Game On: Warcraft 3



  • IHasABucketIHasABucket Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    I am guessing we lost?

    After getting disconnected I was kind of pissed, but I feel like we saved ourselves some time.

    Those guys were so damn bad though.

    IHasABucket on
  • scarlet st.scarlet st. Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    I just installed it

    but I'm just playing it for single player.

    scarlet st. on
  • DefenderDefender Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Arsenic7 wrote: »
    Trexy wrote: »
    Defender: Hurry Strato, you’re falling behind
    Defender: Wait for my peons guys
    Defender: Oh god, kill that bitch
    Defender: KILL THAT BITCH
    Defender: KILLLLL
    Strato: Which one are you talking about?
    Defender: The bitch.
    Defender: The one you’re supposed to be killing.
    Defender: We need to stick together.
    Trexy: Strato and I are together, you’re the one off by yourself.
    Defender: Well, run though that wall of huntresses and fiends and help me put up these towers.
    Defender: I got some towers up, this might actually work
    Defender: Holy shit that is a lot of huntresses.
    Defender: Come help save my base
    Defender: My base guys
    Defender: Where are you tards?
    Strato: We are here.
    Trexy: The battle is just going on outside of your screen as well
    Defender: I don’t buy that for a second.
    Defender: You should all have item shops
    Defender: Get item shops
    Defender: TPing to you Strato
    Defender: Where the FUCK is your item shop?
    Strato: They blew it up.
    Defender: Well where’s your second one?
    Strato: Second one?
    Defender: You should have at 2-3 at all times.
    Trexy: Oh gof help tehy ar all here
    Defender: Do you have an item shop?
    Trexy: They are leveling my base
    Trexy: I’m speed building one, god
    Defender: I’m not coming until you have it finished.
    Defender: and you think about what you have done.
    Defender: you tard.
    Defender: we loose
    Defender: gg

    Defender: Replay saved! That was fun!
    Defender: =)
    Strato: …
    Trexy: …


    ....ok, I'm never playing with Defender on my team, that is exactly the kind of bull I've been trying to avoid.

    What the fuck? That's not what I said at all. What the hell, man? I want to see the wave file. I definitely never called anybody a "tard."

    And I never said anything about 2-3 item shops. I usually have 2 in the LATE game, so "always have 2-3" isn't what I said. Hell, in tower games, I don't even build ONE until the rush gets working.

    Defender on
  • Wombat!!Wombat!! Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    I asked them. They all said that they got unlimited gold, but i do not know how they could make all those towers, then the druids with no gold mines left.

    Also, anyone want to play?

    Wombat!! on
  • MonkeybombMonkeybomb Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Shit, I still can't fucking beat the computer on normal in a 1v1.

    Though I'm getting back into the swing with battle tanks.

    Monkeybomb on
    Xbox Live Gamertag: Triplemonkeybom
  • DefenderDefender Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Oh hey, I know what it was. Trexy and I had a disagreement after a game where I was teamed with Strato and we beat him and I think Pip.

    I was positive toward EVERYONE who played in that game, both my ally and my opponents.

    But Trexy disagreed with me that rushing works better on small maps than large ones, and we had a five-minute back-and-forth (no hostility or name-calling, just disagreement) about it. And now apparently he's posting some things that I did say in with some rather insulting things that I most definitely did not. I guess I'll give the benefit of the doubt and assume it's a joke.

    But it's kind of poor taste, man.

    Defender on
  • Wombat!!Wombat!! Registered User regular
    edited May 2007

    Also, lets play.

    Wombat!! on
  • TrexyTrexy Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Ok everyone, I talked to defender, and saw his posts, and would like to clarify a few things.
    The chatlog I posted earlier never happened.
    It was based off of a few games we played, in which we attempted a hilariously gimmicky tower rush. Everything said in the game was light hearted, and then expanded in to what was allegedly supposed to be a humorous report of the games.
    I was not implying that you shouldn’t play with defender, and that he will bitch at you if you’re not doing well.
    Defender is easily the best player of all the PA’s I’ve played with, learned the most from, and enjoyed playing with most.

