaw

    second edit: hmm see a few posts are a few days old.. had two builds I'm debating. Since the group seems rather wits heavy.

    Arrik Zernon

    Outlaw>Sneak>Soldier>Soldier (Killer Build)
    Bulk-3 (1 from Outlaw)
    Shooting-5 (1 from Outlaw, 2 from Soldier)
    Vigor- 5 (1 from Sneak, 2 from Soldier)
    Guile- 3 (1 from Sneak)
    Wits - 2

    Credits- 165

    Outlaw>Sneak>Explorer>Explorer (Stealth Shooter Build)
    Bulk-3 (1 from Outlaw)
    Shooting-5 (1 from Outlaw, 2 from Explorer)
    Vigor- 3 (1 from Sneak)
    Guile- 5 (1 from Sneak, 2 from Explorer)
    Wits- 2

    Starting Credits- 155

    Egos on
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    EgosEgos Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    The basic concept I was working with initially was that of a Hijacker/Pirate working between the hospitable planets within Elise. Stealing tech between research groups. Depending on the build the idea was that he becomes involved in more Syndicate/Inter-City work before either becoming a contracted Enforcer/Merc (Soldier route) or a gatherer of tech; finding this to be a bit safer than his previous occupation (hijacking).

    Not sure if this works within the context of the world. Basic idea.

    I may need to change it up a bit, if Wits = dumb as a doorknob etc., etc.

    The Soldier build would likely have had him on Mira last working as an escort/guardian for travelers to make sure they got to their destination safely. Before that a Merc , using his previous reputation as a pirate/hijacker to his advantage to strike a tiny bit of fear.

    The Explorer route , as I hinted at ,he becomes a bit more of a Collector.

    Egos on
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    SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    All sounds good, Egos. Having a Wits of 2 doesn't have to mean you're dumb as a doorknob, it may just mean he's a little unfocused or something of a daydreamer.

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    SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Okay, I'll be checking the existing character today and I'll say Midnight (GMT) on Friday will be the cutoff date for applications. On Saturday I'll look at who we have and pick the players. The game will start shortly afterwards.

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    REG RyskREG Rysk Lord Rageface Rageington The Exploding ManRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Well Rysk is supposed to have a Law Enforcement background so here goes.
    Former law enforcement don't have much use out on the fringe, least not fighting the good fight like they used to. I should know. I've become more of a merc than protector, but I try to take jobs that fall in the category of "The Good Fight". That or they pay well. I've heard old sayings that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach; the wallet is another good option. As is a suppressed long range rifle with optics and an elongated barrel for distance and accuracy.

    Hope this contract is worth it...

    REG Rysk on
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    SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Sounds good to me, Rysk.

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    TalonrazorTalonrazor Registered User regular
    edited August 2010

    Talonrazor on
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    TalonrazorTalonrazor Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Ok, here is my guy. I will edit in his background in just a second.

    Alan Fairchild

    Drifter-Security-Professional x2

    Bulk 3
    Shooting 3
    Vigor 2
    Guile 5
    Wits 5

    Perks: Charismatic
    Equipment: OS-Handgun (Clips x3), TT16 K-Gun (Clips x5), Scanner, Medikit x3, Camo-Suit, Protective Suit, Combat Knife and EarCom
    Money: 7CR

    EDIT: So uh, started writing this guy's background and just kept going. It is fucking long as shit. I really like this character though. I wanted someone who had suffered a great loss but wasn't all fucked up in the typical way; someone who has multiple layers to his personality; and someone who started out with nothing, ended up fairly well off and is now going back to his roots. I was inspired thematically by Eames, the Forger from Inception, for a character that is extremely professional and competent in a corporate security setting.
    Alan was born in the Wastelands Fleet to a street whore who abandoned him only a few moments after birth. He was found by the Order of Our Sister of Mercy organization, a religious charity that operated in the Wastelands Fleet as a food bank, health clinic and orphanage. Since the Wastelands Fleet was a massive collection of ancient ships that now served as a mobile home for drifters, space bums and whoever else decided to join the fleet because there was nowhere else to go; Alan grew up in the orphanage exposed to absolute poverty. The sisters that ran his orphan house were kind but strict and Alan got the chance at a basic education. Even orphans were expected to help maintain the Fleet however and Alan soon was helping out in the order’s local free health clinic.

