
It's spider season!

Samir Duran DuranSamir Duran Duran Registered User regular
edited September 2011 in Social Entropy++
It's that magical time of year again. The time when when every tree, lamp post and exterior house surface plays host to the intricate work of the humble orb-weaver spiders made with their finest threads.


I say, I simply feel compelled to build a big web and literally sit in it all day!
(Thanks Bel)

I see them everywhere right now, in many cases with 3 or 4 spiders building webs in the same place or 6+ around shoreline debris (they seem to really love the sea). Granted it can be a little unnerving to be out running and run face-first through a web and then 2 more before you can realize what's happening but I consider that a small price to pay for the vigilant watch provided by our flying pest eating arachnid friends.

There is even one dimwitted orb-weaver that built a web right over my front door which it sits in facing out, and it scurries to the edge every time I go through that door like it's some new thing.

And if it isn't spider season where you are or you don't have one, that's a damn shame:


This thread is now about how much spiders enrich your life personally, and why jumping spiders are hydrauliclly powered.

Or Ant Lions I guess.


Post your fav spider/clever wordplay involving how much you hate spiders!

(if this OP lacks content I am willing to do some revision)

Samir Duran Duran on


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