    Trexy on
  • DefenderDefender Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Trexy wrote: »
    Ok everyone, I talked to defender, and saw his posts, and would like to clarify a few things.
    The chatlog I posted earlier never happened.
    It was based off of a few games we played, in which we attempted a hilariously gimmicky tower rush. Everything said in the game was light hearted, and then expanded in to what was allegedly supposed to be a humorous report of the games.
    I was not implying that you shouldn’t play with defender, and that he will bitch at you if you’re not doing well.
    Defender is easily the best player of all the PA’s I’ve played with, learned the most from, and enjoyed playing with most.

    Thank you.

    I only made a thing out of this because I don't want guys like Arsenic, who are perfectly nice people, to think "don't play with Defender, he'll bitch you out and treat you like shit because he's better at Warcraft than you." I enjoyed playing with you guys, even in the matches we lost.

    Those tower rushes that worked, though...shit, man. Those were the best.

    EDIT: I'd really like to help people improve their game and have a good time, that's what I'm here for. If I just wanted to win, I'd make smurf accounts and play solo matches or AT with RedTide and Musashi.

    Defender on
  • OrestesOrestes Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Are we playing tonight?

    Orestes on
  • DefenderDefender Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Orestes wrote: »
    Are we playing tonight?


    Everyone just stopped.

    Man, your timing is bad.

    Defender on
  • OrestesOrestes Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Are you serious?! I mean, I JUST finished studying for my Chem Quiz tomorrow. I decide to kick back and play some Warcraft, and now your all gone.

    Orestes on
  • TrexyTrexy Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    t defender- You actually do make more then one item shop?
    I was 100% making that up, how worthwhile is it?
    Because, quite seriously, when I have several expansions up, and more money then what I know what to do with, I start wishing they restocked heath and mana pots faster.

    Trexy on
  • DefenderDefender Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Trexy wrote: »
    t defender- You actually do make more then one item shop?
    I was 100% making that up, how worthwhile is it?
    Because, quite seriously, when I have several expansions up, and more money then what I know what to do with, I start wishing they restocked heath and mana pots faster.

    Yeah, that's one reason why I build two. In mass-moonwell games, I sometimes even build three shops to get moonstones faster (those can make or break the game during a long battle when you have a lot of wells). But again, I don't usually have two shops at tier 1, that's usually later.

    Another reason is that enemies with siege will often aim at your shop first, and shops are apparently made of cardboard; they usually have about 1/4 to 1/3 of the health of all your other biuildings...a little weaker than a tower. Having a second shop in the back means that you can still use that capability during battle, not just to buy items, but also to do shit like make batriders or mountain giants.

    Yet another reason is that in 2v2 or bigger, sometimes people will portal to your base and then not be able to defend it. In a team game, this doesn't mean that you've lost yet, but it could mean defeat if you lose all your heroes and armies in the fight. If there are extra shops, though, you and your allies have a better chance of being able to get enough portals that they can escape with heroes and armies intact, and you can possibly escape with whatever you have left, including potentially a good-sized worker force to re-establish yourself at an expansion and make a comeback (or at least get an altar and some food buildings up so you can keep using your heroes).

    Also, having shops in different areas means that your heroes can escape a near-death situation during a battle and there will be a shop in the part of the base that they run to, allowing quick health/mana replenishment so they can continue to help (or at least just not die).

    Defender on
  • IHasABucketIHasABucket Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Defender, apparently you are pretty good. I think I do fairly well myself, wanna get an AT in here sometime?

    What is your account name?

    IHasABucket on
  • TrexyTrexy Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Tossrock is good too.

    Trexy on
  • TossrockTossrock too weird to live too rare to dieRegistered User regular
    edited May 2007

    Tossrock on
  • TrexyTrexy Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    t Tossrock – do you want to be my friend on in a little bit?