    For the next eighteen years, Alan worked in the order’s various clinics around the fleet as the giant assembly of aging vessels visited port after port throughout the Fringe. He learned a lot by watching the assortment of doctors doing charitable time and soon become an accomplished nursing assistant. Alan work diligently and faithfully, determined to make something of him. He graduated from the Holy Academy of the Divine Trinity, the order’s educational institute, and received professional certificates as an operating room assistant. On his spare time he helped teach a weekly religious school and did missionary work for the order. He even joined the Citizen’s Auxiliary Defense Service, a reserve military for the Fringe, and become a combat medic in an assault marine platoon trained for EVA action.

    Alan enjoys his life, drifting through various ports and talking to all kinds of diverse population. Gregarious, friendly and very eager to work with people, Alan made a modest living onboard the Wastelands Fleet. He seemed content to stay with the Fleet and work for the order. Then the fleet docked at Meridia and he met Molly Ciller. A social worker who came aboard the Wastelands Fleet to work with abused children, Molly Ciller was a quiet and shy girl who had just graduated from a local university with her counseling degree. She seemed to be lost in the gigantic steel world of culture clashes and the rough-and-tumble of impoverished society. Alan quickly became a good friend and the two spent a lot of time together. Finally, Alan realized he was in love with Molly and would have to choose between her or the Fleet and the order.

    At the age of twenty-six, Alan married Molly and moved permanently onto Meridia. Needing a job, a contact at the order managed to get Alan an interview with the Stalican Spaceport Police and Rescue Department. Impressing them with his outgoing demeanor and mental fortitude, Alan was sent off to the academy to become a police officer for the largest spaceport in the capital city of Meridia. Alan quickly enjoyed his newfound career, merging well into law enforcement as well as the crash-and-rescue service. The Stalican Spaceport was huge and bustling; Alan’s work was just as hectic as it was in the health clinics for space bums. For years Alan enjoyed his work. It seemed he had finally settled down in life. Then he found out Molly was pregnant. With triplets. Realizing that his modest income was going to need to grow substantially, Alan enrolled in the John Friikan University of Corporate Studies and graduated with an advanced degree in Predictive Intelligence Studies.

    With his medical and law enforcement backgrounds, backed by a difficult academic degree from a prestigious university, Alan soon found employment with a very small but elite firm that dealt with corporate counterintelligence, mostly in the field of psychological affairs. Alan soon began to make a very decent living, specializing in identifying motives and behaviors in corporate employees that correspond to espionage techniques employed by rival companies. Alan’s team was in high-demand and he traveled all over Meridias delivering lectures and performing high-tempo jobs that often bordered on dangerous. Returning from one his trips, Alan’s life came apart as a local police officer informed him that Molly and his three little girls were killed in a vehicle accident. Devastated, Alan came very close to losing his way. However, his faith pulled him from the brink and he returned to the order’s monastery for counseling and help.

    Years later, Alan finally overcame the death of his family. He decided that he needed to move on, to embrace the next stage of his life. Secure in the knowledge that he has done the right thing, Alan now looks to return to the stars and resume a life of travel and adventure. Seeking a group to join, Alan is still friendly and outgoing, with a pleasant demeanor. He has a bit of a sarcastic, biting edge that wasn’t there before the death of his family but otherwise one cannot tell that Alan has suffered such a blow. Even though his outwardly manner would never indicate it, Alan is actually a fairly religious man who clings to his faith to keep himself from being destroyed. For someone who lost what he has, Alan hasn’t let it cripple him and he is still just as sharp and intelligent.

