
[Fallen Earth] Now free-to-play, if you can actually log in.



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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    I really dislike how this is being handled. Communication is pretty abysmal here regarding what is going on and when it will go down. I feel like this F2P announcement should have been made much later if it isn't going to occur for at least another month. Most people will have forgotten about this game by October, so why announce it so early and waste the hype/PR?

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    FandyienFandyien But Otto, what about us? Registered User regular
    the fallen earth dev team is not, historically, super competent

    they have great ideas but aren't particularly good at executing them in a timely fashion

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Well, obviously they're not super competent if they have to turn to F2P.

    But my friend and I were seeing this as a great chance to fill in the void until TOR. Assuming TOR has a Nov release, I just don't see myself giving enough of a shit about this game if I gotta wait until Octoberish.

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    ArthilArthil Registered User regular
    Turning to F2P does not mean the developer is incompetent.

    PSN: Honishimo Steam UPlay: Arthil
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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    I can count on one hand the number of games that turned to F2P because they had basically soaked up all the money they were going to make. Everything else is due to serious blunders that led to games incapable of making money.

    It is incompetence on SOMEONE'S part. I'm not letting the publisher off the hook, that's for sure.

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    ArthilArthil Registered User regular
    *Points towards Turbine, D&D Online and LOTRO which made far more money by going F2P, the latter being a conscious choice to make more money by the devs.*

    PSN: Honishimo Steam UPlay: Arthil
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    FandyienFandyien But Otto, what about us? Registered User regular
    those are good examples

    regardless fallen earth doesn't have the most practically effective dev team at all, they have a pretty bad track record with bug fixes and persisting issues they just don't address

    but they have rad ideas and right now FE is growing pretty substantially, at least compared to what it was like a year ago

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    D&D Online was never doing super well until it went F2P, and LOTRO is one of the rare examples of solid game going F2P.

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    FandyienFandyien But Otto, what about us? Registered User regular
    i would, however, like to note that fallen earth's pvp when you're at cap is a spectacular and unique thing with no real competitors in the mmo world right now

    i have tons of fun watching my friend pvp with his capped character, so i'm p stoked for this to go F2P so i can get in on it

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    Liquid GhostLiquid Ghost DO YOU HEAR THE VOICES, TOO?! Registered User regular
    Between this and Global Agenda, I've got my "shooter MMO thingy" itch pretty much scratched.

    I'm a man of simple tastes and all I want to do is shoot dudes on either post-apocalyptic Earth kind of or somewhere on the Moon or some shit.

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    tricontricon Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    http://massively.joystiq.com/category/fallen-earth/ posted the new f2p model:


    If you have a old account check your mail, you can play for 7days for free before the go f2p.

    Some notes.
    If you still have the old FE client you need only to merge your account, follow the
    mail instructions and install the gamersfirst live client. It will start your old fe
    client. Login with your gamersfirst acc/pw.

    If you started the the atv quest but not finish it you have a problem after the 1.9+ patch because only the new quest chain offers the knowledge for atv.

    If you need Weak Biologic Chemical for crafting(e.g gunpowder). Remember that you can use
    Creeper Toxin Gland for it. The mine right outside of watchtower has dozens of
    cave creepers (very common drop).

    Here is good list of all skills & mutations. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgibLyiox_84dF94SklZX3BhdnkyNFJRX3U3alpBLWc&hl=en_US#gid=0 Firefox seems a bit slow for it, so better
    use chrome. :P

    tricon on
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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    I merged my accounts several weeks ago, and got jack shit. So...I guess players who did it TOO early get nothing?

    They're not instilling an ounce of confidence in me that this is going to be done competently.

    But I think I can guess the ranks...

    Scavenger: Free Accounts, obviously.
    Survivalist: Probably the base account for people that spend any money on the game. Should be the rank for people that bought the game before F2P.
    Wastelander: Probably for people that have spent money in the past X weeks?
    Commander: The fourth rank is what throws me for a loop. I'm guessing this is a subscription-based rank, but Wastelander is a weird one.

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    tricontricon Registered User regular
    News from the blog: October 12th, 2011Fallen Earth goes full f2p.
    Rorus Raz wrote:
    I merged my accounts several weeks ago, and got jack shit. So...I guess players who did it TOO early get nothing?

    They're not instilling an ounce of confidence in me that this is going to be done competently.
    No idea, some reported that the got the 7 extra free days and merged the accounts weeks ago. If you can't login with your gf account, sent a mail to support@fallenearth.com :P

    But I think I can guess the ranks...