    Trexy on
  • iusehappymodiusehappymod Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    I'd play in a bit, although I'm not at the caliber of any of you people.

    iusehappymod on

    Hamlet will be Hamlet
    An ineffable tragedy of the human spirit that still resonates, even today.
  • TrexyTrexy Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    What you lack in skill, you make up in spirit!

    Trexy on
  • klokklok Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Anyone up for a game?

    klok on
  • iusehappymodiusehappymod Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Trexy wrote: »
    What you lack in skill, you make up in spirit!

    and awkward silences.

    EDIT: Yes. Up for a game.

    iusehappymod on

    Hamlet will be Hamlet
    An ineffable tragedy of the human spirit that still resonates, even today.
  • YggdrasillYggdrasill Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    I'm game

    Yggdrasill on
  • iusehappymodiusehappymod Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    East. Channel PA. Safe word is "Jubblies".

    iusehappymod on

    Hamlet will be Hamlet
    An ineffable tragedy of the human spirit that still resonates, even today.
  • iusehappymodiusehappymod Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    hey. so. Somone who can host should get online. Teehee.

    iusehappymod on

    Hamlet will be Hamlet
    An ineffable tragedy of the human spirit that still resonates, even today.
  • TrexyTrexy Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Gettin on right now doggies.

    Trexy on
  • TossrockTossrock too weird to live too rare to dieRegistered User regular
    edited May 2007
    I just did as well. Although extreme sleep deprivation my hamper my play.

    Tossrock on
  • XheroXhero la contr'une Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    hey I play this game!

    Xhero on
  • DefenderDefender Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    I will be on tonight, duders.

    Defender on
  • StratoStrato Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    I should be on too.

    Strato on
  • TrexyTrexy Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    We just finished a FFA game in Market Square.
    I had five bases.
    I pretty much emptied all the goldmines.
    Set up 200 some odd towers.
    Good lord.

    Trexy on
  • Wombat!!Wombat!! Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Would anyone like to

    Wombat!! on
  • TossrockTossrock too weird to live too rare to dieRegistered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Trexy wrote: »
    We just finished a FFA game in Market Square.
    I had five bases.
    I pretty much emptied all the goldmines.
    Set up 200 some odd towers.
    Good lord.

    Man, fucking DG and his "suicide on your army lol" messed that one up for me.

    Also my lack of ruthless early game elimination. Still had the most hero and unit kills when I left, though.

    Tossrock on
  • YggdrasillYggdrasill Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    i'll play nowish

    Yggdrasill on
  • klokklok Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    I am chilling in the channel if anyone wants to play.

    klok on
  • MonkeybombMonkeybomb Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    I'm going to try to find a battle tanks game I think.

    Monkeybomb on
    Xbox Live Gamertag: Triplemonkeybom
  • MonkeybombMonkeybomb Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Okay, so I need some help.

    Back when I was last playing WC3 a couple of years ago there was this mod out that was kinda like battle tanks, but it had an over-the-shoulder viewpoint. You would start with a tank and be able to upgrade after enough kills and whatnot.

    It's evidently not battle tanks, since that's top-down. I'd really like to find this mod again. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Maybe a previous version of something that currently exists?

    Monkeybomb on
    Xbox Live Gamertag: Triplemonkeybom
  • TossrockTossrock too weird to live too rare to dieRegistered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Over the shoulder cam systems in warcraft 3 are pretty much ass terrible, due to the lack of mouse tracking natives. I'd suggest you just stick to one of the newer ones, but if you really wanna find it, head to or and do a couple searches.

    If you want to find similar fast paced, team based action you could try Pudge Wars Advanced

    I hear it's pretty good

    Tossrock on
  • trentsteeltrentsteel Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Anyone on right now? I wants to play

    trentsteel on
    I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!

  • trentsteeltrentsteel Registered User regular
    edited May 2007
    Okay I made an account on US west.

    Add to friends plz


    I'm using "trensteel" in there. If you are from PA please add me.

    trentsteel on
    I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!

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