    Alan is skilled at the ability to read people, both from a medical and psychological position. He has spent years in the corporate world analyzing weaknesses and figuring out the logical steps in complicated sequences and patterns. His medical background is evident, as he keeps his certificates updated and routinely practices. In his corporate teams, Alan was often relied upon as the group’s doctor when a mission went wrong and he has put his combat medic skills to use many times. Although Alan does not prefer to get into an out-and-out slugfest, he isn’t completely useless in combat. Alan is a forty-three year old human that stands 5’11” with sandy brown hair that has just began to thin and designer stubble. He is fairly trim with an athletic build and is very fond of well-tailored three-piece suits, preferably tan and green in color.

    Talonrazor on
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    PantheraOncaPantheraOnca Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Huh. Neat. I really like the art associated with this. Were you involved in its development suga, or how did you come across this?

    The system seems pretty interesting except for keeping track of ammo.

    If you need some alternates I've got a bit of a character idea maybe. Xenobiologist adventurer type of deal. 2xAcademic, Professional, Explorer

    PantheraOnca on
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    EgosEgos Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    few questions, how does starting equipment work (because obviously people have $$$ equipment :) minus Rysk ;) ) ? And how detailed a background would you like?

    I presume whatever we're comfortable with, but I always have trouble telling when details are a bit sparse if the GM has more in mind or if they want the player to come up with a ton of stuff (and if its good its golden).

    Egos on
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    SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Panthera: Just throw your character in, as I haven't chosen who's playing yet. I completely agree with you on the ammo system. I did have a different system that made things more interesting but involved more bookkeeping, so I decided to drop it for something very basic until I can make it work.

    The art is just something I stumbled across and thought fitted my vision of the game really well. I contacted the artist and he's letting me use it as long as it's all non-profit.

    Egos: In terms of background I don't need any more than the bare minimum, but if you want to flesh a few ideas out yourself then go ahead. All I really need is what your character's been doing just before joining up with this group and what their overall goal is. This could be as simple as getting enough money day to day to survive.

    Starting equipment is bought with the CRs you get from your careers. It doesn't so much represent you walking into a shop with 160CR and buying a load of stuff as equipment you've managed to get hold of over the years.

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    PantheraOncaPantheraOnca Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    how does character advancement work? every so often you gain a new career or something? if its explained in the link i missed it.

    also, i dont think a person can afford a single-person livingspace and 21 meals a week on the base salary... which i guess is what that quote about honest sweat is saying.

    PantheraOnca on
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    nefffffffffffnefffffffffff Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    rolling up a character now, sorry it took so long.

    EDIT: I can't decide on which perk to take. Pilot or Technician. I can work either into my background. What do you guys thing would be more useful?

    nefffffffffff on
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    SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    how does character advancement work? every so often you gain a new career or something? if its explained in the link i missed it.

    also, i dont think a person can afford a single-person livingspace and 21 meals a week on the base salary... which i guess is what that quote about honest sweat is saying.
    As it stands there's no traditional character advancement as such. Obviously getting more money can make your character more powerful as you might expect but I'm not sure I want the stats to really get all that higher. It's something I'm not too concerned about at the moment but will look into in the future.

    And yeah, a person working a safe job is likely to find themselves a bit short. The choices are either get a more skilled or more dangerous job, earn some dirty money or live in a crummy place with poor quality food. Life wouldn't be that hard for everyone on the Fringe, which is something I need to make clearer in the doc, but it's the way it'll be for most player characters.

    Neff: As long as you get your character in before midnight GMT that'll be fine. I'll be deciding who I'll have play tomorrow.

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    nefffffffffffnefffffffffff Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    ok I've got a start but the background is gonna have to wait a little. fucking work shit kept coming up. I hate my job.