    Scavenger: Free Accounts, obviously.
    Survivalist: Probably the base account for people that spend any money on the game. Should be the rank for people that bought the game before F2P.
    Wastelander: Probably for people that have spent money in the past X weeks?
    Commander: The fourth rank is what throws me for a loop. I'm guessing this is a subscription-based rank, but Wastelander is a weird one.


    Updated Picture:


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    Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    Wow, their top end is 30 bucks a month? My gut went "Holy shit." Then I thought about it, realized how much fun I did have when I did play (despite it's flaws, and the eventual burn out I get from MMO's, it's a very fun game), and thought "I could pay that much to level faster...."

    Unfortunately, I would most likely want to wait and see if they've fixed the economy. Holding onto money is rather hard in FE...

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod

    Hold the fuck on.

    So, as someone who paid REAL FUCKING MONEY for this game, I'm given the same deal as a guy who just signs up for free?

    What a fucking joke.

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    Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    Rorus Raz wrote:

    Hold the fuck on.

    So, as someone who paid REAL FUCKING MONEY for this game, I'm given the same deal as a guy who just signs up for free?

    What a fucking joke.

    This is also an important point. In order to return to your previous status if you paid for and subscribed to the game, you have to continue to pay $10. I do think that if you bought the game at any point, your account should always and forever be at the "Survivalist" level without fee's. I mean shit, you supported the game through it's very troubled period.

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    The one thing veterans get is apparently Commander rank at Wastelander price.

    Though I have this weird feeling Veteran is going to have a very narrow scope.

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    Actually, I think Survivalist would be too generous for no sub. Most F2P MMOs have some sort of permanent perks for anyone that spents cash money on the game: be it having bought the game or throw money at the cash shop. It's generally Free -> Paid Cash at Some Point -> Subscriber

    Fallen Earth just goes Free -> Cheap Sub -> Sub -> Hahahaha who is going to pay that much?

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    MadpoetMadpoet Registered User regular
    I'm trying to wrap my head around this - the game seems to revolve around crafting. But all crafting of any kind requires INT or Perception. So, if I want to be a Melee tanky sorta guy, tradeskills seem outside of where I'd want to put points. Is there a place in the apocalypse for such a thing, or is it a world of really smart perceptive doods making shit?

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    Fantastication2Fantastication2 Registered User regular
    edited September 2011
    Really smart perceptive doods making shit and passing it to their big bulky protectors.

    Fantastication2 on
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    ArchonexArchonex No hard feelings, right? Registered User regular
    edited September 2011
    Or jack of all trades loners trekking out into the wastes and building their own gear with a bit of cunning and savvy. The stats for pistols and rifles have a lot intersection with the crafting stats.

    My rifle using, armor wearing, crafter, was awesome to play. I slapped a scope on my rifle, and would sneak around and snipe enemies before going in to harvest in the more dangerous locations.

    And by sneak, I don't mean, trigger a skill and sneak. I'd find a nice, elevated place, with a few rocks to hide behind in case something went wrong. And then go prone and start doing the sniper thing. It was ten kinds of awesome.

    I'd be fucked if I tried to explore somewhere indoors without much room to snipe from, though, I think. At the very least i'd need to switch to a closer range rifle.

    Archonex on
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    Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    You get enough total AP to max 5 stats, and (I think) 7 skills. There's a character planner here that I used to use to figure out builds. It's a little out of date I think, but not terrible.

    The general melee build (and one I used at 40 during one of the remap handouts), is STR/Cord/Int/Perc, melee/armor (or split with dodge, but that's less effective)/Dealers choice. It works pretty well, ultimately, I found that pistol was way better in the late game, with rifle in second, and melee falling far behind. It's great for early to mid game (no ammo!) but after that it starts to fall off rapidly.

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    tricontricon Registered User regular
    Try this new one with the 1.9 data: http://warungqita.com/planner/

    Finish my 7days. So far I like the game but not so much to subscripe to it. :P
    Found it interesting that the still did not fix some of the beta bugs like invisible
    heads and agro through doors (seems more of a feature this days.....). Some areas
    like boneclaw got a facelift.

    Actions from skills are more useful then mutations this days. Only one I used was Empathic.
    The old quest are still there if you wish to pickup the items for them.

    From the help channel, seems the got enough new players at last to test the trial version.
    Maybe the f2p will help game in the long run.

    Back when the game will be f2p...............

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    Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    I'm mildly interested...I suppose I can merge my account, download the game and check it out, just to see whats up.

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    Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    edited September 2011
    Check that, apparently I didn't do the rain dance right, or pray to the moon good hard enough while going through G1's terrible system. I didn't get my 7 days free, and can't play. I'm not even sure if my accounts merged right...

    Anon the Felon on
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    FandyienFandyien But Otto, what about us? Registered User regular
    they sent me a hat for the last month i was active (august)

    hopefully i can still wear that hat with a free account

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    ShanadeusShanadeus Registered User regular

    I really like this.
    You can do everything that subscribers are able to do, only at a slower pace.

    I hate it when the free option completely exclude certain feature s(Champions Online's customized characters and LOTRO monster play come to mind) and won't even let me buy them. Does not mesh well together with the buffet-mindset of allowing players who do not like subscriptions to buy the game in increments.

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    This goes F2P in two days.

    If you plan on dropping cash money on the game at all, I suggest you do it now. They're having a 20% off sale on game time, and any subs that existed prior to the transition will become Commander rank until they end (at which point they'll become Wastelander subs if you don't change or cancel). So if you buy a three-month sub, you're getting three months of Commander for roughly $11.50 a month. Shit, there's not discount on monthly subs, but even that would be five bucks off the cost of Commander.

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    MarlowMarlow Registered User regular
    edited October 2011
    Ok folks, the thread has piqued my interest. I'm patching now. Do we have any guilds going currently?

    My IGN is Sam Jogo

    Marlow on
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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    I doubt many people are playing until Wednesday.

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    MarlowMarlow Registered User regular
    Rorus Raz wrote:
    I doubt many people are playing until Wednesday.

    Yea, I'm just in one of the starting towns now, so I'm not really itching to faction up yet. I'm using a free trial that will carry me until after the game goes f2p.

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    tricontricon Registered User regular
    Rorus Raz wrote:
    This goes F2P in two days.

    If you plan on dropping cash money on the game at all, I suggest you do it now. They're having a 20% off sale on game time, and any subs that existed prior to the transition will become Commander rank until they end (at which point they'll become Wastelander subs if you don't change or cancel). So if you buy a three-month sub, you're getting three months of Commander for roughly $11.50 a month. Shit, there's not discount on monthly subs, but even that would be five bucks off the cost of Commander.
    Announcing the Spiked Chopper! All players that had ever subscribed before Free2Play will have one of these sweet rides waiting for them in their email when the F2P patch goes live!



    Hmmmm. Ok one month subscription seems not that bad now.

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    am0nam0n Registered User regular
    I would also be interesting in knowing if there is a guild going on. I have some time to kill waiting for SW:TOR and may look into this.

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    KadokenKadoken Giving Ends to my Friends and it Feels Stupendous Registered User regular
    Is there power armor in this game (like Fallout?)?

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    ArchonexArchonex No hard feelings, right? Registered User regular
    I remember there being EOD bomb tech style armor.

    Not sure about power armor. Though it was planned for the future at the time of release.

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    Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    No power armor. There is some really big and bulky power armor looking armor, but it's really really hard to get (not talking drops here...). You need to be an Enforcer faction, then max out the enforcer faction, which takes....a very long time. Then you can buy the armor from the quartermaster for like 50 red chips if I remember correctly. I tried to do it (because it does look rad), after about 2 weeks of grinding the faction quests, I was about 45% there.

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    Hahnsoo1Hahnsoo1 Make Ready. We Hunt.Registered User, Moderator mod
    I'm really digging this game. It gives me the large vast sections of wasteland to explore that I wanted in Fallout: New Vegas (but never QUITE got) and a crafting system that I adore, which is functionally similar to a crafting system I developed for a Neverwinter Nights mod (offline crafting queues, key knowledges to learn recipes, researching tiered new recipes, etc.)... I liked it back then when I was just making it up, and I like it now, when someone else does it better than I could ever do.

    My main is a level 25 (and climbing) Rifle/Crafter build named Jack Raptor. Send me a tell and tell me that you're from PA, and I'll add you to my friends list.

    On a side note, for my newbie Melee dude, I'm really digging the Cemented Pole. It practically one-shots anything that's level 10 or lower, if you get a head hit. I don't think anything else has that much initial damage per swing.

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    Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    Got my code for the chopper. Downloading the game now to check out what changes are in. Might not stay, but I'll let you know.

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    Hahnsoo1Hahnsoo1 Make Ready. We Hunt.Registered User, Moderator mod
    Got my code for the chopper. Downloading the game now to check out what changes are in. Might not stay, but I'll let you know.
    Servers are down currently. Looks like the F2P was too much for the poor hamster. It should be up again soon.

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    randombattlerandombattle Registered User regular
    Yeah I was looking forward to jumping in on this after having played all the New Vegas DLC but sadly the servers are dead.

    I never asked for this!
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