    Krupp fan der Môre

    Professional (1d10=3), Professional, Outlaw, Sneak (starting CR: 175)

    Bulk 3, Shooting 3, Vigor 3, Guile 5, Wits 4.
    Pilot/Technician? Add 3 Wits when dealing with technology/piloting
    C2 Propgun: Damage 3, Penetration 5, Rate 1, Sway 2, Clip Size 20. (2 Clips)
    Protective Suit: Armour 2.
    K-Field: Subtract 2 from penetration of ranged attacks against you
    Combat Knife: Damage 2, Penetration 1, Weight 1.

    EarCom, Minibreather, 2x Medkit

    nefffffffffff on
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    SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Looking over the chars now. I'll try and let as many people play as I can, as I really like all of what I've seen from the characters so far.

    Egos are you going to settle on a build and buy some equipment? If you're really torn I'd suggest the Vigor build as the group could do with a bit of athleticism in there.

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    SUPERSUGASUPERSUGA Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Oh, and people need to skim over this.

    To keep PbP games moving at a good pace there must be a degree of automation when it comes to characters deciding to duck into Full Cover on enemy turns. The following changes to the rules will be in place for PbP games.

    - Characters may go into Full Cover on their own turn as normal.

    - Instead of being able to choose to go into Full Cover immediately after being shot at on an enemy turn each character chooses one of the following Full Cover Stances at the start of the game. Generally this will always be the same for a character, as one will suit them best, but players may choose to change it at any point on their own turn. I'd advise players to choose one and stick to it though, in the interests of the game running smoothly. Good times to change Stance would be if the character's armour changes dramatically or they become seriously injured.

    Full Cover Stances

    Ultrasafe: The character will drop into Full Cover whenever he is shot at. This is only recommended for characters with high Guile, low Vigor and weak armour.

    Cautious: If a character is shot at and more shots are expected (either from the same enemy using rapid fire or other enemies that the character is aware of) they will drop into Full Cover to avoid Overwhelming fire. This is recommended for most characters.

    Reckless: The character will never duck into Full Cover on enemy turns. This is not recommended other than for characters with very strong armour, high Vigor and low Guile.

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    EgosEgos Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    SUPERSUGA wrote: »
    Egos are you going to settle on a build and buy some equipment? If you're really torn I'd suggest the Vigor build as the group could do with a bit of athleticism in there.

    Not torn so much as trying to pick what was best for the group. Suppose that is torn . Will post final version soon.

    Egos on
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    PantheraOncaPantheraOnca Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I used some other dice rolling program to determine my career, if that's a problem I can roll up another one. edit: using invisible castle /edit.

    Bulk 2, Shooting 3, Vigor 4, Guile 4, Wits 5.
    OS-Handgun (short): Damage 2, Penetration 2, Rate 2, Sway 3, Clip Size 16. (2 clips)
    Combat Knife (close): Damage 2, Penetration 1, Weight 1.
    Protective suit: Armor 2.
    Omnisuit: Allows spacewalking, provides oxygen, protects against decompression and airborne toxins and counts as Armour 4, Threshold 4 against Radiation. -3 Vigor and Guile. Fits over any other Armour with an Armour score of 4 or less.
    Question: The armor and threshold this grants are against radiation only right?
    Stats with suit on: B 2, S 3, V 1, G 1, W 5.
    Ear Com: This earpiece allows two-way communication with anyone else the user has stored as a contact.
    Scanner: Allows the user to scan one target, getting any info they want on them. Making sense of the scanner readout is a DN8 Wits test.
    Medkit: One use, allows healing and unlimited uses for Patching Up.

    Scientist:+3 wits when dealing with Science

    PantheraOnca on
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    Void SlayerVoid Slayer Very Suspicious Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I remade my character as a vigor based combat medic, really I could use either character concept. I kinda want to see him on 6 doses of Blitz:twisted:, he would have a to hit number of 11 in open ground, then die horribly from side effects.

    Void Slayer on
    He's a shy overambitious dog-catcher on the wrong side of the law. She's an orphaned psychic mercenary with the power to bend men's minds. They fight crime!
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